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Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Tycoon, Is Freed on Bail but Barred From Speaking

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-24 10:06

        HONG KONG — A Hong Kong judge granted the pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai bail on Wednesday, but imposed extensive restrictions barring him from using social media, giving interviews or leaving his home, stoking concerns about the deterioration of free speech under a national security law.        香港——香港一名法官周三批准亲民主媒体大亨黎智英保释,但对他的活动进行了广泛限制,禁止他使用社交媒体、接受采访,或离开自己的家。这引发了人们对实行港区国安法后言论自由恶化的担忧。
        Mr. Lai, 73, one of Hong Kong’s most prominent antigovernment voices, was charged this month under the expansive new law, which the central Chinese government imposed in June to quell months of protests. The police accused him of colluding with foreign forces, including lobbying foreign governments to impose sanctions on Hong Kong, a semiautonomous Chinese territory. Mr. Lai’s supporters called the charge a blatant attempt to silence him.        现年73岁的黎智英是香港最知名的反政府人士之一。为了平息去年持续数月的抗议活动,中央政府于今年6月对香港实施了涉及面很广的新国安法,黎智英于本月根据该法受到指控。警方指控他勾结外国势力,包括游说外国政府对中国的半自治领土香港实施制裁。黎智英的支持者称,这一指控是公然令其保持沉默。
        Mr. Lai’s release was an unexpected reprieve for the pro-democracy movement, which has faltered under the weight of the security law and continuing moves by Beijing to erode its base of support. Mr. Lai had already been denied bail twice: earlier this month on an unrelated fraud charge, and again a week later on the national security charge. But his lawyers appealed, and the appeals judge, Alex Lee, agreed to release him.        黎智英获得保释给亲民主运动带来了一个意料之外的喘息之机。在国安法的沉重压力下,加之北京持续采取行动削弱民主运动的基层支持,该运动已处于衰退状态。黎智英已两次被拒绝保释:本月早些时候,他被拒绝保释的原因是与本案无关的欺诈指控;一周后,他又因涉嫌违反国安法而被拒绝保释。但黎智英的律师提出了上诉,上诉法官李运腾同意将其保释。
        The Hong Kong government applied immediately to appeal that decision but was denied.        香港政府马上提出上诉申请,但被法官拒绝。
        Even as many in the protest movement celebrated Mr. Lai’s release, they also denounced its terms. The tycoon’s bail was set at 10 million Hong Kong dollars, about $1.3 million, and he was ordered to remain under house arrest, except when reporting to the police three times a week.        许多参与了抗议运动的人士在庆祝黎智英获保释的同时,也谴责了保释条件。这名大亨的保释金定为1000万港元,被下令居家软禁,只在每周三次到警署报到时才可出门。
        In addition, the judge ordered Mr. Lai not to use social media, meet with foreign officials or publish any articles, in print or online. Mr. Lai was previously active on Twitter, denouncing the Chinese Communist Party, and the newspaper he founded, Apple Daily, is one of Hong Kong’s last remaining openly pro-democracy publications. Mr. Lai had also traveled to the United States to meet prominent American officials, but those visits occurred before the imposition of the security law, which as written is not supposed to be retroactive.        此外,法官下令黎智英不得使用社交媒体,不得与外国官员见面,也不得在纸媒或网络上发表任何文章。黎智英此前常在Twitter上发帖,谴责中国共产党,他创办的《苹果日报》(Apple Daily)是香港仅存的几份公开支持民主的出版物之一。黎智英还曾前往美国与美方重要官员见面,但这些见面发生在实施国安法之前,国安法在字面上不具有追溯效力。
        Lawyers called the scope of the bail terms unusually broad, noting that they were usually intended only to prevent an accused person from committing more potential violations while released.        律师们称保释条件涉及的范围异乎寻常地广泛,并指出它们通常只是用于防止被告在保释期间犯下更多的潜在违法行为。
        “The only statements the court should be concerned about are statements that may constitute an offense,” such as new requests for sanctions, said Philip Dykes, chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association.        “法庭唯一应该关注的表述是可能构成犯罪的言论”,比如新的制裁请求,香港大律师公会(Hong Kong Bar Association)主席戴启思(Philip Dykes)说。
        But the sweeping nature of the restrictions may have been born, in part, from the broad nature of the security law itself, said Senia Ng, a lawyer and member of the pro-democracy Democratic Party. The law does not clearly define many of the offenses it lays out, instead using general terms such as terrorism, subversion or collusion.        但保释条件限制范围的广泛性,在一定程度上可能是因为国安法本身的广泛性,吴思诺大律师说,她是亲民主的民主党成员。该法并没有对其列出的许多犯罪行为给出明确的定义,而是使用了一些普通术语,如恐怖主义、颠覆活动或勾结。
        “The problem here is the national security law offense is worded very broadly, so much so that any sort of activity can come within it — and particularly speech,” Ms. Ng wrote in an email. “This basically empowers the court to impose very broad and far-reaching bail conditions.”        “这里的问题是,国安法的措辞非常宽泛,以至于可以将任何形式的活动包括进来,尤其是言论,”吴思诺在一封电子邮件中写道。“这基本上赋予法院采用非常广泛且影响深远的保释条件的权力。”
        Mr. Lai’s lawyers had proposed some of the restrictions, including the prohibition on using social media. But Ms. Ng said that, ultimately, the judges were responsible for ensuring that the terms imposed were commensurate with the circumstances.        有些保释条件是黎智英的律师提出的,包括禁止使用社交媒体。但吴思诺说,法官对保证保释条件与所涉及的情况相称负有最终责任。
        “Quite clearly, the bail conditions amount to severe and direct attacks on Mr. Lai’s right to free speech,” she said.        “相当明确的是,保释条件相当于严重且直接地打击了黎智英的言论自由权,”吴思诺说。
        Mr. Lai is scheduled to return to court in April.        黎智英下次出庭的日期定在明年4月。

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