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‘Each Day Is Critical’: South Korea’s 11th-Hour Battle with Covid

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-23 10:19

        SEOUL, South Korea — In several provinces across South Korea, there are no I.C.U. beds available to treat the rapidly rising number of Covid-19 patients. As of Monday, the government confirmed that there were only 42 beds available nationwide. In the Seoul metropolitan area, home to half of the country’s population and the majority of its recent infections, there were just six. ​        韩国首尔——在韩国的几个道(省级行政区划——译注),重症监护病床已经没有空余,不能再接收快速增长的新冠病毒疾病患者。韩国政府确认,截至周一,全国还剩下42张重症监护病床,居住着韩国半数人口的首尔大都市地区只剩下六张,该国最近的感染病例大部分发生在首尔。​
        The latest explosion of coronavirus cases in South Korea has put the country on edge in a way that it has not been since the beginning of the pandemic. If cases can’t be brought under control and the strain on hospitals continues to deteriorate, the government may for the first time impose Level 3 restrictions, the highest level of social-distancing rules ​short of a lockdown in South Korea.        最近激增的感染病例,让韩国出现了疫情暴发初期过后尚未看到过的紧张不安。如果疫情得不到控制,医院面临的压力继续严重恶化的话,政府可能会首次采取三级限制措施,这是韩国在不封城情况下最高级别的保持社交距离规定。
        A quiet fear has taken hold in a country that for much of the year was held up as a model for the rest of the world. The streets of Seoul are growing more empty by the day. Supermarkets have reported brisk sales of instant noodles and meal kits. Restaurant owners are anxious they will be forced to close their doors to dine-in customers, taking orders for takeout only.        在今年大部分时间里,韩国曾被视为世界其他国家的榜样,但一种寂静的恐惧现已深入韩国人心。首尔街道上的人一天比一天少。超市传出方便面和餐盒销售红火的消息。餐馆老板们担心,他们将被迫停止接待在餐馆内用餐的顾客,只接外卖订单。
        And now, the virus is even harder to contain.        而且现在这波感染更难控制。
        “Unlike in the past, this time the virus seems to pop up everywhere and no place is safe,” said Myeong Hae-kyung, a chief nurse at the Yeungnam University Medical Center in Daegu who served on the front line when the city was the epicenter of the country’s first coronavirus outbreak earlier this year.        “与过去不同的是,这次的病毒似乎冷不防地出现在所有的地方,没有地方是安全的,”大邱市岭南大学(Yeungnam University)医学中心的明海庆(Myeong Hae-kyung,音)护士长说。大邱是新冠病毒今年早些时候在韩国首次暴发时的重灾区,她当时在抗疫一线工作过。
        “In recent days, my life has been alternating just between the hospital and home. I am afraid to go anywhere else,” she said.        “最近几天,我要么在医院工作,要么呆在家里。我不敢去其他任何地方,”她说。
        In this wave, hospitals are a critical focus in South Korea. The country has aimed to provide patients with hospital beds within a day of being diagnosed with the disease.        医院是韩国这波感染的关键焦点。韩国的目标一直是在患者确诊后的一天内为其提供医院床位。
        But as of Sunday, 368 patients in the Seoul Metropolitan area were still waiting at home for beds to be assigned to them. Last week, a patient in Seoul died at home while waiting for a hospital bed. Another died at home in Seoul on Sunday.        但截至周日,首尔大都市地区仍有368名患者在家中等待床位。首尔的一名病人上周在家中等床位时死亡。周日,又有一人在首尔的家中死去。
        The number of ​I.C.U. ​patients tripled this month to 274 on Monday. ​Over the weekend, South Korea reported more than 1,000 new Covid-19 patients for five consecutive days, a record.        进了重症监护室的患者数量本月增加了两倍,周一已达到274人。截止这个周末,韩国已接连五天连续每天通报新增1000例以上新冠病毒感染病例,创下纪录。
        “We must secure hospital beds for critically ill patients as if ​we are fighting a war,” Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said on Sunday. “Each day is critical.”        “我们必须为危重病人提供医院床位的保障,就像我们在打一场战争,”国务总理丁世均周日说。“每天都是关键。”
        The surge of infections has created a bottleneck as health officials struggle to assign a limited number of beds to patients. The government has ordered state-run and private general hospitals to convert at least one percent of their licensed beds for treating seriously ill Covid patients.        感染人数激增已形成瓶颈,在床位的分配上令卫生官员感到为难。政府已下令国营和私立综合医院将有许可病床的至少1%改造为治疗重症新冠患者的病床。
        Health authorities expect the bottleneck to ease significantly in the coming week as more beds become available. The success of the effort will help determine if the government raises social-distancing restrictions to Level 3, under which more than 2 million additional businesses would shut down or have their operations dramatically curtailed.        随着病床数的增加,卫生部门预计这个瓶颈问题将在未来一周得到明显缓解。这项努力成功与否,将决定政府是否会将保持社交距离的限制提高到三级,那意味着逾200万家商业场所将关门或大幅缩减营业。
        “As you can see, we don’t have people coming in,” said Lee Jeong-ae, a restaurant owner in northern Seoul, as she pointed to empty tables in her restaurant. “People who suffer the most from the social distancing are small-business owners like us.”        “就像你看到的,已经没人来我们这里吃饭,”首尔北部一家餐馆的老板李正爱(Lee Jeong-ae,音)指着自己餐馆里的空桌子说。“受保持社交距离影响最大的是像我们这样的小业主。”
        Ms. Lee sells fish soups, roasted pork and other Korean dishes. Recently she started preparing for new restrictions by looking into bulk orders for plastic containers because restaurants like hers would only be allowed to sell takeout under Level 3 guidelines.        李女士的馆子经营鱼汤、烤猪肉和其他韩国菜。最近,她开始为新限制做准备,对批量订购塑料餐盒的问题进行了研究,因为在三级限制下,像她餐馆这样的商业场所只能卖外卖。
        The Seoul metropolitan area remains under a Level 2.5, with schools, gyms, karaoke rooms, bars and other high-risk facilities closed. Restaurants, movie theaters, hair salons and many other businesses remain open, although they must close before 9 p.m.​ Coffee shops are takeout​ only.        首尔大都市地区目前仍处于2.5级限制之下,学校、健身房、卡拉OK厅、酒吧和其他高风险设施已关闭。餐馆、电影院、发廊和许多其他商业场所仍在营业,尽管必须在晚上9点前关门。咖啡店只卖外卖。
        As of Monday, South Korea has reported 698 fatalities out of 50,591 cases. Its aggressive campaign to “test, trace and treat” patients has kept its mortality rates ​comparatively low. But epidemiologists have called ​on the government to adopt Level 3​ restrictions before it’s too late.        截至周一,韩国累计新冠病毒病例数为50591例,其中有698例死亡病例。韩国对感染者采取的积极“检测、追踪和治疗”行动,将该国的新冠病毒死亡率一直维持在相对的低水平。但流行病学家已呼吁政府采取三级限制措施,以免为时过晚。
        Unlike previous waves of the virus with large clusters that officials were able to target and trace, the latest wave has spread through numerous small clusters in nursing homes, ​churches, ​prisons, saunas and small private gatherings, making it more difficult to contain.        以前的几波感染都是较大的集群感染,官员们能够确定感染人群,进行接触追踪。最近这波感染与以前的不同,已在养老院、教堂、监狱、桑拿浴室和小型私人聚会等数不清的小群体里传播,使传播更难控制。
        Dr. Eom Joong-sik, who treats Covid-19 patients in Gachon University Gil Hospital in Incheon, a populous port city west of Seoul, said that the current problems reflected the government’s failure to plan ahead despite its reputation of being a leader in the pandemic.        在首尔以西人口稠密的港口城市仁川的嘉泉大学吉医院(Gachon University Gil Hospital)治疗新冠病毒患者的严钟直(Eom Joong-sik,音)大夫说,目前的问题反映了政府未能提前做好计划,尽管政府在这场大流行病中有起带头作用的名声。
        “Experts had already warned that if a wave hit the Seoul metropolitan area, home to half of the country’s population, we could face a shortage in hospital beds there and the government needed to make a plan for that scenario,” said Dr. Eom. “Right now, we not only face a difficulty in securing hospital beds in the metropolitan area, but we also have a difficulty in transporting patients to hospitals as we see hundreds of new patients a day.”        “专家们已经警告过,如果一波感染袭击韩国半数人口居住的首尔大都市地区的话,我们可能会面临医院床位短缺的问题,政府需要为出现这种情况做计划,”严大夫说。“现在,我们不仅面临着大都市地区医院床位短缺的困难,而且在把病人送往医院方面也遇到困难,因为我们每天要看数百名新患者。”
        President Moon Jae-in, who has taken pride in his government’s strategy of keeping as much of the economy running as possible while also battling the pandemic, has been reluctant to authorize Level 3. Instead, the government has ramped up its testing and isolation campaigns and introduced new social-distancing rules incrementally.        韩国总统文在寅一直对其政府在抗击疫情的同时尽可能保持经济运转的战略感到自豪,他一直不愿授权将限制提高到三级。政府取而代之的做法是,加大病毒检测和进行隔离的力度,并逐步引入新的保持社交距离规则。
        In the past week, it has tested 67,000 people a day for the virus, 10 times more than it did in October. In Seoul and nearby cities, the government has added 134 temporary testing stations to help encourage people to get free tests, even if they have no symptoms, with the hope of “preemptively” isolating ​asymptomatic cases.        在过去一周里,政府平均每天为6.7万人做病毒检测,10倍于今年10月的检测量。政府在首尔及附近城市增设了134个临时检测点,以帮助鼓励人们做免费的病毒检测,即使他们没有症状,希望这样能“先发制人地”对无症状感染者进行隔离。
        As part of the government’s efforts to discourage people from spreading the disease through Christmas and the New Year, birthday parties and other private gatherings of five or more people will be banned in the Seoul metropolitan area starting Wednesday.        作为政府防止人们在圣诞节和新年期间传播病毒努力的一部分,首尔大都市地区将从本周三起,禁止五人或五人以上的生日聚会和其他私人聚会。
        An annual Christmas Eve gathering around a Christmas tree in the Seoul City Hall plaza has been canceled. Large churches have put up their usual Christmas decorations, yet appear deserted as prayer services with more than 20 people have been prohibited. The United Christian Churches of Korea has urged worshipers to celebrate the holiday at home by sharing carols with friends on social media.        首尔广场一年一度的平安夜圣诞树聚会已被取消。虽然大教堂已像往常一样挂起了圣诞装饰,但教堂内几乎没有人,因为政府禁止了20人以上的祈祷活动。韩国基督教总联合会已敦促信徒们在家里过节,用在社交媒体上与朋友一起唱颂歌的方式庆祝节日。
        “We will carefully prepare to adopt Level 3 in case it becomes necessary,” said Son Young-rae, a spokesman for the Health Ministry. “But we hope that the government and the people can work together to control the wave without going ​there.”        “我们将为有必要时采取三级限制认真做好准备,”韩国保健福祉部发言人孙映莱说。“但我们希望能通过政府和人民的一起努力,将这波感染控制住,从而不至于走到那一步。”

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