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Here’s 10 movies to inspire your 2021

来源:中国日报    2021-01-05 12:56

        《她的马拉松》        BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON (2019)
        Brittany Runs a Marathon is an earnest and hilarious dramedy that finally gives Jillian Bell a role worthy of her gifts.        《她的马拉松》是一部严肃而又滑稽的喜剧,最终给了吉莉安·贝尔一个值得她天赋的角色。
        《奎迪》        CREED (2015)
        Creed brings the Rocky franchise off the mat for a surprisingly effective seventh round that extends the boxer's saga in interesting new directions while staying true to its classic predecessors' roots.        《奎迪》让洛奇系列重回银幕,作为该系列第七部作品产生了惊人的反响,这部电影在忠于其经典前作的基础上,将这位拳击手的传奇推向了有趣的新方向。
        《阿甘正传》        FORREST GUMP (1994)
        Forrest Gump may be an overly sentimental film, but its sweetness and charm are usually enough to approximate true depth and grace.        《阿甘正传》可能是一部过度感性的电影,但它的温馨和魅力足够接近真正的深度和涵养。
        《隐藏人物》        HIDDEN FIGURES (2017)

In heartwarming, crowd-pleasing fashion, Hidden Figures celebrates overlooked -- and crucial -- contributions from a pivotal moment in American history.
        《头脑特工队》        Inside Out (2015)
        Inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving, Inside Out is another outstanding addition to the Pixar library of modern animated classics.        《头脑特工队》富有创造性,画面华丽,感人至深,是皮克斯现代动画经典作品中的又一杰作。
        《朱莉与朱莉娅》        Julie & Julia (2009)
        Boosted by Meryl Streep's charismatic performance as Julia Child, Julie and Julia is a light, but fairly entertaining culinary comedy.        有梅丽尔·斯特里普饰演的茱莉亚·切尔德精彩助阵,《朱莉和朱莉娅》是一部轻松但相当有趣的烹饪喜剧。
        《最后的假期》        Last Holiday (2006)
        Although Queen Latifah's bountiful life-affirming spirit permeates the film, director Wayne Wang is unable to revive this remake with any real flair.        尽管奎恩·拉提法积极向上的精神弥漫在整部电影中,但导演王颖却无法以任何真正的才气让这部翻拍作品再次流行。
        《少年派的奇幻漂流》        Life of Pi (2012)
        A 3D adaptation of a supposedly "unfilmable" book, Ang Lee's Life of Pi achieves the near impossible -- it's an astonishing technical achievement that's also emotionally rewarding.        李安的《少年派的奇幻漂流》是一部根据所谓的“不影视化”的书改编的3D电影,它实现了近乎不可能的目标——这是一项令人惊讶的技术成就,在情感上也令人满足。
        《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》        Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

With exhilarating action and a surprising amount of narrative heft, Mad Max: Fury Road brings George Miller's post-apocalyptic franchise roaring vigorously back to life.
        《涉足荒野》        Wild (2014)
        Powerfully moving and emotionally resonant, Wild finds director Jean-Marc Vallée and star Reese Witherspoon working at the peak of their respective powers.        《涉足荒野》是导演让·马克·瓦雷和演员瑞茜·威瑟斯彭在各自巅峰时期的合作,这部电影感人至深,引起了人们的共鸣。

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