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A Sci-Fi Dreamer’s Poisoning Death Shocks China

来源:纽约时报    2021-01-04 12:47

        He was sometimes called the “billionaire millennial,” and his ambitions were no less grand than his nickname.        他有时被称为“80后亿万富翁”,他的雄心壮志并不亚于他的绰号。
        Lin Qi, a 39-year-old video game tycoon, had spent a small fortune buying up the rights to a Chinese science fiction novel called “The Three-Body Problem.” A tale of alien invasion that intertwined cosmic machinations with the horrors of China’s Cultural Revolution, the book had become an unlikely international best seller that counted Barack Obama among its admirers.        39岁的电子游戏大亨林奇斥巨资买下了中国科幻小说《三体》的版权。该书讲述了外星人入侵的故事,它将宇宙阴谋与中国文化大革命的恐怖交织到一起,出人意料地成为国际畅销书,贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)也在其崇拜者之列。
        Mr. Lin saw even bigger possibilities. He envisioned a global film and television franchise based on the book and its two sequels that would approach “Star Wars” levels of cultural recognition. He was working with Netflix and the creators of the “Game of Thrones” television series to make it come to pass.        林奇看到了更多可能性。他设想根据这本书及其两部续集制作一部全球电影和电视剧集,获得《星球大战》(Star Wars)级别的文化认知度。他正在与Netflix和《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)的剧集创作者合作,以实现这个计划。
        He would never see it happen. Mr. Lin was poisoned in December, according to the police in Shanghai and accounts from state-run media, and he died on Christmas Day. His death has rattled China’s technology and gaming worlds and set off furious speculation about who killed him and why.        但他永远看不到那一天了。据上海警方和官方媒体的报道,林奇于去年12月中毒,在圣诞节当天死亡。他的死讯震惊了中国科技界和游戏界,引发了关于谁杀了他,以及为什么杀他的激烈猜测。
        It has also turned attention to the unlikely story of Mr. Lin, a would-be global media tycoon undaunted by rising tensions between China and the West, who dreamed of bringing a product of Chinese popular culture to the global mainstream.        这也将人们的注意力引向了林奇那不太真实的人生故事,一个不惧中西方之间日益加剧的紧张关系,仍想要成为全球媒体大亨的人,梦想着将中国的流行文化产品带入全球主流视野。
        China’s government and its creative class alike have long worked to bring the country’s ideas and characters to a world audience, opening up new markets and giving Beijing a soft-power boost to counter the share of mind the United States has won through Hollywood, popular music and other cultural ephemera.        中国政府及其创意阶层长期以来都在努力将这个国家的理念和形象介绍给全世界的观众,开拓新的市场,提升北京的软实力,以抗衡美国通过好莱坞、流行乐和其他文化热所赢得的人心。
        Those efforts have had mixed results, which many blame on the tight controls Beijing maintains on games, books, television shows and movies.        这些努力的结果好坏参半,许多人将其归咎于北京对游戏、书籍、电视节目和电影的严格控制。
        The Shanghai police said in a statement that on Dec. 17, they received a report that Mr. Lin had most likely been poisoned. After an investigation, they detained a man surnamed Xu, who they said was a colleague of Mr. Lin’s. The police said they were holding Mr. Xu under suspicion of committing a major crime, but they did not offer further details.        上海警方在一份通告中说,12月17日,他们接到报警称林奇疑似中毒。经过侦查,他们拘捕了据称是林奇同事的许某。警方表示,他们因重大作案嫌疑而拘留了他,但没有提供更多细节。
        Chinese media, including official outlets, have widely identified the suspect as Xu Yao, an executive at Mr. Lin’s gaming company, Youzu Interactive, which goes by Yoozoo in English. Those reports could not be independently confirmed, and the company did not respond to a request for comment.        包括官媒在内的中国媒体普遍认定,嫌疑人是林奇的游戏公司游族网络的高管许垚。这些报道无法得到独立证实,该公司也没有回应置评请求。
        It was not clear how or whether Mr. Lin’s death would affect Netflix’s plans for “The Three-Body Problem.” Netflix did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.        目前还不清楚林奇之死是否会对Netflix的《三体》计划产生影响。Netflix没有立即回应通过电子邮件发出的置评请求。
        In September, the American streaming service said it would turn the trilogy into an original series developed by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the executive producers of “Game of Thrones,” with a creative team that included Liu Cixin, the author of the books. Mr. Lin was listed as an executive producer.        去年9月,这家美国流媒体服务公司表示,将把《三体》三部曲改编成原创剧集,由《权力的游戏》执行制片人戴维·贝尼奥夫(David Benioff)和D·B·威斯(D.B. Weiss)负责制作,创意团队包括原著作者刘慈欣。林奇被列为执行制片人。
        “The Three-Body Problem” is the first book in what Mr. Liu called the “Remembrance of Earth’s Past” trilogy. The book, set in present-day China, tells the story of an engineer called upon by the Beijing authorities to look into a spate of suicides by scientists. He discovers an extraterrestrial plot with roots in the Cultural Revolution, the decade of paranoia that led to the persecution and torture of perceived enemies of the Communist Party, which lasted until Mao Zedong’s death in 1976.        《三体》是被刘慈欣称为“地球往事”的三部曲中的第一部。这本书以今天的中国为背景,讲述了一名工程师被北京当局召去调查一系列科学家自杀事件的故事。他发现了一个外星阴谋,其根源是文化大革命,那十年的妄想导致了对所谓共产党敌人的迫害与折磨,一直持续到1976年毛泽东去世。
        The English version of “The Three-Body Problem,” translated by Ken Liu, became a sensation when it was released in 2014. It won the Hugo Award, a major science fiction accolade, for best novel. Mark Zuckerberg added it to his reading list. Mr. Obama, in an interview with The New York Times, called it “fun to read, partly because my day-to-day problems with Congress seem fairly petty — not something to worry about. Aliens are about to invade.”        刘宇昆(Ken Liu)翻译的英文版《三体》在2014年出版后引起了轰动。它获得了科幻小说大奖雨果奖的最佳长篇小说奖。马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)把它加到了自己的阅读清单上。奥巴马在接受《纽约时报》采访时称这本书“读起来很有趣,部分原因是我与国会之间那些日常问题似乎相当琐碎——也不是什么值得担心的事。外星人都要入侵了”。
        Mr. Lin made it his life’s work to make the novel known to an even broader audience, according to an online memorial written by Chen Long, a professor who taught Mr. Lin at Hupan University, a business school. Beginning in 2014, Professor Chen said, Mr. Lin started buying up copyrights and licenses connected to the books.        据曾在湖畔大学(一座商学院)教过林奇的陈龙教授撰写的网络悼文,林奇一直致力于向更大的受众群体推广《三体》。陈龙表示,从2014年开始,林奇就开始收购有关《三体》的各种版权和使用权。
        By 2019, Professor Chen estimated, Mr. Lin had spent $150 million. His mission was to make the trilogy’s world into an internationally recognized franchise, with movies, television shows, video games, anime and more, Mr. Chen wrote.        陈龙估计,到2019年,林奇已经在这上面花费了1.5亿美元。陈龙写道,他的使命是通过电影、电视、游戏和动漫等方式,让《三体》三部曲成为获得全球认可的IP。
        A native of Wenzhou, a coastal city famed for its entrepreneurial spirit, Mr. Lin had said his family ran a coal mining business. Even after he moved to Shanghai to try his luck in the video gaming industry, he kept up his Wenzhou ties, holding a position as the executive chair of a Wenzhou business association in Shanghai.        林奇生于以创业精神闻名的沿海城市温州,他说他的家族经营着一家煤矿企业。即便在他来到上海试水游戏行业之后,仍经营着在温州的关系,在上海的温州商会担任执行会长。
        Mr. Lin became a part of a new, younger group of entrepreneurs who were more aggressive than their elders about growing business outside China. His successes show how companies continue to work on projects spanning China’s borders, despite Beijing’s worsening relations with the United States and some other countries. Outside China, Yoozoo was best known for its 2019 release of Game of Thrones: Winter Is Coming, an online strategy game based on the books and television show.        林奇成为了新生代年轻企业家群体中的一员,他们在开拓海外业务上比前辈更加积极。他的成功表明,尽管北京与美国等国的关系不断恶化,但企业仍在继续跨境项目。在中国以外,游族最著名的项目是2019年发行的《权力的游戏:凛冬将至》,这是一款基于原著和剧集的在线战略游戏。
        Mr. Lin built his fortune in the early 2010s, as Chinese people flocked to mobile phones to play games and spend money on virtual items. Yoozoo made a series of popular multiplayer online games that made the company worth billions and minted him as one of China’s youngest billionaires. By 2019, his net worth was about $1 billion, according to the Hurun China Rich List, which tracks the country’s wealthy.        林奇的财富是在2010年代初累积起来的,当时中国人纷纷开始用手机玩游戏,花钱购买虚拟物品。游族制作了一系列热门的多人在线游戏,使公司市值达到数十亿美元,并让他成为中国最年轻的亿万富翁之一。截至2019年,根据统计中国富豪的胡润百富榜,他的净资产约为10亿美元。
        A hard-core video gamer, Mr. Lin also enjoyed tea, soccer, car racing and Chinese calligraphy. In an appearance on a Chinese television show, “Boss Town,” he recalled that his entrepreneurial instincts came early. After spending his monthly allowance in middle school, he said, he would raise money from his family.        作为铁杆电子游戏玩家,林奇还喜欢喝茶、足球、赛车和书法。在做客中国的电视节目《波士堂》时,他回忆说自己的创业本能来得很早。他说中学时花完每个月的生活费后,他就会在家里融资。
        “If you keep going forward, there will always be opportunity lying ahead,” he said. “I am not afraid of failure. I can just start over again.”        “你只要再往前走,就有机会,”他说。“就我无所谓失败,我再来就行了。”
        His biggest challenge remained how to build out the world of “The Three-Body Problem.” An earlier attempt to make a Chinese-language movie from the book failed.        他最大的挑战仍是如何构建《三体》的世界。早前试图根据该书拍摄一部华语电影的尝试以失败告终。
        After the news of his death spread, employees at Yoozoo held a vigil outside the Shanghai company’s headquarters, Chinese media reported. Many others took to the internet to express their grief.        中国媒体报道称,在他去世的消息传开后,游族员工在这家上海公司的总部外举行了守夜活动。还有许多人在网上表达悲痛。
        “My friend has died,” the science-fiction author Kennedy Xu wrote in a post shared by Yoozoo on social media. “It happened in a way that was impossible to imagine. He was a dreamer and lived life to the fullest. I have become numb to the absurdities of this world.”        “我的一位朋友去世了。”游族在社交媒体上分享了科幻作家南派三叔写下的文章。“以一种难以想象和预见的方式。他是一个有梦想的人,活的也很淋漓尽致。我对这个世界的荒谬已经变得麻木。”

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