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来源:中国日报    2020-12-31 12:22

        The new film from the director of Up and Inside Out has the aesthetics of a whimsical adventure, but its themes are very raw.
        If Disney’s animated-movie formula relies on tales of heroes and princesses, of villains destroyed and personal freedom achieved, then Pixar’s formula is far more mundane. For decades, the computer-animation studio has made movies that portray transcendent feelings and experiences as the products of ordinary jobs, performed diligently by strange little beings behind the scenes. Monsters, Inc., in 2001, revealed that our fears were created by cuddly, blue-collar creatures. Inside Out, in 2015, personified our emotions as brightly colored sprites pressing buttons and pulling levers. Now, Soul imagines how our personalities are created at a cartoon summer camp, where smiley blobs and squiggles convene to generate human souls.如果说迪士尼的动画电影模式依赖于英雄和公主、坏人受到惩罚、个人自由得以实现,那么皮克斯则更加接地气。几十年来,这个计算机动画工作室将超凡的情感和经历描绘成普通工作的产物,由银幕后奇怪的小人物勤勤恳恳地扮演。2001年上映的《怪物公司》告诉我们恐惧是由一些胖乎乎的蓝领怪物创造出来的。2015年上映的《头脑特工队》把我们的情绪拟人化为色彩鲜亮的精灵,他们会按按钮,拉操作杆。如今,《心灵奇旅》想象我们的性格是在一个卡通的夏令营产生的,那里有欢乐的小球和线条聚集在一起,产生人类的灵魂。
        Docter has wrestled with “grown-up” themes before and managed to cram them into an easy-to-understand story arc. Up began with the emotional hammer blow of an aging character losing his wife before he embarked on a new adventure. Soul sets an even tougher challenge for itself by apparently killing its lead character within minutes. But Docter finds clever ways to travel between the heavens and Earth, using the odd, nonphysical world Joe finds himself in to teach valuable lessons about finding joy in life even as it disappoints us.道格特之前一直在探讨“成长”的主题,并且设法将其浓缩在容易理解的故事情节中。《飞屋环游记》一开头就是情感冲击,一位老人在开始新的冒险之前失去了自己的妻子。《心灵奇旅》设定了一个更难的挑战,开始没几分钟就杀死了主角。但是道格特想到了一个聪明办法,在人间和天堂之间穿梭,利用乔所处的奇怪的非物质世界告诉我们一些宝贵的道理,教我们在生活中寻找快乐,即便生活令人失望。

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