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来源:中国日报    2021-01-17 08:00

        1. Today, my son asked "Can I have a book mark?" and I burst into tears. 11 years old and he still doesn't know my name is Brian.
        So sorry Brian, one day he'll get it!
        2. My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right.
        I love this one.
        3. DAD: I was just listening to the radio on my way in to town, apparently an actress just killed herself.
        MOM: Oh my! Who!?
        DAD: Uh, I can't remember... I think her name was Reese something?
        MOM: WITHERSPOON!!!!!???????
        妈妈: WITHERSPOON!!!!!???????
        DAD: No, it was with a knife……
        Groan - nice one!
        (注: WITHERSPOON与with a spoon谐音)
        4. Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France? They were cooked in Greece.
        This was so stupid that i actually laughed out loud.
        5. If a child refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?
        If the kid wants to avoid a rest, he should go under cover ;)
        (注:resisting a rest还可以理解为“拒绝休息”,undercover还可以理解成“躲在披盖下面”)
        6. I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!
        You must obey gravity, it's the law
        7. What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows.
        What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea.
        (注:Nobody knows与no body nose谐音;no idea与no eye deer谐音)
        8. I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know.
        Eggs still came first, but for another reason. The first chicken had to come out of a chicken egg as it would otherwise not be called that. The animal that lay it however, does not necessarily had to be a chicken (yet).
        9. What is the least spoken language in the world? Sign language.
        You got me.
        (注: the least spoken language还可以理解成“说的人最少的语言”)
        10. My daughter screeched, "Daaaaaad, you haven't listened to one word I've said, have you!?" What a strange way to start a conversation with me..
        Nice one!
        11. A slice of apple pie is $2.50 in Jamaica and $3.00 in the Bahamas. These are the pie rates of the Caribbean.
        Ha! Nice
        (注:pie与π谐音,These are the pie rates of the Caribbean这句话还可以理解为“由此可以计算出加勒比海沿岸的圆周率”)
        12. My wife tried to unlatch our daughter's car seat with one hand and said, "How do one armed mothers do it?" Without missing a beat I replied, "Single handedly."
        Ha! That was just before she swiped at you
        (注:Single handedly可以有两种意思,一是“单手”。二是“独自一人”)
        13. Justice is a dish best served cold, if it were served warm it would be justwater.
        Took me a few secs to get it but, well done.
        14. My friend keeps saying "cheer up man it could be worse, you could be stuck underground in a hole full of water." I know he means well.
        A well is an underground hole full of water.
        (注:he means well还可以理解成“他指的是一口井”)
        15. MOM: "How do I look?" DAD: "With your eyes."
        I need to use this for every person that asks me this question
        (注:How do I look还可以理解成“我是怎么看见世界的?”这里爸爸利用了这层意思)

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