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来源:中国日报    2021-01-23 09:00

        Naked all day, wearing clothes at the beach.        一整天都光着,在沙滩上反倒穿上了衣服。
        Listens to music with his eyes. Explain this...        用他的眼睛听音乐。能解释下么……
        Says you are the love of his life. Forgets what you look like and has to put a shoe on every girl in the kingdom.        口口声声说你是他的毕生挚爱,却忘了你长啥样,非得让整个国家的女孩试鞋。
        Nobody in the whole kingdom has the same shoe size. Seriously?        全国都没有人和灰姑娘穿一样大的鞋?你是认真的吗?
        Both are dogs. One is a pet and the other one is the owner.        同样是狗,差别咋这么大呢……一个是宠物,另一个却是主人。
        They can't get out?        他们真出不去?
        Minnie Mouse gets afraid of mice even if she's also a mouse.        米妮被耗子吓到,它明明也是老鼠啊……
        What kind of science is this?        这是什么操作?
        Want to make it obvious that two characters are married? Make them look like brother and sister.        怎样让两个人一看上去就知道他们是夫妻?让他们看起来像兄妹/姐弟吧。
        The three little pigs have their father hanging on the wall.        三只小猪把爸爸挂在了墙上。
        How does the kid put his shirt on?        讲真,这孩子咋穿上T恤的?
        Gravity won't work until you look down.        只要不往下看,重力就不起作用。
        If slipper was a perfect fit, how did it slip off?        要是鞋特别合脚,咋还会掉呢?
        Let's rock, scissor, paper for it. Scissors beat paper!        石头剪刀布吧。哇,剪刀赢了布!
        How does his glasses stay on without nose or support?        没有耳朵,没有鼻子,眼镜是咋戴住的?
        Father and daughter        爸爸和女儿
        So did they have hair?        所以,他们到底有没有头发?
        What doesn't kill you deforms your body.        能拍扁你,却杀不死你。
        This is a horse. Your argument is invalid.        这是一匹马。不接受反驳。
        Powers can't pass through gloves-can pass through shoes easily.        (艾莎)的力量穿不透手套,却能轻松愉快地穿透鞋子。

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