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Donald Trump impeached a second time over mob attack on US Capitol

来源:中国日报    2021-01-14 15:16

        The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached Donald Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States a week after he encouraged a mob of his supporters to storm the US Capitol, a historic condemnation that makes him the only American president to be charged twice with committing high crimes and misdemeanors.        在特朗普鼓动他的支持者冲击美国国会一周后,美国众议院本周三(1月13日)正式弹劾特朗普,指控其煽动国会暴力叛乱。这一历史性的弹劾使得特朗普因犯下重罪和行为不端成为美国历史上首位被弹劾两次的总统。
        After an emotional day-long debate in the chamber where lawmakers cowered last week as rioters vandalized the Capitol, nearly a dozen House Republicans joined Democrats to embrace the constitution’s gravest remedy after vowing to hold Trump to account before he leaves office next week.        立法者们在上周暴乱者攻入国会打砸抢时躲起来避难的那个会议室情绪激昂地讨论了一整天后,十几个众议院共和党人加入了民主党人的队伍,承诺将在下周特朗普离任前追究他的责任,并同意启动美国宪法修正案中最严厉的条款。
        The sole article of impeachment charges the defeated president with “inciting an insurrection” that led to what the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said would be immortalized as a “day of fire” on Capitol Hill.        此次弹劾的唯一条款指控落选总统特朗普“煽动叛乱”并导致了众议院议长南希·佩洛西所说的将被载入史册的国会山“烈焰之日”。
        The president, Pelosi said, represented a “clear and present danger to the nation we all love”.        佩洛西指出,特朗普“当前对我们所有人深爱的国家构成了明显的威胁”。
        The final count was 232 to 197, with 10 members of the president’s party supporting his unprecedented second impeachment, making it the most bipartisan impeachment vote in US history. Among them was Liz Cheney, the No 3 House Republican and daughter of Dick Cheney, George W Bush’s vice-president. Though she did not rise to speak on Wednesday, she issued a blistering statement announcing her decision, in which she said that there had “never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States” than Trump’s conduct on 6 January.        最后的投票数是232票对197票,特朗普所在的共和党中有10位议员支持这一史无前例的的二次弹劾,也使其成为美国历史上两党最一致的弹劾投票。其中一位投票者是众议院共和党三号人物利兹·切尼,她是小布什总统的副手迪克·切尼的女儿。尽管她周三没有发言,但是她在宣布自己的决定时发表了一份言辞激烈的声明。声明中写道,“从来没有哪一任美国总统”像特朗普那样作出1月6日“如此重大的背叛行为”。
        "The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack,” said Cheney in a statement.        切尼在声明中说:“美国总统召集了暴动人群,并点燃了袭击的火焰。”
        Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader, attempted to carve a middle path for his caucus. He said Trump “bears responsibility” for Wednesday’s attack, while warning that impeachment would “further fan the flames of partisan division”. As an alternative, he proposed a censure.        众议院共和党领袖凯文·麦卡锡试图让他的核心组织采取中立态度。他表示特朗普应该为上周三的袭击“负责”,但同时也警告弹劾会“进一步挑起两党纷争”。他建议用谴责来代替弹劾。
        The House was prepared to immediately transmit the article of impeachment to the Senate after Wednesday’s vote. In a statement, the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, said there was “simply no chance” of concluding a trial before Trump leaves office, ensuring that the affair would begin during the inaugural days of Joe Biden’s presidency.        众议院原本准备在周三投票结束后立刻将弹劾案文件提交参议院,但参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔在一份声明中称,在特朗普离任前结束审判“根本没戏”,他主张弹劾案审理在拜登就职后开始。
        Though consequences for Trump will not include premature removal from office, the Senate trial would not be entirely symbolic. Two-thirds of the 100-member body are required to convict a president, meaning 17 Republicans would have to join Democrats to render a guilty verdict.        尽管弹劾不会导致特朗普提前结束任期,参议院的审判也不完全是象征性的。100名参议员中需要有三分之二投赞成票才能给总统定罪,这意味着需要有17名共和党人站在民主党人一边才能判决有罪。
        If convicted, it would then require only a simple majority to disqualify him from ever again holding public office.        如果特朗普被判有罪,只需要多数参议员通过,就能永久剥夺特朗普竞选公职的资格。
        The deadly assault a week ago came as the House and Senate were in session to certify Biden’s victory in November’s presidential election, a result Trump refused to accept. Five people died during the siege, including a police officer.        一周前国会遭到致命袭击时,众议院和参议院正在召开联席会议来认证拜登在11月总统大选中胜出的结果,而特朗普拒绝接受这一结果。5人在袭击中丧生,其中包括一名警察。
        A remorseless Trump on Tuesday called his inflammatory language at a rally immediately before the mob marched on the Capitol “totally appropriate”. Efforts to hold him accountable were nothing more than a “continuation of the greatest witch-hunt in the history of politics”, he said.        本周二,毫无悔改之意的特朗普将自己在国会暴乱前集会上所用的煽动性语言称为“非常恰当”。他表示,那些把责任推到他头上的行为无非是“政治史上最大迫害行动的延续”。
        After his impeachment, Trump released a video statement belatedly condemning the violence and appealing to his supporters for calm ahead of Biden’s inauguration next week – remarks lawmakers implored him to make during the hours-long siege of the Capitol.        遭到弹劾后,特朗普在一段视频中发表了迟来的声明,他谴责暴力,呼吁支持者在下周拜登就职典礼前保持冷静,这些话原本是立法者恳求他在长达数小时的国会遭袭期间说的。
        Trump’s day of reckoning on Capitol Hill comes less than a year after he was acquitted in a Senate impeachment trial for pressuring Ukraine to open investigations into Biden and his son. But with just days left in his presidency, the political landscape had shifted dramatically.        特朗普在国会山上的审判日距离他上一次的弹劾案在参议院被判无罪还不到一年。当时他给乌克兰施加压力,要求乌克兰对拜登及其子展开调查。但如今他再过几天就要结束总统任期,政治形势已经发生了巨大变化。
        No House Republicans voted in support when Trump was impeached in 2019 over his attempts to persuade the leader of Ukraine to investigate the family of Biden, then his election rival.        2019年特朗普因试图说服乌克兰领导人调查拜登一家而被弹劾时,没有一个众议院共和党人投赞成票。那时候拜登是他的竞选对手。
        But as fear turned to fury in the days since the attack on the Capitol, senior Republican leaders signaled – tacitly and explicitly – a desire to purge the party of Trump. Their break with the president came only after months of tolerating and indulging his campaign of lies about a stolen election, long after it was undeniably clear he had lost.        然而在国会遭袭几天后,恐惧转变成了怒火,共和党资深大佬们心照不宣而明确地表达了将特朗普驱逐出党的意愿。几个月来,在特朗普确定无疑地输掉大选很长时间后,他们一直忍受和纵容他关于拜登窃取选举结果的谎言,如今他们终于和特朗普决裂。

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