2020年要走了 这些好消息曾带给我们温暖_OK阅读网
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2020年要走了 这些好消息曾带给我们温暖
2020 has good news, too, and they worth your attention

来源:中国日报    2020-12-25 15:57

        The Scottish Parliament passed a bill that will make pads and tampons free across the board, making Scotland the first country on the globe to end "period poverty." This is a huge victory for the civic groups that supported the bill, considering that nearly 10 percent of Britain's girls have been unable to afford period products, and 19 percent have resorted to using substitutes.
        Germany is planning to ban floodlights after dusk for much of the year as part of its bid to fight a dramatic decline in insect populations. The country's environment ministry has drawn up a number of new measures to protect insects, ranging from partially outlawing spotlights to increased protection of natural habitats.
        Light traps for insects are to be banned outdoors, while searchlights and sky spotlights would be outlawed from dusk to dawn for ten months of the year. The draft also demands that any new streetlights and other outdoor lights be installed in such a way as to minimize the effect on plants, insects, and other animals. The use of weed killers and insecticides would also be banned in national parks and within five to ten meters of major bodies of water, while orchards and dry-stone walls are to be protected as natural habitats for insects.
        Brazil's football governing body has announced that it is adopting an equal pay policy for both women's and men's football, becoming one of the first countries in the world to do so.
        The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a resolution that will force tech companies to use just one charger type for a range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and e-book readers.
        The Supreme Court ruled in favor of equal rights for women in the Indian Army, ordering the government to grant permanent commission and command positions to women officers on par with men. The decision means that all women will now be eligible for the same promotions, ranks, benefits, and pensions as their male counterparts.
        on par with: 与……同等水平
        Every day, up to 5,600 trucks, 20 ships, and 92 planes are on the move, delivering food and assistance in some of the most remote and challenging parts of the world. They're all part of the WFP, assisting 100 million people in 88 countries. So in 2020, the agency was given the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and improve conditions for peace.
        Engineers from Google confirmed that Chrome will stop showing three of the most frustrating ad types, starting in August. Long preroll ads, as well as midroll ads and images or text ads that appear in the middle of a video, will be gone. The decision comes after a survey conducted by Google on 45,000 people, in which the types of ads mentioned above were seen as the most annoying and intrusive. It is believed that Firefox, Safari, and other browser engines will soon follow in its steps.

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