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What Is People-Pleasing?

来源:中国日报    2021-01-18 10:29

❶Being the first one to apologize.
        ❷Catering to other people’s needs.        
                 ❸Constantly compromising.
        ❹Not knowing how to say no.        
                 ❺Averse to ask for a favor.
        ❻Enduring censure silently.        
                 ❼Afraid of expressing ideas.
        ❽Afraid of negative comments.        
                 Psychology Today的文章解释说,“讨好者”的问题出在对自我价值的认识上。
        For many, the eagerness to please stems from self-worth issues. They hope that saying yes to everything asked of them will help them feel accepted and liked.        很多讨好型人格的人之所以急于讨好别人是因为自我价值这块儿出了问题。他们希望自己做个老好人能换来接纳与喜爱。
        Other people-pleasers have a history of maltreatment, and somewhere along the way, they decided that their best hope for better treatment was to try to please the people who mistreated them. Over time, for them, people-pleasing became a way of life.        另外一些讨好者以往受到过不好的对待,以至于在某个时间点,他们就决定,为了受到更好的对待,就要讨好这些虐待他们的人。长此以往,对这些人来说,讨好他人成了一种生活常态。
                 美国人格与社会心理学学会(Society for Personality and Social Psychology)官网介绍了哥本哈根大学Jochen Gebauer与曼海姆大学Jennifer Eck两位教授的研究项目。他们研究了这类人群的性格特点。
        Our most recent research examined a dataset that included more than 2.5 million people from 102 nations and compared two groups of people.        我们最近的研究调查了一个数据集,其中包括来自102个国家的250多万人,我们在该研究中比较了两组人。
        The first group consisted of people with personality traits such as high levels of assertiveness, creativity, and openness, and low levels of warmth, niceness, and agreeableness. The second group contained people with the reverse personality traits.        第一组人的性格特点是:自信果决、富有创造力、坦诚直率、不热心、不友善、不易于相处。第二组人则性格特征与上述相反。
        ❶ Being a misfit doesn’t bother everybody.        并不是每个人都会因为格格不入而难过。
        ❷ Assertive, creative, and open people who don’t care all that much whether or not they fit in do not suffer as much from being a misfit as people who are warmhearted, nice, and agreeable who, then again, have a particularly strong desire to fit in.        比起那些很想合群的热情、好心、又易于相处的人来说,本就不怎么在乎是否合群的那些自信果决、富有创造力、坦诚直率的人因为无法融入群体而受到的创伤要小得多。
        The next time you see a nice but not very assertive person who doesn’t seem to fit into a particular group of people, it’s worth remembering that s/he is likely to feel particularly uncomfortable. To help this person feel better, you may want to talk to this person and look for things you have in common.        下次你要是遇到一个很友好但不太自信的人,ta看起来又不太合群的时候,那你要注意了,ta可能正因此而十分难过。要想帮助ta好过一点,你可以走上前去聊天,找找共同话题。

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