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Trump Says Pence Can Overturn His Loss in Congress. That’s Not How It Works.

来源:纽约时报    2021-01-06 04:29

        President Trump on Tuesday escalated his efforts to force Vice President Mike Pence to overturn President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory, falsely asserting that Mr. Pence had the power to unilaterally throw out electoral votes on Wednesday when Congress meets to certify the election results.        周二,特朗普总统将其行动升级,谎称副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)有权在周三国会开会确认选举结果时单方面推翻选举人票,逼迫其推翻候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)的选举胜利。
        But there is nothing in the Constitution or the law that explicitly gives a vice president that power, and aides close to Mr. Pence, who concede that he is facing a politically perilous moment, are convinced he will follow the normal procedures and confirm Mr. Biden’s election.        但宪法或法律中没有明确赋予副总统这种权力,与彭斯关系密切的助手承认,他正面临一个政治上的危险时刻,他们相信彭斯会遵循正常程序确认拜登当选。(知情人士称,彭斯周二已经告诉特朗普,他不认为自己有权改变大选结果——编注。)
        Still, most agree that Wednesday promises to be a long and confusing day on Capitol Hill — and a potentially agonizing one for Mr. Pence — as Mr. Trump’s Republican allies move to challenge Mr. Biden’s victory and force at least three votes on the matter, all expected to fail.        尽管如此,多数人仍认为,周三对国会山来说将是漫长而混乱的一天——对彭斯来说可能是痛苦的一天——因为特朗普的共和党盟友谋求挑战拜登的胜利,并迫使至少对此事进行三次投票,但预计都会失败。
        The proceeding will test what had long been considered little more than a paperwork exercise in American democracy: the official count by Congress of electoral votes. The vice president’s role is to be the master of ceremonies rather than arbiter of the outcome, declaring the winner based on who has the most electoral votes.        该程序将检验美国民主中一项长期以来被认为只是走过场的做法:国会对选举人票进行正式计票。届时副总统根据谁的选举票数最多来宣布获胜者,其角色是主持仪式,而不是裁定结果。
        But despite Mr. Trump’s clear loss to Mr. Biden, the president and a group of loyalist House and Senate Republicans are plotting to upend the process by objecting to the certification of several states. Lacking the votes to prevail, Mr. Trump is now pressuring Mr. Pence to take matters into his own hands to delay the vote tabulation or alter it in Mr. Trump’s favor.        但是,尽管特朗普明显输给了拜登,总统和一群忠于他的参众两院共和党人正密谋反对几个州的认证,从而颠覆这一进程。由于票数不占优,特朗普现在正在向彭斯施压,让他主动出手干预推迟投票,或者改变选票使之对特朗普有利。
        “The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors,” the president tweeted on Tuesday.        “副总统有权拒绝通过舞弊手段选上来的选举人,”总统周二发推称。
        That’s not how it works.        事情并非如此。
        Pence has a basic, if unappealing, job: Count the votes.        彭斯需要做的只是一项基本的、可能谈不上多有趣的工作:计票。
        Three weeks ago, the Electoral College formally cast its votes for president, affirming Mr. Biden’s victory. But under the Constitution, there is one more step before the result is final: the certification by Congress of the electoral votes, to be conducted by the president of the Senate. That is the vice president.        三周前,选举人团正式投票选举总统,确认了拜登的胜利。但是根据宪法,在最终结果之前还有一个程序要走:由国会对选举人票进行认证,该程序由参议院议长也就是副总统主持。
        “The president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted,” according to the 12th Amendment.        根据宪法第12条修正案,“参议院议长在参议院和众议院全体议员面前开拆所有证书,然后计算票数。”
        Envelopes with the certified votes from the Electoral College are brought in two mahogany boxes to the Capitol, and the vice president presides over a joint session in which the certificates are examined to determine they are authentic, with clear instructions for declaring a winner.        装有经认证的选举团选票的信封放在两个红木盒子里,送到国会大厦,由副总统主持两院联席会议,检查这些选票是否真实,并清楚地指明谁是获胜者。
        “The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the president,” the amendment goes on, unless there is a tie or nobody has secured a majority, in which case the House decides.        修正案还说,“获得选票最多的人将成为总统”,除非双方票数相同或没有人获得多数,在这种情况下,由众议院决定获胜者。
        The job has occasionally been unpleasant for vice presidents. In 1961, the state of Hawaii sent two slates of electors and the vice president, Richard M. Nixon, who had just lost the election to John F. Kennedy, moved to count the Democratic electors, which expanded his own margin of defeat. Forty years later, Al Gore was in a similar spot, burdened with overruling objections from his fellow Democrats and declaring the victory of George W. Bush — and his own defeat — after a drawn-out Florida recount that was ended by the Supreme Court. And in 2017, Mr. Biden, then the vice president, had to reject a Democratic challenge to Mr. Trump’s victory.        对副总统来说,这份工作有时并不愉快。1961年,夏威夷州派出了两批选举团,刚刚输给约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)的副总统理查德·M·尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)决定计算民主党一方的选举人票,这扩大了他自己的失败劣势。40年后,阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)也处于类似境地,在佛罗里达州漫长的重新计票于最高法院结束后,他必须推翻民主党同僚的反对意见,宣布乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)的胜利和他自己的失败。2017年,时任副总统拜登不得不拒绝民主党对特朗普获胜的挑战。
        But no matter how distasteful it is, J. Michael Luttig, a former judge for the United States Court of Appeals and leading conservative legal scholar, said that Mr. Pence had no choice but to simply count the votes.        但是,不管这有多么烦人,前美国上诉法院(United States Court of Appeals)法官、著名保守派法律学者J·迈克尔·卢蒂格(J. Michael Luttig)说,彭斯别无选择,只能清点选票。
        “No president and no vice president would — or should — consider either event as a test of political loyalty,” Mr. Luttig said. “And if either did, he would have to understand that political loyalty must yield to constitutional obligation.”        “没有哪位总统和副总统会——也不应该——把这两件事视为对政治忠诚的考验,”卢蒂格说。“如果其中任何一人打算这样做,他就应当明白,政治忠诚必须屈从于宪法义务。”
        Members of Congress can object, though their bids this time are expected to fail.        国会议员可以提出反对,尽管这一次他们的努力预计会失败。
        Under the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which was passed after the contested election of 1876 in which several states sent rival sets of electors, it is up to Congress to settle any disputes about state certifications.        1887年的《选举计数法》(Electoral Count Act)是在1876年有争议的选举之后通过的,当时几个州派出了相互对立的选举人。根据该法案,有关各州选举人资格的任何争议都应由国会来解决。
        If at least one member of the House and Senate raise an objection about a state’s results, it must be considered, immediately halting the joint session so members can return to their respective chambers and debate the challenge for up to two hours. Then a vote — decided by a simple majority — is held to determine whether to throw out that state’s results. That has not occurred since the Reconstruction Era, and with Democrats controlling the House and many Senate Republicans opposed, it will almost certainly fail.        如果众参两院至少有一名议员对一州的选举结果提出反对,就必须予以考虑,立即停止联席会议,让议员们回到各自议院就这一挑战进行长达两小时的辩论。然后举行投票,由简单多数来决定是否否决该州的选举结果。这种情况自重建时期以来没有发生过,由于民主党控制众议院,加之许多参议院共和党人的反对,这样的挑战几乎肯定会失败。
        Still, Republicans plan to force at least three such votes, perhaps more. Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama has said he will move to contest the results from as many as six states; three Republican senators — Josh Hawley of Missouri, Ted Cruz of Texas and Kelly Loeffler of Georgia — plan to back at least one of those. Dozens of House members and 11 senators have said they plan to vote against certifying Mr. Biden’s victory. Given that Mr. Trump and his supporters have contested the results in several states that Mr. Biden won — including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — there could be as much as 12 hours of debate on Wednesday, and a half-dozen votes.        尽管如此,共和党人仍计划迫使至少三张这样的选票被取消,也许更多。阿拉巴马州众议员莫·布鲁克斯(Mo Brooks)曾表示,他将对多达六州的选举结果提出异议;三名共和党参议员——密苏里州的乔希·霍利(Josh Hawley)、德克萨斯州的特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)和佐治亚州的凯利·洛夫勒(Kelly Loeffler)计划至少支持其中一项异议。数十名众议员和11名参议员表示,他们准备投票反对拜登胜选的确认。鉴于特朗普及其支持者对拜登赢下的几个州——包括亚利桑那州、佐治亚州、密歇根州、内华达州、宾夕法尼亚州和威斯康辛州——的结果提出了质疑,周三可能会出现长达12小时的辩论,以及几张反对票。
        Trump wants Pence to unilaterally disqualify votes for Biden.        特朗普希望彭斯单方面取消拜登的得票。
        House Republicans, with support from Mr. Trump, have argued in court that Mr. Pence has the right to move unilaterally to eliminate electoral votes from any state that he chooses. But a federal judge appointed by Mr. Trump on Friday tossed out a lawsuit the Republicans brought to force the vice president to do so.        在特朗普的支持下,众议院共和党人在法庭上辩称,彭斯有权单方面采取行动,在他选定的任何州取消选举人票。但周五,特朗普任命的一名联邦法官驳回了共和党人提出的迫使副总统这么做的诉讼。
        “The only responsibility and power of the vice president under the Constitution is to faithfully count the Electoral College votes as they have been cast,” Mr. Luttig said. “The Constitution does not empower the vice president to alter in any way the votes that have been cast, either by rejecting certain votes or otherwise.”        “根据宪法,副总统唯一的责任与权力就是如实统计选举人团投出的票,”卢蒂格说。“宪法没有授权副总统以任何方式改变已投出的选票,无论是通过拒绝某些选票,还是其他方式。”
        Despite no evidence of widespread voter fraud, Mr. Trump and his Republican allies in Congress have claimed that the results from battleground states that voted for Mr. Biden must be invalidated.        尽管没有证据表明选民舞弊普遍存在,特朗普和他在国会的共和党盟友仍声称,支持拜登的摇摆州的投票结果必须作废。
        “I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you,” Mr. Trump said at a rally in Georgia on Monday night for two Republican incumbents who face runoff elections on Tuesday that will determine which party controls the Senate. “Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him as much.”        “我得告诉你们,我希望迈克·彭斯能帮我们解决问题,”特朗普周一晚在佐治亚州为两名在任共和党参议员举行的一场集会上说,这两名共和党人将参与周二的决选,其结果将决定哪个政党控制参议院。“当然,如果他解决不了,我就不会那么喜欢他了。”
        If Mr. Pence were to throw out enough votes for Mr. Biden, it could prevent both candidates from reaching the threshold of 270 votes needed to secure an Electoral College victory.        如果彭斯否决了足够多的拜登选票,两位候选人可能都无法达到确保选举人团获胜所需的270张票的门槛。
        At that point, under the Constitution, each state’s delegation in the House would receive one vote. This could favor Mr. Trump, as 26 states have majority-Republican delegations.        届时,根据宪法规定,各州在众议院的代表都将获得一张选票。这可能对特朗普有利,因为有26个州共和党占多数。
        If Pence were to give Trump what he wants, the country would truly be in uncharted territory.        如果彭斯满足了特朗普,这个国家将进入真正的未知领域。
        Aides to Mr. Pence insist he will not do what Mr. Trump is asking. But congressional Democrats and Mr. Biden’s transition team are taking no chances and are preparing for a range of outcomes, including possible legal action, if Mr. Pence goes off script.        彭斯的助手坚称,他不会按照特朗普的要求行事。但国会民主党人和拜登的过渡团队不愿冒险,正在为各种结果做好准备,包括如果彭斯不遵守规章,可能采取的法律行动。
        The problem, Democrats concede, is that there is little precedent because no vice president has ever tried to use his position to overturn an election. The law in this area is untested and has never been litigated in court. But legal experts said the fallout could be highly damaging to the country.        民主党承认,问题在于这几乎没有先例,因为从来没有副总统试图利用自己的职位来推翻选举。相关的法律未经过实践检验,也从未在法庭上提起过诉讼。但法律专家表示,此举的后果可能对这个国家造成极大损害。
        “The prospect of the vice president and members of Congress trying to overturn the will of the people rather than duly counting governor-certified votes would be unconstitutional and calamitous,” said a longtime Washington lawyer, Alan Raul, adding that it would set an “exceptionally dangerous precedent.”        “若是副总统和国会议员试图推翻人民的意愿,而不是妥善清点得到州长认证的选票,将会是违宪和灾难性的,”华盛顿资深律师阿兰·劳尔(Alan Raul)表示,他还补充说,这将开创一个“极其危险的先例”。
        “If the sedition caucus in the House and Senate goes forward with their utterly unprecedented attack on the 2020 election, abetted by the vice president, it would torque our democracy for years to come,” he said.        “如果众参两院的煽动代表在副总统的唆使下,继续对2020年大选发起完全是前所未有的攻击,我们的民主在未来几年都将被扭曲,”他说。

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