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Millions of Texans struggle for drinking water following deadly winter storm

来源:中国日报    2021-02-20 09:45

        At least 37 people have died because of weather-related fatalities since Thursday, the majority in Texas.自18日以来,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,其中大部分来自得克萨斯州。
        Hundreds of thousands in the state remained without power on Thursday, trying their best to stay warm and dry as burst pipes flood homes. Millions who got their lights back on were also dealing with water and other issues.18日,该州仍有数十万人断电,水管爆裂淹没了房屋,人们只能尽力保持温暖和干燥。数百万供电恢复的人也在处理水和其他问题。
        Texans were under notice to boil tap water before drinking it after days of record low temperatures damaged infrastructure, caused blackouts and froze water pipes.由于连日来的极寒天气损坏了基础设施,导致断电和水管冻结,得州居民收到通知自来水要烧开了才能喝。
        While power has been restored to millions in Texas, nearly half of residents, 13 million, don't have access to clean, running water.虽然数百万居民家里已经恢复供电,但仍有近半居民——1300万人——无法获得干净的直饮水。
        Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said on MSNBC that the majority of her community, which includes Houston, is under a water boil notice, "but they don't have power to boil the water."得州哈里斯县法官丽娜·伊达尔戈对MSNBC表示,该县包括休斯顿在内的大部分地区都收到了烧水通知,“但是他们没有电来烧水。”
        The mayor of Houston, Sylvester Turner, urged those without power - and unable to boil tap water - to try to access bottled water wherever possible.休斯顿市长希尔维特斯·特纳敦促因断电无法烧水的居民尽量买到瓶装水。
        In many homes, the tap is dry. Finding bottled water is nearly impossible. Some have resorted to boiling snow. Houston opened 11 sites Thursday to help give away water.许多家庭断水,找不到瓶装水。有些人不得不喝煮沸的雪。休斯顿18日开放了11个供水点。
        As then-mayor of Colorado City, Tim Boyd wrote an insensitive message for people desperate for heat, water and power, saying "only the strong will survive and the weak will [perish.]"作为科罗拉多市前市长,蒂姆·博伊德写了一条冷酷无情的贴文,对亟需水电暖气供应的居民说,“只有强者才能生存,弱者将会死去。”

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