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UN: Covid jobs crisis 'most severe' since the 1930s

来源:中国日报    2021-01-26 14:52

        The pandemic caused an "unprecedented" hit to the global economy last year, destroying the equivalent of 225 million full-time jobs, the United Nations has said.        联合国相关机构发布报告称,去年的新冠疫情对全球经济造成了“前所未有”的打击,全球损失了相当于2.25亿个全职工作岗位。
        The crisis caused an 8.8% drop in working hours - four times more than followed the 2008 financial crisis.        新冠疫情导致全球工作时间减少了8.8%,是2008年金融危机造成损失的四倍多。
        The UN said looking at job cuts alone "drastically" understated the damage.        联合国相关机构表示,仅考虑裁员会“大幅”低估损失。
        It also warned that recovery remains uncertain, despite hope that vaccines will spur an economic rebound.        该机构还警告说,尽管疫苗有望刺激经济反弹,但全球经济复苏仍充满不确定性。
        Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3% lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs, predicts the report, by the UN's International Labor Organization (ILO).        这份由联合国国际劳工组织发布的报告预测,2021年的工作时间可能仍将比2019年减少3%以上,大约相当于9000万个全职工作岗位。
        But it cautioned that the downturn could be worse, if vaccine distribution is slow and global governments do not provide the economic stimulus expected.        但报告警告说,如果疫苗分发缓慢,而且全球各国政府没有提供预期的经济刺激,工作时间的减少幅度可能更大。
        "The signs of recovery we see are encouraging, but they are fragile and highly uncertain, and we must remember that no country or group can recover alone," said ILO's director-general Guy Ryder.        国际劳工组织总干事盖伊•赖德说:“我们看到的复苏迹象令人鼓舞,但它们很脆弱,且非常不确定。我们必须记住,没有任何国家或团体能够单独复苏。”
        Less than 3% of the world's workers are living in places with economy-wide shutdowns, compared to a peak of more than 40% last April, the ILO said.        国际劳工组织说,全球只有不到3%的员工生活在经济大规模封锁的地方,而去年4月这一比例曾高达40%以上。
        Still, the damage in 2020 was even worse than the ILO predicted last spring, when it estimated that four in five people's jobs had been affected by full or partial closures and predicted a 6.8% fall in working hours.        尽管如此,2020年新冠疫情对全球劳动力市场的破坏程度甚至比国际劳工组织去年春天预测的还要严重,当时该机构预测称,五分之四的工作岗位因全部或部分封锁而受到影响,并预测全球工作时间下降6.8%。
        "This has been the most severe crisis for the world of work since the Great Depression of the 1930s," Mr Ryder told reporters in a virtual briefing.        “这是上世纪30年代大萧条以来全球劳动力市场面临的最严重危机”,赖德在一场视频新闻发布会上告诉记者。
        The ILO said roughly half of the hours lost were due to firms cutting back on work.        国际劳工组织表示,大约一半的工时损失是由于公司减少工作量。
        Employment also dropped by 114 million compared to 2019, as about 33 million people lost jobs, while the rest became "inactive" - either giving up work or looking for a job.        与2019年相比,就业人数也减少了1.14亿,约3300万人失去了工作,而其余的人变得“不活跃”,要么辞职,要么正在找工作。
        Overall, participation in the labour force dropped by 2.2 percentage points last year, compared to just a 0.2 percentage point drop between 2008 and 2009, the ILO said.        国际劳工组织表示,总体而言,去年劳动力参与率下降了2.2个百分点,而2008年至2009年仅下降了0.2个百分点。
        Without government support schemes, the declines amount to a loss of $3.7tn in income globally - about 4.4% of overall economic output - which Mr Ryder described as "extraordinary".        如果没有政府的支持计划,这种下降相当于全球收入损失3.7万亿美元,约占全球经济产出的4.4%,赖德称这是“非同寻常的”。
        Regions such as Latin America, the Caribbean, southern Europe and southern Asia were particularly affected. The losses also disproportionately fell on women and young people.        从地区看,拉丁美洲、加勒比、南欧和南亚等区域受到的影响尤其严重。从人群看,妇女和年轻人遭受的损失更大。
        The agency said the rebound in the second half of 2020 appears to have been stronger than expected. But it is likely to remain uneven, "threatening to increase inequality within and between countries".        该机构表示,2020年下半年的反弹似乎强于预期,但可能会继续保持不平衡,“或将加剧国家内部和国家之间的不平等”。

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