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Chinese New Year Tradition: Pasting The ''Fu''

来源:中国日报    2021-02-08 10:27

        The Lunar New Year is laden with traditional customs. One, still hugely popular, is to hang the Chinese character fu (fortune, bliss) upside down on prominent places.        农历新年讲究各种传统习俗,一个至今广为流传的习俗就是贴倒福。
        It works as a pun and is meant to prompt visitors to comment: "Your fu is upside down." As "upside down" in Chinese sounds like "arrive", the comment doubles as, "Fortune arrives [at your home]" - a New Year greeting to the household.这是一个双关,拜访者会说,“你的福倒了。”“倒”在中文里谐音“到”,所以这句话就意味着“福到了”,代表着对一家人的新年祝福。        所以什么地方的福字要正着贴呢?大门!
        The front door is the entrance to the household. It's where good fortune can be invited into the house. In Chinese culture it's a solemn place of acceptance that needs to be respected. An upside-down posting of fu on the front door is unnecessary and irreverent.前门是一户人家的入口,是“迎福”“纳福”之地。在中国文化中,大门是庄重之地,倒着贴“福”是不敬的。        irreverent /ɪˈrevərənt/:不敬的
        A few places that we commonly see the word upside down would be on your rice vat, on the shelves and on the trash bins. In the past, you may even find it on various big urns that may contain anything from fermented foods to water.通常人们会在米缸、柜子、垃圾箱上看见倒着贴的福字。在旧时候,各种发酵缸、水缸上也会贴着倒福。        由于水缸和垃圾箱是从里边倒东西出来。为了避讳把家里的福气倒掉,便倒贴福字。

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