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Stinky Luosifen: The most popular snack for a stay-at-home Spring Festival

来源:中国日报    2021-02-09 10:46

        Stinky Luosifen, or river snail rice noodles, became the most popular Chinese New Year's snack this year on e-commerce platforms, as Chinese people prepare for a stay-at-home holiday due to the COVID-19 pandemic.螺蛳粉成为今年电商平台上最受欢迎的中国新年小吃,这是因为新冠疫情下,中国人准备在家过节。        On the traditional Laba Festival, which fell on January 20, Chinese e-commerce platforms kicked off a one-month-long "2021 Online Chinese New Year's Goods Festival" for the convenience of people across the country that can now easily buy some seasonal specials.1月20日是传统腊八节,这一天中国电商平台拉开了为期一个月的“2021年网上年货节”的序幕,以方便全国人民轻松买到一些应季特产。
        Traditionally, dried fruits, sweets, and pastries are a must-buy "three-piece set" snacks for the Chinese New Year. But this year, new competitors are taking over.传统上,干果、糖果和糕点是过年必买的“三件套”小吃。但今年,新的竞争对手出现了。        比自热火锅更火爆的,是螺蛳粉的崛起。疫情期间螺蛳粉可以说是爆火出圈,就连老外都嗦粉嗦得上头了。
        According to data from Tmall and Taobao, both e-commerce platforms under Alibaba, the turnover of Luosifen on the first day of the online festival was 15 times bigger than last year, with the number of buyers growing nine times year-on-year. The largest group of buyers was the post-90s generation.阿里巴巴旗下电商平台天猫和淘宝的数据显示,网购节首日螺蛳粉的成交量是去年的15倍,买家数量同比增长9倍。最大的买家群体是90后。        Self-heating hot pots rank only second to Luosifen on the most popular goods list by Tmall and Taobao. 在天猫和淘宝最畅销商品排行榜上,自热火锅仅次于螺蛳粉。
        Besides, the turnovers of hot pot soup base and induction cookers increased by 540 percent and 240 percent, respectively, year-on-year. Other popular goods include facial masks, medical beauty products, and games.此外,火锅底料和电磁炉的销售额分别同比增长540%和240%。其他热销商品包括面膜、医疗美容产品和游戏。        快过年了,你都下单了什么年货呢?

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