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A Second Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Is Said to Be Effective

来源:纽约时报    2021-01-08 02:31

        Brazilian officials said Thursday that a coronavirus vaccine made by a Chinese company was effective, bolstering the chances of approval for a second Chinese inoculation that could be rolled out in much of the developing world.        巴西官员周四表示,一家中国公司生产的新冠病毒疫苗是有效的,这增加了第二种中国疫苗获批的机会,它可能会在很多发展中国家推广。
        Officials in the state of São Paulo, where a prominent medical research institute carried out a large study of the vaccine made by the Beijing-based Sinovac, said the inoculation had an efficacy rate of 78 percent.        圣保罗州的官员表示,该疫苗的有效率为78%。该州一家著名医学研究机构对这种由北京科兴生物制造的疫苗进行了大规模研究。
        The vaccine prevented all participants from developing serious and mild complications from the virus, officials said, calling it a highly effective preventive tool.        官员们说,该疫苗预防了所有参与者出现因该病毒产生的重症和轻症,并称其为一种非常有效的预防工具。
        In anticipation of approval, the vaccine, CoronaVac, has already been shipped around the world as countries prepare for mass inoculation campaigns. Sinovac has sold more than 300 million doses, mostly to low- and middle-income countries, accounting for about half of the total doses that China says vaccine makers were capable of producing in 2020, based on an analysis of company statements and media reports.        随着各国准备开展大规模接种运动,预计将获批的新冠病毒疫苗CoronaVac已经运往世界各地。根据对公司声明和媒体报道的分析,科兴已售出3亿多支疫苗,主要销往中低收入国家,占中国所称疫苗制造商2020年产能总量的一半左右。
        China has set its sights on supplying the developing world with a Covid-19 vaccine, in a push to position itself as a leader in health diplomacy after its failures in the early days of the outbreak. It also wants to burnish its credentials in science by becoming a major player in the global vaccine business.        中国已着眼于向发展中国家提供新冠疫苗,在经历了疫情暴发初期的失败后,此举旨在推动中国成为卫生外交的领导者。它还希望成为全球疫苗业务的主要参与者,从而提升自己在科学领域的声誉。
        Even without the regulatory greenlight, China has embarked on an aggressive vaccination drive at home, with the goal of inoculating 50 million people by the middle of next month. Beijing has also developed an overseas distribution plan for exports, directing airlines to stock up on refrigerators and dry ice.        即使监管部门尚未批准,中国已经开始在国内积极开展疫苗接种运动,目标是到下个月中旬让5000万人接种疫苗。北京还制定了海外出口分销计划,指示航空公司储备冰箱和干冰。
        China is filling a void in poorer nations left by Western competitors. The United States is mainly focused on working through the chaos of distributing its vaccines at home. The European Union and other rich countries have bought many of the doses supplied by the American drugmakers Pfizer and Moderna.        中国正在填补西方竞争对手给贫穷国家留下的空白。美国目前主要致力于解决国内疫苗分发的混乱局面。欧盟和其他富裕国家采购了大量由美国制药商辉瑞(Pfizer)和莫德纳(Moderna)提供的疫苗。
        “The Chinese have been eager to get out in front, aware of the gap and the hoarding and pre-purchase of so many billions of doses by the Western governments that is leaving so many countries high and dry,” said J. Stephen Morrison, director of the global health policy center at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.        “中国一直急于走在前面,他们意识到这个缺口,也意识到西方政府会囤积和预购数十亿剂疫苗,让其他国家陷于困境,”战略与国际研究中心全球卫生政策中心主任J·史蒂芬·莫里森(J. Stephen Morrison)说。
        “It will become a tool in their diplomatic alliances, and it will give them some measure of prestige and standing with countries that choose to make use of them,” he added.        “这将成为他们外交联盟中的一种工具,将使他们在选择使用这些工具的国家中获得一定程度的威望和地位,”他还说。
        Unlike players from the United States, Chinese vaccine makers had to think globally almost from the start. The companies had to go abroad to test the efficacy of their vaccines because the outbreak had been largely stamped out in China.        与美国制造商不同,中国疫苗制造商几乎从一开始就必须考虑全球问题。它们只能到国外测试其疫苗的有效性,因为疫情在中国已基本被扑灭。
        In recent months, Chinese companies have signed agreements with at least 15 countries and regions, providing early access to doses. Their vaccines have been rolled out in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain after being approved for emergency use.        近几个月来,中国企业已与至少15个国家和地区签署协议,提供及早接种疫苗的机会。他们的疫苗已在阿拉伯联合酋长国和巴林获准紧急使用。
        Many of their early customers were the governments that cooperated on the late-stage, Phase 3 trials. Brazil has roughly 10.8 million doses of the vaccine on hand and intends to start producing it locally, and Indonesia and Turkey have both received shipments of Sinovac vaccines. Sinovac has said it is able to produce 600 million doses this year.        他们的许多早期客户是在后期阶段,也就是三期试验阶段中合作的政府。巴西现有约1080万剂疫苗,并打算开始在当地生产,印度尼西亚和土耳其都收到了科兴的疫苗。科兴表示,今年有能力生产6亿剂疫苗。
        These deals could help vaccine makers shake off the industry’s tarnished reputation after a series of quality and corruption scandals. For decades, Chinese vaccine makers focused only on serving their domestic market. Only five Chinese vaccines have been preapproved for export by the World Health Organization — one of them is a hepatitis A shot made by Sinovac.        这些交易可以帮助疫苗制造商摆脱该行业在一系列质量和腐败丑闻后受到玷污的声誉。几十年来,中国疫苗制造商只专注于服务国内市场。只有五种中国疫苗获得世界卫生组织的出口预批准——其中一种是中国科兴生产的甲型肝炎疫苗。
        The results in Brazil are closely watched by regulators in other countries that are conducting trials for the Sinovac vaccine because it had the biggest number of volunteers, at 12,476. Turkey announced on Dec. 24 that the vaccine had an efficacy rate of 91.25 percent, but it was based on preliminary results from a small clinical trial. The scientists who ran the trial discussed the results at a news conference, but they did not provide the data online in written form.        正在进行科兴疫苗试验的其他国家监管机构都在密切关注巴西的结果,因为该国的志愿者人数最多,达到12476人。土耳其12月24日宣布,该疫苗的有效率为91.25%,但这是建立在一个小型临床试验的初步结果基础上。主持该试验的科学家在新闻发布会上对结果进行了讨论,但没有以书面形式在网上提供数据。
        The Chinese government said on Dec. 31 that it had approved another coronavirus vaccine made by the state-owned company Sinopharm. Sinopharm had announced that its Phase 3 trials showed that its vaccine had an efficacy rate of 79.34 percent, but it did not provide any further trial data, making it impossible for outside experts to evaluate the claim.        12月31日,中国政府表示,已批准国有企业国药集团生产的另一种新冠病毒疫苗。国药集团曾宣布,三期试验表明其疫苗有效率为79.34%,但没有提供任何进一步的试验数据,因此外部专家无法对这一说法进行评估。
        Dimas Covas, the director of Butantan Institute, which carried out the study, declined to provide detailed data about the vaccine study, including the number of people who contracted the virus broken down by placebo and vaccine volunteers.        开展这项研究的巴西布坦坦研究所(Butantan Institute)所长迪马斯·科瓦斯(Dimas Covas)拒绝提供有关疫苗研究的详细数据,包括按安慰剂和疫苗志愿者分列的感染病毒人数。
        In other countries, the vaccine was tested on ordinary people, but Dr. Covas said the Brazilian CoronaVac study relied solely on medical professionals, who were at higher risk of getting the virus than the general population.        在其他国家,疫苗是在普通人身上进行测试,但科瓦斯表示,巴西的新冠病毒研究完全依赖医疗专业人员,他们感染病毒的风险比普通人更高。
        “The vaccine was submitted to a hard test,” he said, adding that none of the test volunteers developed serious or moderate cases of Covid-19 or required hospitalization.        他说:“该疫苗经过了严格的测试。”他还说,测试志愿者中没有人出现新冠重症或轻度病例,也没有人需要住院治疗。
        Officials in São Paulo said they were hopeful that Brazil’s health regulatory agency would approve emergency use of the vaccine within days. The country hit a grim milestone on Thursday: 200,000 deaths from the virus.        圣保罗官员称,他们希望巴西卫生管理机构能在几天内批准紧急使用该疫苗。巴西在周四迎来了一个严峻的里程碑:新冠死亡人数达到20万。
        If approval is granted, officials said, Brazil could produce up to one million doses of the vaccine per day.        官员们表示,如果获得批准,巴西每天可以生产多达100万剂疫苗。
        Like the Sinopharm vaccine, CoronaVac is made with a traditional technology that uses an inactivated virus to provoke the body’s immune system to produce antibodies.        跟国药集团的疫苗一样,CoronaVac也是采用一种传统技术制成的,使用灭活病毒刺激人体免疫系统产生抗体。
        These vaccines tend to have weaker efficacy rates, but they can be kept at refrigerated temperatures, making transportation and storage easier. Such characteristics are especially important for developing countries that may not have the infrastructure to maintain the frozen vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna. Sinovac’s chief executive, Yin Weidong, called the inactivated technology “the best” one for the vaccine.        这种疫苗的效力往往会低一些,但可以在冷藏温度下保存,使运输和储存容易得多。这些特性对发展中国家尤其重要,因其可能没有维持辉瑞和莫德纳生产的冷冻疫苗有效性的基础设施。科兴董事长尹卫东称,用灭活技术制作疫苗是“最好的”。
        Even before the pandemic, Sinovac’s reputation was well established within the biotech world. In 2003, it was the first company in the world to develop an experimental vaccine for another coronavirus outbreak — severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS.        即便在新冠疫情之前,科兴在生物技术界就已经树立起良好的声誉。2003年,该公司成为世界上第一家为另一场冠状病毒疫情SARS(严重急性呼吸系统综合征)研发实验性疫苗的企业。
        The company started testing it on humans but had to scrap further trials after the outbreak ended. But the experience proved fortuitous.        该公司开始对人体进行试验,但在疫情结束后不得不取消了进一步的试验。不过,那次经历并非毫无意义。
        Sinovac began work on a Covid-19 vaccine soon after a top Chinese epidemiologist disclosed on national television in late January that the coronavirus in Wuhan was being transmitted between humans. Scientists at the company canceled their Lunar New Year vacations and set to work on Operation Coronavirus.        去年1月下旬,中国一位顶级流行病学家在国家电视台上披露,武汉的新冠病毒正在人传人,此后不久,科兴就开始研发新冠疫苗。该公司的科学家取消了春节假期,着手开展了“克冠行动”。
        Mr. Yin, 56, started his career as a doctor at the local disease and control center in the northern city of Tangshan. He was troubled by the scourge of hepatitis A and began wondering how he could make a vaccine to curb the disease.        现年56岁的尹卫东的职业生涯始于北方城市唐山的疾病控制中心。甲肝的危害令其困扰,他开始思索如何才能造出疫苗来控制这种疾病。
        In 1985, Mr. Yin, then 21, was the first to isolate the hepatitis A virus, and in 2001, he founded Sinovac Biotech.        1985年,21岁的尹卫东成为首个分离出甲型肝炎病毒的人,2001年,他创立了科兴生物技术公司。
        Along the way, Sinovac has been caught up in the industry’s bad practices. From 2002 to 2011, Mr. Yin paid $77,000 to a senior Chinese drug regulator, Yin Hongzhang, and his wife to approve his vaccines, according to a 2018 filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission, citing court documents.        一路走来,科兴经常陷入行业的不良行为丑闻。根据2018年提交给美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的一份援引法庭记录的文件称,2002年到2011年,尹卫东向中国药品监管高级官员尹红章夫妇支付了逾50万元,以批准他的疫苗。
        The regulator was jailed in 2017 for taking bribes from company executives, including the head of another vaccine company that has joined forces with AstraZeneca to make a Covid-19 vaccine. The executives did not face scrutiny.        该官员于2017年因收受公司高管贿赂入狱,行贿者还包括另一家疫苗公司的负责人,该公司正与阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)联手生产新冠疫苗。这些高管并未受到审查。
        A Sinovac spokesman, Pearson Liu, said the incidents happened more than 10 years ago, adding that “neither Mr. Yin nor the company have been accused of any wrongdoing by any government authority on the allegations.”        科兴发言人刘沛诚表示,这些事情发生在10多年前,并补充说,“政府当局未用这些罪名指控尹卫东或本公司有任何不当行为。”
        Sinovac’s key shareholders tried to use the bribery case involving Mr. Yin to oust him from his company. The messy battle culminated in the firm’s electricity supply being cut off by representatives of a key shareholder and a temporary halt to the supply of hepatitis A vaccines in China.        科兴的主要股东曾试图利用尹卫东的行贿案将他排挤出公司。这场混乱的斗争最终导致该公司的电力供应被一位主要股东的代表切断,使中国甲型肝炎疫苗供应一度暂停。
        Through it all, Mr. Yin has emerged unscathed, creating a corporate front-runner in China’s Covid-19 vaccine outreach efforts.        在经历这一切之后,尹卫东的地位并未被动摇,还将科兴打造成为中国新冠疫苗推广的领军者。
        After promising early-stage trials, Sinovac determined that it would need help from a research institute in a place with an active outbreak. Brazil has the third-highest number of Covid-19 infections in the world after India and the United States, at 7.8 million cases, allowing Sinovac to test much faster for the efficacy of its vaccine.        在承诺进行早期试验后,科兴认定自己需要疫情活跃地区的一家研究机构的帮助。巴西的新冠感染病例数量居世界第三,仅次于印度和美国,有780万例,这使得科兴能更快地测试其疫苗的效力。
        The Butantan Institute in Brazil looked like an ideal partner. Both companies had developed a relationship that had started before the pandemic, said Dr. Covas, the director. The institute was also well versed in the technology that Sinovac was using.        巴西布坦坦研究所看起来是个理想的合作伙伴。所长科瓦斯表示,双方早在疫情开始前就有合作关系。该研究所也精通于科兴正在使用的技术。
        “We had common interests and, especially, the capacity to do this very quickly,” Dr. Covas said in an interview.        “我们有共同利益,特别是也都有能力迅速完成这项工作,”科瓦斯在接受采访时表示。
        In going abroad, Sinovac has been forced to navigate political minefields.        在走出国门的过程中,科兴被迫穿越了政治雷区。
        The company’s website was defaced by hackers from Turkey in recent weeks. The hackers put up the flag of East Turkestan, an emblem banned in China and generally used as a symbol of independence for the Uighurs, a Turkic Muslim minority group.        最近几周,该公司的网站遭到了土耳其黑客的破坏。黑客们放上了东突厥斯坦的旗帜,这是中国禁止使用的标志,通常被用做突厥穆斯林少数民族维吾尔人的独立象征。
        Its clinical trial has been criticized by supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro, who has rejected his health ministry’s plan to buy 46 million doses. In November, the trial was briefly suspended after the death of a participant, a regulatory move that Mr. Bolsonaro — who has blamed China for the pandemic — hailed as a victory. The trial was resumed after the health authority ruled that the death had been unrelated to the vaccine.        该公司的临床试验受到了雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)总统支持者的批评,博尔索纳罗还拒绝了该国卫生部购买4600万剂疫苗的方案。去年11月,在一名参与者死亡后,试验被暂停,这一监管举措曾被博尔索纳罗称为一场胜利,他将疫情归咎于中国。但在卫生当局裁定死亡与疫苗无关后,试验又恢复了。
        It is unclear whether the Sinovac vaccines will even be used throughout Brazil. João Doria, a rival of Mr. Bolsonaro’s and the governor of the State of São Paulo, which has run the trials for Sinovac, has negotiated directly with the Chinese company for vaccine doses. He has announced that his state intends to start vaccinating people in late January, subject to regulatory approval. It’s the only state in the country to buy the Sinovac vaccine.        尚不清楚科兴疫苗是否会在巴西全境使用。博尔索纳罗的竞争对手、为科兴进行试验的圣保罗州州长若昂·多利亚(João Doria)与该中国公司就疫苗剂量进行了直接谈判。他宣布,如果得到监管部门批准,该州预计在1月底开始接种疫苗。这是巴西唯一一个购买科兴疫苗的州。
        After the announcement on Thursday, Brazil’s health minister, Eduardo Pazuello, told reporters that the federal government intended to purchase 100 million doses of CoronaVac.        周四宣布这一消息后,巴西卫生部长爱德华多·帕祖埃洛(Eduardo Pazuello)对记者表示,联邦政府准备购买一亿剂CoronaVac疫苗。
        “This vaccine will save millions of people,” Mr. Doria said Thursday at a news conference. “Today is a day of hope.”        “这种疫苗将拯救无数人,”多利亚在周四的新闻发布会上说。“今天是充满希望的一天。”

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