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Live Action Adaptation of 'Hikaru no Go' a Big Hit with Chinese and International Audiences

来源:中国日报    2020-12-19 09:00

        “To be honest, I have never felt so nervous when facing the camera. After all, this was the first time I played a leading role,” Hu Xianxu told Jiemian news.“老实说,面对镜头,我从未感到如此紧张。毕竟,这是我第一次演主角,”胡先煦在接受界面新闻采访时表示。        The 20-year-old is talking about his performance in the online series Hikaru No Go, which ended on Nov 27. It achieved a score of 8.4 out of 10 on Douban.这位20岁的年轻人所说的是他在网剧《棋魂》中的表现,该剧于11月27日收官,豆瓣评分高达8.4分(满分10分)。
        The series is a live-action adaptation of a classic 1990s Japanese comic. Hu plays a Chinese boy named Shi Guang who discovers a Go board in which the spirit of an ancient master player named Chu Ying is imprisoned. Influenced by Chu, the boy gradually finds his passion and dedicates himself to becoming a master player.这部真人版网剧改编自上世纪九十年代的一部经典日漫。胡先煦扮演的中国男孩时光发现了一个棋盘,棋盘里沉睡着古代围棋大师褚嬴的灵魂。受褚嬴影响,时光也逐渐找到自己的梦想,立志成为一名围棋高手。        Hu and the character share a similar experience, though their fields are different. The young actor is now a senior at the Central Academy of Drama.胡先煦和这一角色尽管身处不同领域,但都有着类似的经历。这位年轻演员现在是中央戏剧学院的一名大四学生。
        “I liked acting at first because it made me get out of classes in school. I found my passion as an actor at 12 when I played a young boy Lan Yu in the film Song of the Phoenix,” he told Nandu Entertainment. The film’s director taught Hu to realize the meaning of being an actor.“一开始,我喜欢表演是因为可以不用去学校上课。我发现我自己对于表演的热爱是在12岁,那时候我在《百鸟朝凤》里饰演小男孩蓝玉,”胡先煦在接受《南都娱乐周刊》采访时说。这部电影的导演让胡先煦认识到了作为一名演员的意义。        Hu won the chance to play the protagonist of Hikaru No Go after an eight-year acting endeavor. “It’s challenging to portray the subtle emotional changes of Shi Guang because I didn’t have any experience of it,” Hu told Tencent Entertainment. He tried to understand the psychological activities by learning to play Go.经过八年的演技打磨,胡先煦最终获得了出演《棋魂》主角的机会。“要演出时光微妙的情感变化,很有挑战性,因为我没有这方面的经验,”胡先煦在接受腾讯娱乐采访时表示。他学习下围棋,努力理解人物的内心活动。
        Hu has been motivated by the unyielding spirit of Shi Guang. “I hope I can possess such a personality like him to pursue my acting career in the future,” he said.时光永不服输的精神一直激励着胡先熙。“我希望我能拥有像他这样的性格,并以此来追求我未来的演艺事业,”他表示。        来源:21世纪英文报

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