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Grammys postpone 2021 ceremony over Covid-19 concerns

来源:中国日报    2021-01-06 14:15

        The 2021 Grammys, originally scheduled for January 31st, have been postponed due to concerns over the spread of Covid-19, multiple sources confirm to Rolling Stone. In a statement released Tuesday evening, organizers, citing “thoughtful conversations with health experts, our host and artists scheduled to appear,” confirmed that they’ll stage the award show on Sunday, March 14th.        多个消息来源向《滚石》杂志证实,出于对新冠病毒传播的担忧,原定于在1月31日举行的2021年格莱美奖颁奖礼被推迟。主办方在周二(1月5日)晚发布的一项声明中表示,“和健康专家以及计划出场的主持人和艺人进行了经过深思熟虑的对话”后,他们决定于3月14日(周日)举行格莱美奖。
        "The deteriorating COVID situation in Los Angeles, with hospital services being overwhelmed, ICUs having reached capacity, and new guidance from state and local governments have all led us to conclude that postponing our show was the right thing to do,” the Recording Academy and CBS, the network broadcasting the show, said in a statement. “Nothing is more important than the health and safety of those in our music community and the hundreds of people who work tirelessly on producing the show. We want to thank all of the talented artists, the staff, our vendors and especially this year’s nominees for their understanding, patience and willingness to work with us as we navigate these unprecedented times.”        美国录音学院以及格莱美奖颁奖礼转播方哥伦比亚广播公司在一份声明中表示:“洛杉矶疫情恶化,医院服务不堪重负,重症监护室已达饱和。根据州政府和地方政府发布的新指导意见,我们得出结论认为推迟颁奖礼是正确的做法。没有什么比我们的音乐界人士和数百名不辞辛劳制作颁奖礼的工作人员的健康和安全更重要。我们想感谢所有才华横溢的艺人、工作人员、我们的供应商尤其是今年的候选人在这个史无前例的时刻对我们的理解、耐心与合作。”
        The Grammys had already planned on a limited show for 2021, forgoing an audience completely and only allowing presenters and performers on-site during the show. Nominated artists wouldn’t have been allowed on-site either, likely leading to a situation similar to the 2020 Emmys where nominees appeared and accepted awards remotely.        格莱美奖主办方之前计划在2021年举行一场限定人数参加的颁奖礼,这场颁奖礼完全没有观众,只允许主持人和演员在现场。被提名的艺人也不允许到现场,他们很可能会远程亮相和领奖,同2020年艾美奖颁奖礼相似。
        The 2021 Grammy nominations were led by Beyoncé who picked up nine nominations, while Dua Lipa, Taylor Swift and Roddy Ricch followed behind with six nods each. A rep for Trevor Noah, who was tapped as the host for this year’s event, confirmed to Rolling Stone that he will remain the host. (a rep for the Recording Academy did not immediately reply to a request for comment.)        2021年格莱美奖获提名最多的是碧昂斯,一人独揽9项提名,紧随其后的是杜阿·利帕、泰勒·斯威夫特和罗迪·里奇,每人各获6项提名。特雷弗·诺亚的发言人向《滚石》透露,原定将担任今年颁奖礼主持人的特雷弗·诺亚仍将担任主持人。(美国录音学院的发言人没有马上对此作出回应。)
        The Recording Academy’s decision to shift the event to later in the year occurred one day after SAG-AFTRA — the union representing actors and other industry professionals — and the Producers’ Guild recommended a “temporary hold on in-person production.”        美国录音学院推迟格莱美奖颁奖礼的决定一天之前,SAG-AFTRA联合工会和美国制片人工会发出“暂停现场制作活动”建议。SAG-AFTRA联合工会是代表演员和行业内其他专业人士的工会。
        "Southern California hospitals are facing a crisis the likes of which we have never seen before. Patients are dying in ambulances waiting for treatment because hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed. This is not a safe environment for in-person production right now,” SAG-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris said on Monday.        SAG-AFTRA联合工会主席加布里埃尔·卡特里斯周一(1月4日)表示:“南加州的医院正面临我们前所未见的危机。等待治疗的病人们在救护车中死去,因为医院的急救室都满了。眼下不具备适合现场制作的安全环境。”
        California as a whole has seen a surge in Covid-19 cases following Thanksgiving and the holiday season, setting a new single-day record of 74,000 new cases on January 4th, according to The Los Angeles Times. In Los Angeles County, the hospital system has been stretched so thin that Covid-19 patients are often forced to wait in ambulances for hours until hospital beds open up, while the L.A. County Emergency Medical Services Agency has directed ambulance crews to ration oxygen and not transfer patients who have virtually no chance of surviving.        据《洛杉矶时报》报道,在感恩节和圣诞季过后,加州的新冠肺炎病例数量总体大增,1月4日单日新增病例数量达到了破纪录的7.4万例。在洛杉矶县,医院系统的资源已经极度紧张,新冠肺炎患者经常要被迫在救护车里等待数小时才能有床位。与此同时,洛杉矶县紧急医疗服务机构已经指挥救护车工作人员定量配给氧气,不要将几乎没有生还希望的病人送来。

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