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The Year in Climate

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-18 04:42

         2020 was a crisis year: a pandemic, economic turmoil, social upheaval. And running through it all, climate change. Here’s some of the best reporting from The Times’s Climate Desk.        2020年是充满危机的一年:大流行、经济混乱、社会动荡。而贯穿一整年的是气候变化。以下是时报气候版面的一些最佳报道。
        DISASTERS        灾难
        At the turn of the new year, huge wildfires were burning the coast of Australia, which had just marked its hottest, driest year on record.        新年之交,大火在澳大利亚海岸肆虐,那里刚刚度过了史上最热、最干旱的一年。
        Here’s Where Australia’s Destructive Wildfires Are Burning Jan. 13        《澳大利亚极具破坏性的大火在这些地方燃烧》 1月13日
        Half a world away, California recorded its own worst fire season this fall, driven in part by hot, dry conditions. Huge infernos scorched the landscape, devastating magnificent trees and wreaking havoc in the lives of millions of Americans.        在地球另一端,加利福尼亚州今年秋天发生了其历史上最糟糕的火灾季,部分原因是炎热干燥的天气。熊熊烈火灼烧大地,毁坏了宏伟的树木,对数百万美国人的生活造成了严重破坏。
        They Are Among the Oldest Living Things In the World. Can We Protect Them? Dec. 10        《它们是世界上最古老的生物之一,我们能保护它们吗?》12月10日
        Climate Disruption Is Now Locked In. The Next Moves Will Be Crucial. Sept. 22        《气候破坏已成定局,接下来的行动至关重要》 9月22日
        In Oregon, a New Climate Menace: Fires Raging Where They Don’t Usually Burn Sept. 17        《俄勒冈州的新气候威胁:大火在不经常出现的地方肆虐》 9月17日
        How California Became Ground Zero for Climate Disasters Sept. 20        《加州如何变成气候灾害的原爆点》 9月20日
        In South America, a quarter of the world’s largest wetland was also consumed by flames.        在南美,全球最大湿地的四分之一也被火焰吞没。
        The World’s Largest Tropical Wetland Has Become an Inferno Oct. 13        《世界上最大的热带湿地变成了烈火地狱》 10月13日
        Meanwhile, as fires raged, polar ice melted, temperatures soared and a record number of storms formed and made landfall in the United States — the most ever in one year.        大火肆虐的同时,极地冰雪融化,气温猛升,形成的风暴数量打破记录,并登陆美国——数量最多的一年。
        Temperatures at a Florida-Size Glacier in Antarctica Alarm Scientists Jan. 29        《南极洲一座佛罗里达州大小冰川的温度引发科学家担忧》 1月29日
        Shift to a Not-So-Frozen North Is Well Underway, Scientists Warn Dec. 8        《科学家警告:北方正在逐渐远离冰冻天气》 12月8日
        In a Relentless Storm Season, Hurricane Laura Triggered Toxic Fires Aug. 28        《在无情的飓风季,劳拉飓风引发破坏性火灾》 8月28日
        INEQUALITY        贫富差距
        The impacts of climate change are not equally felt throughout the world — not within one country or even in a single city.        在世界各地,人们对气候变化影响的感知并不相同——在同一个国家、甚至是同一个城市都不一样。
        Here's What Extreme Heat Looks Like: Profoundly Unequal Aug. 7        《极端热浪天气什么样:极度不平等》 8月7日
        How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering Aug. 24        《几十年来的种族主义住房政策令社区酷热难当》 8月24日
        A Crisis Right Now: San Francisco and Manila Face Rising Seas Feb. 13        《眼下危机:旧金山和马尼拉面临海平面上升》 2月13日
        A Quarter of Bangladesh Is Flooded. Millions Have Lost Everything. July 30         《孟加拉国四分之一被洪水淹没,数百万人丧失一切》 7月30日
        CORONAVIRUS        新冠病毒
        The pandemic, in many ways, echoed the threat of climate change: It was global in scale, hit the vulnerable hardest and required collective action to avert the worst. But it moved more swiftly.        大流行在许多方面与气候变化的威胁相呼应:影响遍及全球、弱势群体受到最大冲击、需要采取集体行动来避免最严重的后果。但是它的蔓延更加迅速。
        In the Shadows of America’s Smokestacks, Virus Is One More Deadly Risk May 19        《在美国烟囱的阴影下,病毒成为另一个致命危险》 5月19日
        Heat, Smoke and Covid Are Battering the Workers Who Feed America Sept. 4        《高温、浓烟和新冠正在冲击养活美国的工人》 9月4日
        Trump’s Response to Virus Reflects a Long Disregard for Science Oct. 7        《特朗普对病毒的回应体现了对科学的长期漠视》 10月7日
        The virus also drove down emissions, but not in the way anyone would have wanted.        新冠病毒导致排放量降低,但这是任何人都不想要的方式。
        Watch the Footprint of Coronavirus Spread Across Countries March 17        《新冠病毒足迹蔓延至各国的过程》 3月17日
        BIG BUSINESS        大生意
        As the pandemic surged and the planet warmed, the oil and gas industry faced a crisis of its own.        随着疫情迅速发展和地球变暖,石油和天然气行业面临自身危机。
        Big Oil Is in Trouble. Its Plan: Flood Africa With Plastic Aug. 30        《遭遇危机的石油巨头计划将大量塑料运送至非洲》 8月30日
        Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears Oct. 13        《破产的页岩开采公司、薪酬优厚的高管和人们对气候的日益担忧》 10月13日
        How One Firm Drove Influence Campaigns Nationwide for Big Oil Nov. 11        《一家公司如何为石油巨头在全国开展影响力宣传活动》 11月11日
        Real estate felt the first gusts of its own coming storm as banks grew increasingly concerned about climate threats to the housing market.        银行日益关注气候对房地产市场的威胁,房地产行业感受到即将来临的风暴。
        Rising Seas Threaten an American Institution: The 30-Year Mortgage June 24        《海平面上升威胁美国住房的30年贷款机制》 6月24日
        New Data Reveals Hidden Flood Risk Across America June 29        《新数据揭示全美隐藏的洪水风险》 6月29日
        Some industries, like beef, grappled with their climate footprints and their futures, too.        牛肉等行业忙于应对气候足迹,也担忧未来。
        Belching Cows and Endless Feedlots: Fixing Cattle’s Climate Issues Oct. 21        《畜牧排放和一望无际的饲养场:解决牛带来的气候问题》 10月21日
        THE POLITICS        政治
        President Trump’s administration continued to reverse and revise environmental protections, even on the way out of office.        特朗普总统政府不断撤销和修改环境保护法律,即使是在卸任之际。
        What Will Trump’s Most Profound Legacy Be? Possibly Climate Damage Dec. 3        《特朗普任期最深远的遗产是什么?可能是气候破坏》 12月3日
        The Trump Administration Is Reversing More Than 100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List. Nov. 10        《特朗普政府正在撤销超过100条环境法规》 11月10日
        Trump Removes Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands July 6        《特朗普取消对溪流和湿地的污染控制》 7月6日
        Trump Administration Finalizes Plan to Open Arctic Refuge to Drilling Dec. 3        《特朗普政府最终敲定计划,将北极生态保护区对石油开采开放》 12月3日
        U.S. to Announce Rollback of Auto Pollution Rules, a Key Effort to Fight Climate Change March 31        《美国宣布撤销应对气候变化的关键举措——汽车污染规则》 3月31日
        Trump’s Move Against Landmark Environmental Law Caps a Relentless Agenda Jan. 13        《特朗普对重大环境法律的反对,标志其反环保议程达到顶峰》 1月13日
        Joseph R. Biden Jr. ran on the opposite promise: to refocus on climate change and environmental justice. Now that he’s won, what can he accomplish?        小约瑟夫·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)则相反:重新关注气候变化和环境正义。现在他赢得了大选,他能够取得什么样的成果?
        Biden Pledges Ambitious Climate Action. Here’s What He Could Actually Do. Dec. 3        《拜登承诺大力实施气候行动,他实际上可以做这些事》 12月3日
        AND ICYMI        如果你错过了这些
        The year wasn’t all news. We produced explainers and guides covering everything from your personal climate choices to how states make electricity.        这一年并不只有新闻。我们还制作了解释和指南,涵盖了从气候问题方面的个人选择到各州如何发电的所有内容。
        Think You’re Making Good Climate Choices? Take This Mini-Quiz Aug. 30        《你觉得自己在环保方面做得怎么样?来做个小测试吧》 8月30日
        A crash course on climate change, 50 years after the first Earth Day April 20        《气候变化速成课,纪念50年前的第一个地球日》 4月20日
        How Does Your State Make Electricity? Oct. 28        《你所在的州如何发电?》10月28日
        Why ‘Biodegradable’ Isn’t What You Think Oct. 1        《为什么“可生物降解”不是你以为的那样》 10月1日
        The Year You Finally Read a Book About Climate Change April 19        《这一年让人终于想读一本关于气候变化的书》 4月19日
        A big thanks to all our readers.

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