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Hungary signs deal for Chinese Sinopharm's COVID-19 vaccine, first in EU

来源:中国日报    2021-02-05 13:43

        Hungary became the European Union’s first member to approve China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, sealing a deal on Friday for 5 million doses just a week after becoming the first EU member to buy Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine.        匈牙利成为首个批准使用中国国药集团新冠疫苗的欧盟成员国,并在1月29日与中方签订了购买500万剂疫苗的正式合同。就在一周前,匈牙利成为首个购买俄罗斯“卫星V”新冠疫苗的欧盟成员国。
        Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said the Sinopharm vaccines were enough to inoculate 2.5 million people, or about a quarter of its population, delivered in four batches over four months.        匈牙利外交部长彼得·西亚尔托说,中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗将分4批在4个月内交付匈牙利,足够250万人接种,大约相当于匈牙利全国人口的四分之一。
        Prime Minister Viktor Orban said he would personally opt to receive the Chinese vaccine, as he trusted it more than others.        匈牙利总理欧尔班表示,他最相信中国生产的新冠疫苗,个人会选择中国疫苗。
        “I’m waiting for the Chinese vaccine, I trust in that the most,” Orban said. “Some people think about vaccines ideologically, and they need a western one and not an eastern one. I think the Chinese have known this virus for the longest, and they probably know it the best.”        他说:“我在等待中国疫苗,也最相信中国疫苗。有人以意识形态思维认为应该用西方而不是东方的疫苗。我认为中国人是最早认识这个病毒的,他们也最了解这个病毒。”
        Hungarian officials have criticised the EU for what they see as a slow vaccine roll-out, and in recent months have insisted that procuring vaccines developed in both western and eastern countries, such as Russia and China, would ensure that Hungarians get quick access to vaccinations.        匈牙利官员批评欧盟在疫苗采购和分配问题上动作缓慢,并在近几个月坚称,采购俄罗斯和中国等国家研发的疫苗,不管是来自西方还是东方,这将确保匈牙利人能迅速接种疫苗。
        The announcement came a day after Hungary’s government issued a decree calling for a green light for any vaccine that had been administered to at least 1 million people in at least three other countries.        匈牙利政府在1月28日公布了一项法令,将对已经在至少3个其他国家接种百万以上人口的任何疫苗启动批准程序。
        Millions of doses made by Sinopharm and Sinovac shipped around the world to developing countries, particularly in Asia and Latin America.        数百万剂中国国药集团和中国科兴生产的新冠疫苗被运往世界各地的发展中国家,尤其是在亚洲和拉丁美洲。
        Meanwhile, EU countries, relying so far almost entirely on a vaccine from Pfizer, have fallen far behind Britain, the United States and a number of developing countries in rolling out vaccines.        与此同时,到目前为止几乎完全依赖辉瑞疫苗的欧盟国家,在疫苗接种方面已经远远落后于英国、美国和一些发展中国家。
        Hungary’s drug regulator gave emergency use approval to the Sinopharm vaccine, rather than wait for the bloc’s European Medicines Agency (EMA) to give the go-ahead, adding it to a list that also includes the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines as well as Russia’s Sputnik-V shot.        匈牙利药品监管机构并未等待欧洲药品管理局(EMA)的批准,而是批准紧急使用中国国药集团研发的新冠疫苗,并将其与辉瑞、摩德纳、阿斯利康以及俄罗斯“卫星V”等新冠疫苗一同列入紧急使用名单。
        Premier Orban said the government monitored inoculations using the Chinese vaccine in neighbouring Serbia.        总理欧尔班说,匈牙利政府正密切关注邻国塞尔维亚接种中国疫苗的情况。
        Asked whether it had completed its study before authorising the vaccine, the drug regulator OGYEI said it gave the green light because the shot fit the conditions in the government decree. It said it would continue to keep track of the vaccine.        当被问及在批准该疫苗之前是否完成了相关研究时,匈牙利药品监管机构OGYEI表示,之所以批准接种,是因为该疫苗符合政府法令。该机构表示将继续跟踪疫苗接种情况。
        It said that another state organisation, the National Public Health Centre, would put each vaccine shipment through tests, adding that 16 million people worldwide had already received the Sinopharm jab safely.        该机构表示,另一个国家机构国家公共卫生中心将对每批疫苗进行检测,并补充称,全球已有1600万人安全地接种了国药集团的疫苗。
        In Hungary, which has close to 10 million people, 364,909 people have been infected and 12,374 people have died of COVID-19 so far. The government has extended restrictions until March 1, including an 8 pm curfew and the closure of restaurants.        匈牙利总人口近1000万,新冠肺炎确诊病例达364909例,死亡病例12374例。政府将疫情封锁措施延长至3月1日,包括晚上8点后实行宵禁和关闭餐馆。

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