东京奥运规则手册发布 需报备抵日“14天活动计划”_OK阅读网
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东京奥运规则手册发布 需报备抵日“14天活动计划”
Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics: Playbook rules detailed to safeguard against coronavirus

来源:中国日报    2021-02-04 13:40

        Singing or chanting will be discouraged at the re-arranged Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in a bid to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus.        为防止新冠病毒的传播,在延期举办的东京奥运会和残奥会期间,不鼓励人们唱歌或喊口号。
        Instead, those attending the Olympics - due to begin on 23 July - and Paralympics - set to start on 24 August - will be encouraged to clap in order to show support.        不过参加东京奥运会和残奥会的人可以鼓掌以示支持。东京奥运会将于7月23日开幕,残奥会将于8月24日开幕。
        The suggestion is one of a number of rules detailed in a 'Playbook' published by organisers.        这一建议只是主办方发布的“东京奥运规则手册”中详细描述的众多规则之一。
        14        天活动计划
        The first Playbook is aimed at members of international federations and technical officials but further versions due to be published will be aimed at athletes and media.        这是奥运会历史上首次推出此类规则手册,主要对象是国际体育组织和技术官员,针对运动员和新闻媒体的规则手册将陆续发布。
        The move to highlight the processes in place to ensure a safe Games comes as organisers stress they are committed to a "successful and safe delivery" of the Games, despite Tokyo currently being in a state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic.        尽管受新冠疫情影响,东京目前处于紧急事态,但主办方强调,他们致力于“成功且安全地举办”奥运会。发布东京奥运规则手册强调了正在实施的赛期防疫流程,以确保奥运会的安全。
        Under a page titled "think hygiene" the Playbook says individuals should "support athletes by clapping and not singing or chanting".        在题为“思考卫生问题”的页面下,该手册称,人们应该“鼓掌支持运动员,而不是唱歌或喊口号”。
        In addition attendees will have to complete a "14-day activity plan" detailing "all your planned activities", including travel and accommodation plans.        此外,所有参加奥运会的人员必须完成一份“14天活动计划”,详细列出“所有计划好的活动”,包括出行和住宿计划。
        While the Playbook is not aimed at athletes, it would also appear competitors may not be allowed to attend other sporting events at the Games.        虽然该手册并不是针对运动员,但里面似乎有内容禁止运动员出现在奥运会其他赛事现场。
        It states "you must not visit Games venues as a spectator" and "you must not visit tourist areas, shops, restaurants or bars and gyms" for the first 14 days from arrival.        手册中规定,在抵达东京后的14天内,“你不能以观众的身份参观奥运场馆、不能到访旅游区、商店、餐馆、酒吧和健身房”。
        "You must only leave your accommodation to go to Official Games Venues and limited additional locations," the Playbook adds.        手册补充道:“离开住所后,你必须前往官方的奥运会场馆和有限的其他地点。”
        The first Playbook, published jointly by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 organising committee, says the aim is to keep participants and the people of Japan safe.        这份手册由国际奥委会、国际残奥委会和东京奥组委联合发布,目的是保护参与者和日本民众的安全。
        The plans stress, however, that risk cannot be "fully eliminated" and that attendees do so "at your own risk".        不过,规划也强调,不能“完全消除”风险,参与者“要自担风险”。
        A vaccination will not be compulsory for those attending the Games, although a negative Covid-19 test in the four weeks leading up to the event will be, while athletes will be tested a minimum of every four days during the Games.        主办方不会要求奥运会和残奥会的参与者必须接种疫苗,但参与者必须提供奥运会开赛前四周内新冠病毒检测阴性证明,而运动员在奥运会期间至少每四天要接受一次新冠病毒检测。
        Attendees must adhere to the rules outlined in their Playbook or risk having their accreditation or right to be at the Games withdrawn.        参与者必须遵守手册中列出的规则,否则他们的参赛或观赛资格将被取消。
        Further guidelines include avoiding enclosed spaces and physical contact "including hugs and handshakes", and that public transport should not be used unless permission is given.        进一步的规则包括避免进入封闭空间以及“拥抱和握手”等身体接触,除非得到允许,否则不应该乘坐公共交通工具。
        IOC president Thomas Bach has repeatedly stressed that the Games will go ahead despite speculation to the contrary.        国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫反复强调,东京奥运会将如期举行,尽管外界的猜测与此相反。
        IOC executive director Christophe Dubi said: "We know these Olympic Games will be different in a number of ways. For all Games participants, there will be some conditions and constraints that will require flexibility and understanding.        国际奥委会执行主任克里斯托弗·杜比说:“我们知道这届奥运会将在很多方面有所不同。对于所有的参与者来说,会有一些条件和限制,需要灵活掌握并加以理解。”
        "You will see that we have asked for an activity plan, why? Not because we want to restrict the freedom, but because we want to make sure that all activities are taking place safely and in case there is an issue everybody can be informed properly and traced back, people can be contacted when needed.        “你们会看到我们要求提供一份活动计划,为什么?不是因为我们想要限制大家的自由,而是因为我们想要确保所有的活动都是安全进行的,万一有问题发生,每个人都能被及时通知到,并加以追溯,在需要的时候可以联系到人们。”

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