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How the Sinovac Vaccine Works

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-29 12:18

        The private Chinese company Sinovac developed a coronavirus vaccine called CoronaVac. The government of Turkey announced that a trial there showed the vaccine has an efficacy of 91.25%. But Sinovac has yet to share the full details of its research.        中国民营企业北京科兴中维生物技术有限公司研发了一种英文名叫CoronaVac的新冠病毒疫苗。土耳其政府宣布,该国进行的临床试验表明,这种疫苗的有效性为91.25%。但科兴尚未公布临床试验的全部细节。
        A Vaccine Made From Coronaviruses        用新冠病毒制成的疫苗
        CoronaVac works by teaching the immune system to make antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The antibodies attach to viral proteins, such as the so-called spike proteins that stud its surface.        科兴的疫苗通过让免疫系统学会产生针对SARS-CoV-2冠状病毒的抗体来预防感染。抗体与病毒的一个蛋白结合,比如附着在病毒表面的所谓刺突蛋白。
        To create CoronaVac, the Sinovac researchers started by obtaining samples of the coronavirus from patients in China, Britain, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. One sample from China eventually served as the basis for the vaccine.
        The researchers grew large stocks of the coronavirus in monkey kidney cells. Then they doused the viruses with a chemical called beta-propiolactone. The compound disabled the coronaviruses by bonding to their genes. The inactivated coronaviruses could no longer replicate. But their proteins, including spike, remained intact.        研究人员用猴子的肾细胞培养了大量的冠状病毒。然后他们把病毒泡在一种叫β-丙内酯的化学物质中。这种化合物通过与冠状病毒的基因结合使病毒失效。灭活的冠状病毒不能再复制。但它们的蛋白,包括刺突蛋白,仍然完好无损。
        Killing the Virus        灭活病毒
        The researchers then drew off the inactivated viruses and mixed them with a tiny amount of an aluminum-based compound called an adjuvant. Adjuvants stimulate the immune system to boost its response to a vaccine.
        Inactivated viruses have been used for over a century. Jonas Salk used them to create his polio vaccine in the 1950s, and they’re the bases for vaccines against other diseases including rabies and hepatitis A.        灭活病毒已经使用了一个多世纪。乔纳斯·索尔克(Jonas Salk)曾在20世纪50年代用灭活病毒研制出小儿麻痹症疫苗,灭活病毒也是预防狂犬病和甲型肝炎等其他疾病的疫苗的基础。
        Prompting an Immune Response        激发免疫响应
        Because the coronaviruses in CoronaVac are dead, they can be injected into the arm without causing Covid-19. Once inside the body, some of the inactivated viruses are swallowed up by a type of immune cell called an antigen-presenting cell.        由于科兴新冠疫苗用的是灭活病毒,因此在手臂接种后不会引发新冠病毒疾病。疫苗打进体内后,一些灭活病毒会被名为抗原提呈细胞的免疫细胞吞噬。
        Making Antibodies        产生抗体
        The antigen-presenting cell tears the coronavirus apart and displays some of its fragments on its surface. A so-called helper T cell may detect the fragment. If the fragment fits into one of its surface proteins, the T cell becomes activated and can help recruit other immune cells to respond to the vaccine.        抗原提呈细胞将新冠病毒降解,并将病毒的某个片段展示在细胞表面,让名为辅助T细胞的免疫细胞能检测到这个片段。如果该片段与T细胞表面的一种蛋白质结合,就会将T细胞激活,并帮助招募其他免疫细胞对疫苗产生响应。
        Another type of immune cell, called a B cell, may also encounter the inactivated coronavirus. B cells have surface proteins in a huge variety of shapes, and a few might have the right shape to latch onto the coronavirus. When a B cell locks on, it can pull part or all of the virus inside and present coronavirus fragments on its surface.        另一种名为B细胞的免疫细胞也可能遇到灭活的冠状病毒。B细胞有各种形状的表面蛋白,其中一些可能有适合与冠状病毒结合的形状。B细胞与病毒结合后,可以将部分或全部病毒吞噬到细胞内,并在细胞表面将冠状病毒的片段呈现出来。
        A helper T cell activated against the coronavirus can latch onto the same fragment. When that happens, the B cell gets activated, too. It proliferates and pours out antibodies that have the same shape as their surface proteins.        被冠状病毒激活的辅助T细胞可以与同一片段结合。当这种情况发生时,B细胞也会被激活。B细胞增殖并产生与其表面蛋白形状相同的抗体。
        Stopping the Virus        阻止病毒感染
        Once vaccinated with CoronaVac, the immune system can respond to an infection of live coronaviruses. B cells produce antibodies that stick to the invaders. Antibodies that target the spike protein can prevent the virus from entering cells. Other kinds of antibodies may block the virus by other means.        接种了科兴新冠疫苗后,免疫系统能对感染活的新冠病毒产生响应。B细胞产生抗体,与入侵的病毒结合。抗体锁住刺突蛋白,阻止病毒进入细胞。其他种类的抗体可以通过其他方式阻断病毒。
        Remembering the Virus        记住病毒
        While CoronaVac can offer some protection against Covid-19, no one can yet say how long that protection lasts. It’s possible that the level of antibodies drops over the course of months. But the immune system also contains special cells called memory B cells that might retain information about the coronavirus for years or even decades.        虽然科兴疫苗可以针对新冠病毒疾病提供一些保护,但目前还不知道这种保护能持续多久。抗体的数量可能会随着时间的推移而下降。但免疫系统还有另一种名为记忆B细胞的特殊细胞,记忆B细胞也许能将有关新冠病毒的信息保存几年甚至几十年。
        Vaccine Timeline        疫苗研发时间表
        January, 2020 Sinovac begins developing an inactivated vaccine against the coronavirus.        2020年1月,科兴开始研发针对新型冠状病毒的灭活疫苗。
        June Phase 1/2 trials on 743 volunteers find no severe adverse effects.        6月,在743名志愿者身上进行的1/2期临床试验没有发现严重的不良反应。
        July Sinovac launches a Phase 3 trial in Brazil, followed by others in Indonesia and Turkey. Reuters reports that the Chinese government gave the Sinovac vaccine emergency approval for limited use.        7月,科兴在巴西启动了3期临床试验,随后在印度尼西亚和土耳其启动了3期试验。路透社报道称,中国政府批准了科兴疫苗的有限紧急使用。
        October Authorities in the eastern Chinese city of Jiaxing announce they are giving CoronaVac to people in relatively high-risk jobs, including medical workers, port inspectors and public service personnel.        10月,中国东部城市嘉兴当局宣布,他们将给从事相对高风险工作的人接种科兴疫苗,包括医务人员、港口检查员和从事公共服务的人员。
        Oct. 19 Officials in Brazil say that Sinovac is the safest of five vaccines they are testing in Phase 3 trials.        10月19日,巴西官员说,在他们正在进行3期临床试验的五种疫苗中,科兴的疫苗最安全。
        November Sinovac publishes the details of its Phase 1/2 trial in a medical journal, showing a comparatively modest production of antibodies. Only a Phase 3 trial will demonstrate if that is enough to protect people from Covid-19.        11月,科兴在一份医学杂志上发表了其疫苗的1/2期临床试验细节,显示疫苗产生了些许抗体。只有3期临床试验才能证明这是否足以保护人们不感染新冠病毒。
        Nov. 19 The Brazilian government announces that they paused the country’s Sinovac trial the previous month because of an adverse event. The details of the pause were murky, raising suspicions that politics were involved. Two days after the announcement, the trial was allowed to resume. The Brazilian trial has recorded enough cases of Covid-19 to let researchers determine Sinovac’s efficacy. They expect to release their results by Dec. 23.        11月19日,巴西政府宣布,由于出现一例不良反应,他们在10月暂停了科兴疫苗的临床试验。暂停的细节比较模糊,让人怀疑其中涉及政治因素。这一宣布的两天后,3期临床试验获准继续进行。巴西的临床试验记录了足够多的新冠病毒感染病例,让研究人员可以确定科兴疫苗的有效性。预计研究人员将在12月23日公布结果。
        December Sinovac says it expects to manufacture 300 million doses in 2020 and increase capacity to an annual production of 600 million doses.        12月,科兴说,预计能在2020年生产3亿剂疫苗,并能将产能提高到年产6亿剂。
        Dec. 23 Brazilian researchers announce that CoronaVac has an efficacy of over 50 percent.        12月23日,巴西研究人员宣布,科兴疫苗的有效性超过50%。
        Dec. 24 Turkish officials announce that the vaccine has an efficacy rate of 91.25 percent.        12月24日,土耳其官员宣布,科兴疫苗的有效性为91.25%。

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