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Trump Bans Alipay and 7 Other Chinese Apps

来源:纽约时报    2021-01-06 01:04

        WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order prohibiting transactions with eight Chinese software applications, including Alipay, the payment platform owned by Ant Group, and WeChat Pay, which is owned by Tencent.        华盛顿——周二,特朗普总统签署行政命令,禁止与八个中国软件应用程序进行交易,包括蚂蚁集团旗下的支付平台支付宝以及腾讯的微信支付。
        The move, two weeks before the end of Mr. Trump’s term, could help lock in his administration’s harsher stance toward China and is likely to further rankle Beijing. But defining the scope of the order and enforcing it would presumably fall to the incoming Biden administration, which has not clarified whether it will try to enact Mr. Trump’s bans, creating uncertainty about the efficacy of the move.        在特朗普任期结束前两周,此举将有助于锁定其政府对中国采取的更强硬立场,并可能进一步激怒北京。但对该命令的范围界定和执行预计将落在即将上任的拜登政府手中,后者尚未明确是否会执行特朗普的禁令,从而给此举的效力带来了不确定性。
        The executive order, issued late Tuesday, will bar any transactions with “persons that develop or control” the apps of Alipay, CamScanner, QQ Wallet, SHAREit, Tencent QQ, VMate, WeChat Pay, WPS Office and their subsidiaries after a period of 45 days.        这项行政命令于周二晚些时候发布,将在45天内禁止与支付宝、扫描全能王、QQ钱包、茄子快传、腾讯QQ、VMate、微信支付和WPS Office的“开发或控制者”及其子公司进行任何交易。
        In the order, the president said that China had been using “bulk data collection” to advance its economic and national security agenda, and that the targeted apps put Americans at risk.        在这份行政命令中,总统称中国一直在利用“大量数据采集”来推进其经济和国家安全议程,这些有针对性的应用程序将美国人置于危险之中。
        “The United States has assessed that a number of Chinese connected software applications automatically capture vast swaths of information from millions of users in the United States, including sensitive personally identifiable information and private information,” the order said. “At this time, action must be taken to address the threat posed by these Chinese connected software applications,” he wrote.        “美国评定,许多与中国有关联的软件应用程序能够自动获取美国数以百万计用户的大量信息,包括敏感的个人身份信息和私密信息,”该命令称。“现在必须采取行动,以解决这些与中国有关联的软件应用构成的威胁,”他写道。
        The executive order is the latest escalation by the Trump administration against China. Under Mr. Trump, the White House has ramped up tariffs and waged a trade war. It has also targeted Chinese-owned social media services, saying they provide a conduit for Chinese espionage and pose a national security risk to the American public. Last fall, the Trump administration issued executive orders banning two other popular Chinese-owned social media services, TikTok and WeChat.        该行政令是特朗普政府针对中国最新的升级措施。特朗普政府对中国提高了关税,并发起贸易战。它还瞄准了中国社交媒体服务,称它们为中国的间谍活动提供了渠道,对美国公众构成了国家安全风险。去年秋天,特朗普政府发布行政命令,封禁了TikTok和微信这两个人气颇高的中国社交媒体服务。
        But both of those bans have become entangled in litigation, and the services continue to operate in the United States. That raises the question of whether American courts will issue an injunction to stop Mr. Trump’s latest bans on Chinese services as well.        但这两项禁令都卷入了诉讼,这些服务仍在美国继续运营。这引发了疑问,即美国法院是否会发布禁令阻止特朗普对中国服务产品的最新禁令。
        In a briefing Tuesday evening, a senior official with the Trump administration said that it still expected to prevail in those court cases, and that legal challenges to the TikTok and WeChat orders had centered on First Amendment rights, which would most likely not be a significant concern with the payment platforms and other apps affected by the latest order.        在周二晚间的吹风会上,特朗普政府的一名高级官员表示,政府仍有望在这些法庭案件中获胜,而且对TikTok和微信禁令的法律挑战主要集中在第一修正案的权利上,这对于受最新命令影响的支付平台和其他应用来说,基本不是什么大问题。
        The senior official also said the Trump administration had not been in contact with the Biden administration about the order. The Biden administration did not immediately respond to a request for comment.        这名高级官员还表示,特朗普政府尚未就该命令与拜登政府接触。拜登政府没有立即回应置评请求。
        Tencent declined to comment. The other Chinese tech companies affected by the order did not immediately have a comment.        腾讯拒绝置评。受该命令影响的其他中国科技公司没有立即置评。
        The order’s reach may be limited, given that the vast majority of users of the affected apps reside in China. Users of Alipay, for example, are generally required to possess a bank account in China and a Chinese cellphone number. Samm Sacks, a cybersecurity policy and China digital economy fellow at the New America think tank, said it was unlikely that many of the apps included in the executive order handled much data belonging to American citizens.        考虑到受影响应用的绝大多数用户都在中国,该命令的影响可能是有限的。比如支付宝的用户通常被要求在中国拥有一个银行账户和一个中国手机号码。新美国智库(New America)的网络安全政策和中国数字经济研究员萨姆·萨克斯(Samm Sacks)说,涉及该行政命令的许多应用不太可能处理大量属于美国公民的数据。
        Still, the restrictions could fall heavily on Chinese-Americans who travel between the countries or use the services to stay in touch or carry out business with contacts in China.        但对那些往来于两国之间的华裔美国人,或者使用这些服务来与中方保持联系或做生意的人来说,相关限制带来的影响可能很大。
        The measure may also box in President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., who has indicated that he wants to recalibrate America’s policies toward China while continuing to pressure the country on some issues.        这些措施可能也会对候任总统拜登造成约束,后者已经暗示过他想要继续就某些议题对中国施压的同时,重新调整美国对华政策。
        “The executive order will take effect on Biden’s watch,” said Ms. Sacks. “Even if his team doesn’t buy the national security risk, politically the order will be tough to unwind without looking like a concession to Beijing. I see the order as a last-minute flailing to try to tie Biden’s hands.”        “这一行政令将在拜登任内生效,”萨克斯说。“即便他的团队不相信国家安全存在风险的说法,但在政治上,很难在看起来没有对北京让步的情况下解除这一行政令。在我看来,该命令是在最后关头试图束缚拜登手脚的枷锁。”
        The new order tasks the secretary of commerce with identifying the type of transactions that will be affected in 45 days. It also directs the secretary to identify and take appropriate action against other apps, and make broader recommendations on how the United States should develop a program to control the flow of personal U.S. data to foreign adversaries, the senior Trump administration official said. The official said the order was not meant to prevent the Chinese companies from paying their employees in the United States.        这名特朗普政府高级官员说,新的行政令将确认在45天后受到影响的交易类别的任务交给了商务部长。它还要求商务部长找出其他应用程序,并对其采取适当行动,以及对于美国将如何开发出一个项目来控制美国个人信息流向外国对手提供更广泛的建议。该官员说,该命令并非为了阻止中国公司向其在美雇员支付薪水。
        In a statement, Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, said he had directed his department to begin enacting the orders, “including identifying prohibited transactions related to certain Chinese connected software applications.”        商务部长威尔伯·罗斯(Wilbur Ross)在声明中表示,他已指示其部门开始实施这些命令,“包括查明与某些中国互联软件应用有关的违禁交易。”
        “I stand with President Trump’s commitment to protecting the privacy and security of Americans from threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party," he added.        “我支持特朗普总统保护美国人隐私和安全不受中国共产党威胁的承诺,”他补充道。
        The executive order came as the Trump administration and members of Congress also pressured the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday to remove China’s three major state-run telecommunications companies from the exchange.        该行政令签署之时,正值特朗普政府和国会成员周二向纽交所施压,要求其将中国三大国营电信公司摘牌。
        The stock exchange late Monday had reversed its original plans, announced last week, to delist the companies to comply with an executive order from the administration aimed at stopping American investment in companies linked to the Chinese military.        周一晚些时候,纽交所已撤回其上周宣布的最初计划,即为了遵守特朗普政府旨在阻止美国资本流入与中国军方有关联的行政令,将上述公司摘牌。

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