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Jia Ling becomes the top grossing female Chinese director

来源:中国日报    2021-02-18 09:59

        As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams.作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求自己的艺术梦想。
        The sudden shakeup reflects the extent to which Hi, Mom has become China's clear favorite among the Lunar New Year offerings. Written, directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling, Hi, Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release.《你好,李焕英》的“异军突起”说明,这部电影明显是中国观众的春节档最爱。影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。
        Thanks to Hi, Mom's powerful performance to date, Jia is already China's most commercially successful female filmmaker ever.《你好,李焕英》目前强劲的票房表现,使得贾玲成为中国商业上最成功的女导演。
        China's New Year box office tends to reward titles with broad family appeal — and a little sentimentality rarely hurts. Hi, Mom appears to have hit all the right notes.中国的春节档电影偏爱家庭主题,带点小小的伤感。而“李焕英”则刚好精准击中了这些点。
        Hi, Mom should end up just over/under $400 million tonight. Where these two films end up is an open question, but “above $750 million” seems to be pretty likely.
        If Hi, Mom ends up above the $821 million global cume of Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, it’ll be the biggest grossing movie ever by a solo female director. 如果《你好,李焕英》的票房超过了8.21亿美元(53.02亿元),那么贾玲将超越《神奇女侠》的导演派蒂·杰金斯,成为世界票房最高的女导演。

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