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Number of Journalists Killed for Their Reporting Doubled in 2020

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-23 02:02

        MEXICO CITY — The number of journalists killed as a result of their work more than doubled in 2020, an international media watchdog group said on Tuesday, with armed conflict and gang violence making Mexico and Afghanistan among the deadliest countries for reporters globally.        墨西哥城——一家国际媒体监督组织周二表示,因履行本职工作而被杀的新闻记者人数在2020年增加了一倍以上,武装冲突和帮派暴力使墨西哥和阿富汗成为全球对新闻记者来说最危险的国家。
        At least 30 journalists were killed worldwide this year, according to the watchdog group, the Committee to Protect Journalists, with 21 of those killings carried out as a direct response to the reporters’ work, compared to 10 in 2019.        根据监督组织保护记者委员会(Committee to Protect Journalists,简称CPJ)的数据,今年全球至少有30名新闻工作者被杀,其中21人的死亡是直接由记者的报道引起的,而2019年为这一数字为10人。
        “It’s appalling that the murders of journalists have more than doubled in the last year, and this escalation represents a failure of the international community to confront the scourge of impunity,” Joel Simon, the C.P.J.’s executive director, said in a statement.        CPJ执行董事乔尔·西蒙(Joel Simon)在声明中说:“令人震惊的是,在过去一年里,全球被谋杀记者人数翻了不止一倍,这种升级恶化表明国际社会未能铲除有罪不罚的祸根。”
        While the total number of killings rose in 2020, the number of deaths related to conflict fell to its lowest level since 2000, according to the C.P.J., with waning violence in the Middle East and fewer reporters traveling because of the coronavirus pandemic.        根据CPJ的调查,虽然谋杀总数在2020年上升,但与冲突有关的死亡人数降至2000年以来的最低水平,这是因为中东的暴力活动有所降低,并且新冠病毒大流行导致记者出行减少。
        Still, while fewer journalists were caught in the crossfire of war in 2020, at least four were killed because of their work in Syria and Afghanistan, according to the C.P.J. A fifth killing in Afghanistan on Monday is still being investigated, the group said.        然而,根据CPJ的说法,尽管在2020年陷于战火的记者人数有所减少,但至少有四名记者因在叙利亚和阿富汗的新闻报道而被杀。该组织说,周一在阿富汗发生的第五起谋杀事件仍在调查中。
        Among those killed in Afghanistan was Malalai Maiwand, a television and radio reporter who was fatally shot while on her way to work this month.        在阿富汗遇害的记者之一是电视和广播记者马拉拉·迈万德(Malala Maiwand),本月在上班途中被枪杀。
        In Iran, the authorities executed the journalist Ruhollah Zam this month because of his reporting on antigovernment protests in 2017.        在伊朗,当局本月处决了记者鲁霍拉·扎姆(Roohollah Zam),因为他报道了2017年的反政府抗议活动。
        The Philippines had three targeted killings of journalists in 2020.        菲律宾在2020年发生了三起报复性谋杀记者的事件。
        Mexico was the deadliest country in the Western Hemisphere, with four journalists assassinated and a fifth gunned down while reporting on a crime scene. The C.P.J. is still investigating the deaths of four more Mexican reporters.        墨西哥是西半球最严重的国家,有四名记者被暗杀,还有一名记者在犯罪现场报道时被枪杀。CPJ仍在调查另外四名墨西哥记者的死亡。
        “We still have the same situation of impunity, of violence, of collusion between authorities and criminal groups, and that makes us very concerned,” said Jan-Albert Hootsen, the C.P.J.’s Mexico representative.        CPJ墨西哥代表扬-阿尔伯特·霍特森(Jan-Albert Hootsen)表示:“我们仍然面对同样的有罪不罚、暴力、当局与犯罪集团串通的问题,这使我们感到非常担忧。”
        Conflict between rival drug-trafficking groups has led to violence in almost every sector of Mexican society, with homicides nearly doubling in the past five years. Reporters have often been caught up in the conflict, which has claimed more than 31,000 lives this year alone.        敌对贩毒集团之间的冲突已导致墨西哥社会几乎每个行业的暴力,在过去五年中,杀人案几乎增加了一倍。仅今年一年,这种冲突已经夺去超过3.1万人的生命,记者也经常被卷入其中。
        But increasingly, Mexican journalists have also found themselves targeted by organized crime or corrupt politicians because of their work, while the killers go unpunished more often than not.        但是,越来越多的墨西哥记者因为他们的报道而被有组织犯罪集团或腐败的政治家当作目标,而凶手却往往不会受到惩罚。
        “The outlook is bleak,” said Leopoldo Maldonado, regional director for Mexico and Central America at Article 19, a British press freedom organization.        英国新闻自由组织Article 19墨西哥和中美洲地区主管莱奥波多·马尔多纳多(Leopoldo Maldonado)说:“前景非常黯淡。”
        “There is a specific intention to censor through violence,” Mr. Maldonado said, “and the subsequent impunity guarantees that these attacks are not punished.”        “存在通过暴力进行审查的明确意图,”马尔多纳多说,“而随后的有罪不罚现象保证了这些袭击不会受到惩罚。”
        While killings of journalists have rarely resulted in guilty verdicts in Mexico, two high-profile cases did bring convictions this year, including a 50-year prison sentence for the killer of the investigative journalist Miroslava Breach Velducea in 2017, according to the C.P.J.        据CPJ称,尽管在墨西哥杀害记者的案件很少导致有罪判决,但今年有两起引人注目的案件定了罪,包括2017年杀害调查记者米罗斯拉瓦·布里奇·维杜西亚 (Miroslava Breach Velducea)的凶手被判处50年徒刑。
        But in both cases, it was the hired guns who were convicted while those suspected of orchestrating the killings remain unpunished.        但是在这两个案件中,被定罪的都是雇佣枪手,而那些涉嫌策划谋杀的人则没有受到惩罚。
        “We haven’t advanced even a centimeter in creating a safer environment for journalism,” said Témoris Grecko, a Mexican reporter and author of “Killing the Story: Journalists Risking Their Lives to Uncover the Truth in Mexico.” He added, “Killing a journalist comes free of charge.”        “在为新闻业创造更安全的环境方面,我们没有取得丝毫进步,”《扼杀报道:记者在墨西哥冒着生命危险揭露真相》(Killing the Story: Journalists Risking Their Lives to Uncover the Truth in Mexico)的作者、墨西哥作家泰莫里斯·格雷科(Témoris Grecko)说。他还说:“杀害一名记者是不会受到惩罚的。”
        Adding fuel to the fire, advocates said, is the steady disparagement of the press from those in power.        倡导者说,火上浇油的是当权者对媒体的持续贬低。
        President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico, who campaigned on a vow to tackle violence and corruption in Mexico, has insisted that his government would “never, ever limit freedom of expression.”        墨西哥总统安德烈斯·马努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔(Andrés Manuel López Obrador)宣誓要解决墨西哥的暴力和腐败问题,他坚称他的政府“永远不会限制言论自由”。
        But the Mexican leader has frequently criticized negative coverage of his administration.        但是这位墨西哥领导人经常批评对其政府的负面报道。
        In September, Mr. López Obrador presented an analysis of opinion pieces published in the Mexican news media showing that two-thirds had taken a negative view of the government.        9月,洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔出示了一份对墨西哥新闻媒体发表的舆论文章的分析报告,其中显示三分之二的人对政府持负面看法。
        Not in more than 100 years, Mr. López Obrador said, “has a president been attacked so much.”        洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔说,100多年来“都没有哪个总统遭受了如此多的攻击”。
        The Mexican leader has also called out the international news media, including The New York Times, saying in October that the news organization “doesn’t have professionalism and they lack ethics above all.”        这位墨西哥领导人还点名国际新闻媒体,包括《纽约时报》(The New York Times),他在10月表示时报“没有专业精神,最重要的是缺乏职业道德”。
        Such comments from the nation’s highest office are only contributing to the problem, according to free-press advocates.        自由新闻的倡导者说,来自国家最高办公室的这种评论只会助长问题。
        “It has a ripple effect,” Mr. Maldonado, of Article 19, said. “It goes beyond just the discourse, which in itself has an inhibiting impact on the press.”        “这会产生连锁反应,”Article 19的马尔多纳多说。“它不只是话语,它本身对新闻界产生了妨碍影响。”

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