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Yay or nay? U.S. fast-food giants now offer Chinese regional food

来源:中国日报    2021-02-05 11:13

        The sweet-and-spicy dessert was due to be sold in select McDonald's stores, including in Shanghai and Shenzhen, from January 26 to 31. It debuted a "spicy chili oil sundae," which combines a vanilla-flavored soft serve covered in chili oil. 这款甜辣相结合的甜品原定于1月26日至31日在麦当劳的部分门店出售(包括上海和深圳)。带着“油泼辣子新地”的名字初次亮相,新品将香草味的冰淇淋和辣椒油相融合。
        From Chinese burgers to ice cream doused in chili oil, US fast-food giants are infusing their offerings with a Chinese flair.从肉夹馍到辣椒油泡冰淇淋,美国快餐业巨头正在将其产品注入中国风味。
        Earlier this year, McDonald's China added roujiamo, a street-food staple from Shaanxi province, to its menu. Known as "Chinese burger," it's meat sandwiched between two flat buns. The limited-edition special, according to the company, was in celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year.今年早些时候,麦当劳中国在菜单中加入了陕西省的街头小吃肉夹馍。它被称为“中国汉堡”,是将肉夹在两个扁平小圆饼之间。该公司表示,该限定菜品是为了庆祝即将到来的农历新年。
        Many said that the roujiamo on offer looked nothing like the advertisement... There was also a bit of confusion about how much meat was hiding between the bread – some complained the filling was less-than-generous, others had no issue with it.许多网友表示,店里提供的肉夹馍看上去与广告完全不同…… 两个面饼之间到底有多少肉也引起了一些争论——有些人抱怨馅料不够多,有些人则对此没有异议。
        KFC is also taking the same path as McDonald's. The fast food chain, known for its fried chicken, introduced hot-and-dry noodles to the menus of 100 stores in the dish's birthplace, Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province. 肯德基也选择了与麦当劳相同的道路。这家以炸鸡闻名的快餐连锁店将热干面引入了其发源地湖北武汉的100家门店中。
        Reganmian is a common go-to breakfast choice for locals in Wuhan, and KFC's version is the result of a partnership between its parent company Yum China and the Hubei Provincial Government to support locally-produced ingredients. 热干面对武汉人来说是个普遍的早餐选择。肯德基版本的热干面是其母公司百胜中国与湖北省政府合作支持本地食材的成果。

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