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People Are Posting The Things That Annoy Them The Most

来源:中国日报    2021-01-11 10:38

        1. Every Time Using Microsoft Word        每次使用微软文档编辑软件的时候,Moves an image 1mm to the left把图片往左移了1毫米,All text and images shift. 4 new pages appear.接着所有的文字和图片就都乱了。出现了4个空白页!
        2. The Worst Part About Job Applications        在找工作时最讨厌的环节
Step 1 Upload your resume
Step 2 Re-enter everything that’s already on your resume.
        3.When A Plug Covers The Outlet Next To It        当一个插头挡住了旁边的插孔的时候
        4. He Asked Me What The Hell I Was Taking A Picture Of. I Told Him I Was Taking A Pic Of The D-Bag That Needs To Occupy 2 Handicap Spots To Eat Some Fries        他问我在拍什么东西。我告诉他我在拍一个混蛋。这家伙横占了两个残障车位,就为了吃薯条!
        5.People Who Leave A Train Like This        下火车的时候留下这样一摊烂摊子的人
        6.Laptop At The Movies        看电影的时候用笔记本电脑的人
        7.Found This Note In My Hotel Bed Last Night        昨晚我在酒店房间里找到了这张纸条
If you’re reading this note, they didn’t change the sheets!
        8.Went To See Isle Of Dogs Tonight. This Woman Brought Her 2-Year-Old Son To This PG-13 Movie. When He Started To Cry, Instead Of Taking Him Out, She Put Peppa Pig On Her Phone On High Volume For Him To Watch, Which He Did For The Remaining Hour Of The Movie        晚上去看了《犬之岛》。一个女士带着两岁大的儿子来看这部13岁以下限制观看的电影。当小男孩开始哭闹时,她没有将他带出去,而是用手机给他看《小猪佩奇》,声音超大,这场电影剩下的时间里他就一直这样。
        9.The Way My Wife Opens Things        我妻子开包装的方式
        10.This Tape Is Dead To Me.        这卷胶带对我来说已经废了
        11.The Fact That We’re Expected To Read These Before Ticking “Yes, I’ve Read And Accept The Terms And Conditions”        事实上,当屏幕上出现“是的,我已阅读并接受相关条款规定”时,我们应该先阅读完毕,再点击“确定”
        12.When The Fabric Gets Stuck Inside Your Zipper        当布料卡进了拉链里的时候
        13.How Did You Get Hired?        你是怎么被雇用的?
        14.Why Can't They Design Their Cables Better?        他们就设计不出好一点的充电线吗?
        15.Oh, I Have Too Many E-Mails In My Inbox? Why Don't You Send Me An E-Mail About It Everyday        噢,我的收件箱里邮件太多了吗?你怎么不每天给我发一封邮件,提醒一下我?
        16. I Counted 29 Items. I Had One        数了一下,前面的人有29件商品。我只有一件。
        17.When You Tear Exactly Where It Says To, But The Bag Remains Sealed        当你按指示的位置撕包装袋,可就是打不开
        18."I Guess I'll Just Buy Another Thing To Knock Down The Candy Bar"        “我想我只能再买一样东西,把糖果棒敲下来了……”
        19.These Tiny Cuts That Randomly Show Up And Itch Like Hell        随机出现的这种小伤口,疼痛难忍!
        20.These Long Stairs That Require You To Have Either One Awkwardly Long Stride Or Two Awkwardly Short Strides For Each Step        这些宽宽的台阶,要你每上一个就不得不费力跨一大步,或者别扭地走两小步

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