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Boyfriends “forced” to take perfect pictures of their girlfriends

来源:中国日报    2021-01-08 10:43

        1 I only see the guy standing and his gf sitting but when I looked up just a little i see another one, and another one...lol        一开始我只看见一个男人站着,他的女朋友坐在前。后来我又看了一眼,发现了另一对,哈哈哈
        2 Former Olympic gymnasts . -- they gave it up to get married and have a family.        曾经的奥林匹克体操运动员。他们为了结婚放弃事业,组建了家庭。
        3 That's actually adorable        其实这一幕挺暖挺甜的
        4 I think her boots are cool and they are also the things that keep her balanced.        我觉得她的靴子挺酷,这双靴子让她保持平衡。
        5 Dedication and stupidity. Marry the dead body!        为爱献身,为爱痴傻!嫁给这个在地上躺尸的男人吧!
        6 Worthwhile to take and to post. It's a skill, not just a pretty face :)        值得拍成照片并且晒出来的一幕!这是一门技能,而不仅仅是一张美丽的脸。
        7 Did she just kick herself in the butt mid-flight? That's a difficult move...        她是不是飞到半空中的时候踢了自己的屁股?这个动作难度好大……
        8 Please fall, please fall, please fall...        快掉下去,快掉下去,快掉下去
        9 I'm so glad my youth was pre-social media era        真高兴我年轻的时候是前社交网时代
        10 Are those early spring flowers, or did they bring all those petals out there themselves?        那些是早春的花,还是他们自带了些花瓣?
        11 If he stands there long enough she'll end up with some cool stripes on her back.        如果他在那里站的时间够长,她的背上就会出现很酷的条形痕迹
        12 Was gonna say, which one is the boy friend?        正准备问,谁才是她的男朋友?
        13 This one is okay... just a bunch of friends having fun lol        这张挺不错,一群好朋友在一起玩耍哈哈哈
        14 Just... why? Why is he twisted in that position? Does the placement of his legs affect the photo or something??        这是为什么呢?他为什么要把自己扭成那样?他腿的位置对照片有影响吗?
        15 Him: no.. NO I can't do it any more... please.... her: Just another photo?        他:我不行了,我坚持不住了!她:好吧,最后一张?

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