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7 ways to have a good time spending the holidays at home

来源:中国日报    2021-02-10 11:00

        Game Night         游戏之夜
        Game Night is a fun way to spend the holidays at home. There’s so many choices depending on the size of your household and age range of the members. You can never go wrong with card games. Jenga and board games like Monopoly are go-tos for game night as well. Last but not least, video games are perfect for the little ones and teenagers. Show off your dance moves with Just Dance, or your hoop skills with NBA 2K. The kids will be thrilled that you’re playing video games with them!        宅家度假期间可以快乐地打游戏。游戏多种多样,你可以根据家人的数量和年龄来选择。纸牌游戏是最保险的选择。积木叠叠乐和大富翁等桌面游戏也很不错。还有适合小孩和青少年的电子游戏。你可以用舞力全开游戏展示自己的舞姿,也可以用NBA 2K游戏练习你的投篮技术。和孩子们一起玩电子游戏会让他们很兴奋。
        Holiday Movie Marathon         电影马拉松
        Pick your favorite holiday movies. Pop some popcorn. Bake some cupcakes or cookies, and you’re ready for your movie marathon. You can also choose a different theme if you’re not into traditional holiday movies- like your favorite super hero movies or the Harry Potter series.        挑选你最喜爱的节日电影。准备一些爆米花。烤一些纸杯蛋糕或曲奇饼,然后电影马拉松就可以开始了。如果你不喜欢传统的节日电影,也可以选择不同的主题,比如你喜欢的超级英雄电影或哈利波特系列电影。
        Turn Routine on its Head         打乱常规作息
        This is especially fun for young kids. Make eggs for dinner or eat dessert for lunch. Wear pajamas all day. Camp out in the living room or backyard. Stay up late. This is still a vacation even if you're at home, so let loose and have fun.        小孩子最喜欢颠覆常规的生活。晚餐吃鸡蛋,午餐吃甜点。一整天都穿睡衣。在客厅或后院里支起野营帐篷。熬到很晚才睡。虽然在家,但毕竟是放假了,所以让大家都随心所欲地玩乐吧。
        Karaoke Party K        歌大会
        Karaoke parties are so much fun. Everyone of all ages will thoroughly enjoy themselves. You can end your family holiday dinners with a round of karaoke.        K歌大会非常有趣。各个年龄段的人都会玩得很开心。全家人在吃完节日大餐后可以来一场卡拉OK。
        Virtual Family Gathering         线上团聚
        You can celebrate virtually with family and friends that you aren’t able to visit or host this year due to the pandemic. Schedule a virtual family dinner and give everyone a chance to state what they are grateful for. After dinner, have a Virtual Karaoke Party and let everyone sing their favorite song. Then end the night with a family performance.        你可以在线上与今年因疫情而不能拜访或招待的家人朋友聚会。策划一场虚拟家庭聚餐,让每个人都有机会讲讲自己想感恩的人和事。聚餐结束后,举办一场线上K歌大会,每个人都唱自己最喜欢的歌。然后以家庭集体表演结束这个美好的夜晚。
        Empower Your Kids         放权给孩子
        Each family member takes turns choosing an activity for the day. This may be as simple as a board game or a bike ride. Say “yes” to your kids whenever possible, even to your teenager who wants to spend the afternoon alone in his or her room.        每个家庭成员轮流选择当天的活动。活动可以很简单,比如玩桌面游戏或骑自行车。尽可能答应孩子的要求,对你的大孩子也如此,即使他们只想下午把自己关在房间里也随着他们。
        Visit a Faraway Place—at Home         在家“旅游”
        Pick a country and spend the day learning about it. Dress in traditional clothing, cook the food and play a game native to that culture. This idea requires a bit more effort, but since your vacation is at home, you've saved some energy by not planning hotels or plane tickets.        挑选一个国家,然后花一天时间了解这个国家。穿上这个国家的传统服饰,烹饪该国的食物,玩该国的游戏。这个度假方式可能要费一些精力,但考虑到在家度假不用订酒店和机票,还是更省心。

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