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What is the 25th Amendment, and how does it work?

来源:纽约时报    2021-01-08 02:11

        In the aftermath of a violent mob invading the Capitol building on Wednesday, calls in Congress are growing for President Trump to be stripped of his power from office under the disability clause of the 25th Amendment.        周三一群暴民入侵国会大厦之后,根据宪法第25修正案的丧失能力条款剥夺特朗普总统职权的呼声在国会中日渐高涨。
        The amendment provides a complex, difficult process for wresting power from a sitting president. Here is a brief history of the 25th Amendment and an explanation of how it operates.        该修正案为从现任总统手中夺取权力提供了复杂而艰难的程序。以下是第25修正案的简史以及它的运作方式。
        What is the 25th Amendment?        什么是第25修正案?
        The 25th Amendment to the Constitution is primarily designed to clarify the presidential order of succession. The first three sections deal with when a president resigns, dies or becomes ill or temporarily incapacitated.        宪法第25修正案的主要目的是阐明总统的继承顺序。前三节涉及总统辞职、死亡、患病或暂时丧失能力的情况。
        The fourth section provides a multistep process for the vice president and a majority of the officials who lead executive agencies — commonly thought of as the cabinet — to declare that the president is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” That process ultimately requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress.        第四节则是一个多步骤程序,让副总统和领导行政机构的多数官员宣布总统“不能履行其职务的权力与责任”。这一程序最终需要得到国会两院三分之二投票的支持。
        How did the 25th Amendment come about?        第25修正案是如何产生的?
        In the aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, there was some confusion about how to choose a new vice president after Lyndon B. Johnson became president. And there was concern about what might happen if Johnson fell ill or was incapacitated before his replacement was found. Congress formally proposed the 25th Amendment in 1965, and the amendment became part of the Constitution in 1967, after 38 states ratified it.        1963年约翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)遇刺后,林登·B·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)成为总统,在如何选择新副总统的问题上出现了一些困惑。还有人担心,如果约翰逊在找到接任者之前生病或丧失能力该怎么办。1965年,国会正式提出第25修正案,并于1967年在得到38州批准后将之变为宪法的一部分。
        How would it actually work, if invoked now?        如果现在援引该条款,实际上将如何执行
        The first step would be for Vice President Mike Pence and a majority of the cabinet to provide a written declaration to the president pro tempore of the Senate (currently Senator Chuck Grassley, Republican of Iowa) and the speaker of the House (currently Representative Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California) that Mr. Trump “is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” That would immediately strip Mr. Trump of the powers of his office and make Mr. Pence the acting president.        首先将由副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)和内阁多数成员向参议院临时议长(现为艾奥瓦州参议员查克·格拉斯利[Charles Grassley])和众议院议长(现为加州民主党众议员南希·佩洛西[Nancy Pelosi])提供书面证明,称特朗普“不能履行其职务的权力与责任”。这将立刻剥夺特朗普的权力,让彭斯成为代总统。
        But the 25th Amendment would allow Mr. Trump to immediately send a written declaration of his own to Mr. Grassley and Ms. Pelosi saying that he is in fact able to perform his duties. That would immediately allow him to resume his duties, unless Mr. Pence and the cabinet send another declaration to the congressional leaders within four days restating their concerns. Mr. Pence would take over again as acting president.        但第25修正案将允许特朗普立即向格拉斯利和佩洛西发出自己的书面声明,称他实际上能够履行其职责。这将立即让他恢复职务,除非彭斯和内阁在四天内向国会领导人发出另一份声明,重申他们的担忧。届时彭斯将再次担任代总统。
        That declaration would require Congress to assemble within 48 hours and to vote within 21 days. If two-thirds of members of both the House and the Senate agreed that Mr. Trump was unable to continue as president, he would be stripped permanently of the position, and Mr. Pence would continue serving as acting president. If the vote in Congress fell short, Mr. Trump would resume his duties.        该声明将要求国会在48小时内召集会议,并在21天内进行投票。如果参众两院三分之二的议员都同意特朗普无法继续担任总统,他将被永久剥夺职权,彭斯将继续担任代总统。如果国会投票没有通过,特朗普将恢复其职权。
        Would that ever happen?        这种事可能发生吗?
        The authors of the 25th Amendment intended it to be a difficult process that would make it exceedingly rare. They succeeded.        第25修正案的起草者原本就打算把它设计成一个非常困难的程序,从而使这种事非常罕见。他们做到了。
        To put it in context, it is even more difficult to strip a president of power under the 25th Amendment than it is under the impeachment process. A president can be impeached by a simple majority in the House and removed from office by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Stripping a president of power under the 25th Amendment requires a two-thirds vote in both chambers.        在这样的背景下,依据第25修正案剥夺总统的权力会比弹劾程序更艰难。只要有众议院的简单多数就能弹劾总统,有参议院三分之二的票数支持就能将总统免职。根据第25修正案,剥夺总统权力需要两院都以三分之二的票数通过。

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