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China passes new animal quarantine law

来源:中国日报    2021-01-26 10:37

        On Friday, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the newly amended Animal Quarantine Law, which will come into effect on May 1.
        According to the revised law, any person or organization who raises a dog must ensure the animal is routinely vaccinated, and register the vaccination certificate. Also, when walking a dog outdoors, the dog should have a valid registration card attached to its collar, and it should be kept on a leash to prevent it hurting anyone or spreading diseases.新修订的《动物防疫法》规定,任何饲养犬只的个人或单位必须确保该动物定期接种疫苗,并登记接种证书。此外,携带犬只出户,应当佩戴犬牌并系带犬绳,以防犬只伤人或传播疫病。
        The law covers all livestock and animals raised or captured by humans. It divides animal diseases into three kinds and requires a mandatory quarantine of animals that potentially threaten agriculture and human health.
        Another significant measure in the revised law is the stipulation that wild animals must undergo quarantine. 修订后的法律中的另一项重要措施是规定野生动物必须接受检疫。
        A third, but no less significant change, is that if anyone hopes to utilize wild animals for purposes such as research, pharmaceutical products or exhibition, they must apply for animal health monitoring institutions to do the quarantine. Also those who capture wild animals must also undergo quarantine before raising or transporting them.第三个同样重要的变化是,任何人需要利用野生动物进行研究、药品或展览,必须上报动物卫生监督机构检疫。个人捕获野生动物,要检疫合格后才能饲养或运输。

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