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Trump Faithful Asked to Donate $3 Million to Buy His Boyhood Home

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-15 02:42

        When Donald J. Trump’s childhood home in Queens was on the market four years ago, Mr. Trump, then a candidate for president, publicly mused about buying it himself.        四年前,唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)在皇后区的童年故居在市场出售时,这位当时的总统候选人曾公开考虑要将其买下。
        Now, he might not have to: The home’s latest owner is launching a crowdfunding campaign with the goal of giving the five-bedroom Tudor in Jamaica Estates to the president as a gift — once the $3 million price tag is met.        现在,他可能不必自己买了:该房屋现在的主人正在发起众筹,目标是一旦筹款达到300万美元的标价,就将牙买加庄园(Jamaica Estates)带五间卧室的都铎式房屋送给总统作为礼物。
        The unusual real estate maneuver seeks to capitalize on the devotion of some of Mr. Trump’s supporters, in the hopes that the same commitment that has driven them to attend his large rallies in the middle of a pandemic will also induce them to open their wallets. The sellers hope donations might also be fueled by an impulse to mollify Mr. Trump with a personalized parting gift as his presidential term nears its end.        这一不寻常的房地产策略试图利用某些特朗普支持者的热情,希望促使他们在大流行期间参加大型竞选集会的忠诚也能诱使他们打开钱包。卖家希望,当总统任期快要结束时,人们希望用个人化的离别礼物安慰特朗普的冲动也能对捐款起到推动作用。
        The fund-raiser could also solve another problem that has plagued the home’s owner in recent years: an inability to find a buyer.        筹款活动还可以解决近年来困扰该房屋所有者的另一个问题:找不到买家。
        The house was put up for auction last fall, but failed to meet the reserve price, said Misha Haghani, the principal of Paramount Realty USA, which has represented the property in three past auctions. This most recent attempt asks contributors to purchase the house as a gift to the president via GoFundMe, the charitable fund-raising platform, “as a token of appreciation,” Mr. Haghani said.        派拉蒙地产美国(Paramount Realty USA)公司负责人米沙·哈加尼(Misha Haghani)表示,该房屋在去年秋天进行了拍卖,但未能达到底价,该公司曾在过去的三场拍卖中代表该物业。哈加尼说,这次最新的尝试要求捐助者通过慈善筹款平台GoFundMe将房子买下来作为礼物送给总统,“以示感谢。”
        “Love Trump?” the fund-raiser, which kicked off Tuesday, reads. “Thank President Trump by contributing to this campaign to buy his childhood home in his honor!”        “你爱特朗普吗?”周二开始的筹款的内容上写着。“为这个活动捐款,买下特朗普总统的童年故居以感谢他!”
        The White House did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.        白宫在周二没有回应置评请求。
        Even before the latest attempt to unload the property, the brick-and-stucco home was swept up by a series of speculative buyers cashing in on Mr. Trump’s political ascendancy.        这幢灰泥粉饰的砖砌房屋甚至在这次尝试脱手以前就被一系列投机者倒手,利用特朗普的政治优势获利。
        Just before his 2017 inauguration it was sold for about $1.4 million — about 78 percent higher than when it sold in 2008 for only $782,500. That buyer swiftly flipped it to the most recent owner for $2.14 million at auction, more than double its value based on comparable homes in the area.        就在他2017年就职典礼前,它以140万美元的价格售出,比2008年仅78.25万美元的价格高出约78%。那个买家在拍卖会上转手提价,以214万美元的价格卖给了现在的所有者,是该地区相似房屋的两倍。
        Mr. Trump already owns scores of properties, of course, and after years of toxic exchanges with political leaders from his hometown, he recently changed his official residency to Florida. The seller’s hope is not necessarily for Mr. Trump to end up once again in 85-15 Wareham Place, where he lived until he was 4 years old, but to donate it to a charity of his choosing, or perhaps install a presidential library. Mr. Trump’s father, Fred C. Trump, a real estate developer, built the home in 1940.        特朗普当然已经拥有许多物业,并且在与故乡的政治领导人打了多年不愉快的口水仗后,他最近将他的正式住所改为了佛罗里达。卖方未必是希望特朗普再次回到他住到四岁的Wareham Place的85-15号,而是将其捐赠给他选择的慈善机构,或者添置一个总统图书馆。特朗普的父亲、房地产开发商弗莱德·C·特朗普(Fred C. Trump)于1940年建造了这幢房子。
        “Technically, he could accept the home and say, ‘Great, I just got another property to add to my empire,’ but he’s not going to do that,” Mr. Haghani said. “I believe if the president were to accept the property, he would do something with it in honor of his presidency. It’s either that or he’ll just donate it to some charity.”        “严格来说,他可以接受房子并说,‘太好了,我的帝国刚又多出一个房产’,但他不会这么做的。”哈加尼说。“我相信,如果总统要接受这个房子,他将用它做一些事情来纪念他的总统任期。要么,他把它捐赠给慈善机构。”
        Mr. Trump’s childhood house is not the only presidential home base for sale in the city: The three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment on West 114th Street in Manhattan where former President Barack Obama lived while he studied at Columbia University was listed for sale last month. The asking price is $1,450,000. (It is not intended as a gift, though presumably a future buyer can do what they like with the apartment.)        特朗普童年故居并不是该市唯一在售的总统住所:前总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)读书期间居住过的、位于曼哈顿西114街的三室两卫公寓上月挂牌出售,要价为145万美元。(不是为了当作礼物,尽管未来的买家想怎么处置这套公寓都可以。)
        Just who currently owns the home, Mr. Haghani refused to say; the owner’s identity remains obscured behind a limited liability corporation called Trump Birth House.        哈加尼拒绝透露特朗普童年故居目前的所有者身份。业主的身份仍然被一家名为“特朗普出生之家”(Trump Birth House)的有限责任公司所掩盖。
        But the 2017 transaction in which Trump Birth House purchased the property was overseen by a lawyer who specializes in representing overseas Chinese buyers in real estate transactions. When the pale yellow house was listed for sale that year, it had been thronged by visitors who spoke Chinese and pulled up in droves to take pictures, neighbors said at the time; Mr. Trump’s image as a successful businessman has drawn him strong admiration in China.        但是“特朗普出生之家”在2017年的购房交易是由一位专门代表海外华人买家进行房地产交易的律师负责的。当时,邻居们说,当淡黄色的房子在那年上市出售时,说中文的来访者接踵而至,成群结队地停车拍照。在中国,特朗普作为成功商人的形象给他带来了大量仰慕者。
        Shortly after that 2017 sale, a person with knowledge of the deal but who was not authorized to speak about its details confirmed that the person who purchased the president’s childhood home was a woman from China, but would not disclose her name.        在2017年那笔交易之后不久,一位对交易知情但无权透露交易细节的人证实,购买总统童年故居的人是一名来自中国的女性,但不愿透露其姓名。
        For a time, while Trump Birth House has owned it, the home was offered as an $815-a-night Airbnb rental. A cardboard cutout of Mr. Trump greeted visitors, and guests could sleep in a bedroom with a plaque that noted it was where “President Donald J. Trump was likely conceived.”        有一段时间,由“特朗普出生之家”拥有的这幢房子以每晚815美元的价格在爱彼迎(Airbnb)上出租。特朗普的人形立板向来访者问好,客人可以在挂着“唐纳德·J·特朗普总统可能是在这里被怀上的”牌子的卧室里睡觉。
        But in the past several years the home has stood largely empty. Some of the only visitors appeared to be utility workers turning off the power for unpaid bills. In November 2019, it was offered again at auction by Paramount, with another stunt — the chance for observers to win money by guessing the correct sale price — but it did not sell.        但是在过去的几年里,这所房子大部分时间是空置的。仅有的一些访客似乎是因水电账单未付而过来关掉电源的工人。在2019年11月,派拉蒙再次将其拿出来拍卖,还有另一个噱头——观察者有机会通过猜测正确的销售价格来赢钱——但它没有卖出去。
        This time around there are other sweeteners: The seller has agreed to donate half of anything raised over the $3 million asking price to charity. And if the goal is not met, information on the GoFundMe page says all money raised will be donated to charity. But the seller has not revealed which nonprofit might benefit, or how long the fund-raiser would stay active.        这次的出售还有其他甜头:卖方已同意将超出300万美元标价部分的筹集资金的一半捐赠给慈善机构。如果达不到标价,GoFundMe页面上的信息表示,所有筹集的资金都将捐赠给慈善机构。但是卖方尚未透露哪个非营利组织可能会受益,或者募捐活动将持续多长时间。
        Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular in New York City, where 72 percent of the city voted for his opponent, Joseph R. Biden, in the presidential election, and where protests have been held outside Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan throughout his presidency. Mr. Haghani said he was not worried how that might affect the sale. “There are plenty of people who love him, including 70-plus million who voted for him,” he said.        特朗普在纽约非常不受欢迎,全城72%的人在总统大选中投票支持他的对手约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden),在总统任期内,曼哈顿中城的特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)外一直有抗议活动举行。哈加尼说,他并不担心这会对交易产生影响。他说:“爱他的人多的是,包括7000多万投票支持他的人。”
        Mr. Haghani has his own motivations, he added, which are not political: “I don’t want to have to sell this again.”        哈加尼还说,他有自己的动机,与政治无关:“我不想再卖这个了。”

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