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I.C.C. Won’t Investigate China’s Detention of Muslims

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-16 09:50

        The International Criminal Court has decided not to pursue an investigation into China’s mass detention of Muslims, a setback for activists eager to hold Beijing accountable for persecution of ethnic and religious minorities.        国际刑事法院(International Criminal Court)决定不对中国大规模拘禁穆斯林的做法展开调查,这对渴望让北京对迫害族裔和宗教少数民族承担责任的活动人士来说是个挫折。
        Prosecutors in The Hague said on Monday that they would not investigate allegations that China had committed genocide and crimes against humanity regarding the Uighurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group, because the alleged crimes took place in China, which is not a party to the court.        中国被指控对以穆斯林为主的少数民族维吾尔族犯下种族灭绝和反人类罪,海牙的检察官周一说,他们不会对该指控展开调查,因为这些事情发生在中国,而中国不是海牙国际刑事法院的缔约国。
        The abuses described “have been committed solely by nationals of China within the territory of China,” said a report by the court’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda of Gambia.        国际刑事法院首席检察官、冈比亚人法图·本苏达(Fatou Bensouda)在一份报告中说,指控所描述的虐待行为“全部是中国公民在中国境内犯下的”。
        For months, Uighurs in exile had urged the court to investigate China’s repressive policies against Muslim minorities, the first attempt by activists to use the force of international law to hold Chinese officials accountable for the crackdown. They accused the Chinese government of carrying out a campaign of torture, forced sterilization and mass surveillance against Muslims, among other abuses.        几个月来,流亡国外的维吾尔人一直敦促国际刑事法院调查中国对穆斯林少数民族的镇压政策,这是活动人士首次试图使用国际法的力量,来追究中国官员对镇压行动的责任。他们指控中国政府对穆斯林实施酷刑、强制绝育和大规模监控等虐待行为。
        China has faced growing international condemnation for its harsh treatment of Muslims, including the construction of vast indoctrination camps in the western region of Xinjiang. President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign described China’s actions in Xinjiang as genocide, a position also taken by other Western leaders.        中国因严苛对待穆斯林,包括在新疆西部地区修建大型拘禁营,已面临越来越多的国际谴责。美国候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)在竞选活动中曾将中国在新疆的做法描述为种族灭绝,其他西方领导人也有同样的看法。
        China has denied that the camps are abusive, describing them instead as job training centers aimed at countering religious extremism and terrorism, despite a preponderance of contradictory evidence.        中国否认这些拘禁营是虐待性的,称它们是旨在打击宗教极端主义和恐怖主义的职业培训中心,尽管存在大量与这种说法矛盾的证据。
        Many Uighurs said on Tuesday that they were disappointed in the court’s decision not to investigate. They vowed to continue to lobby global leaders to punish China for the abuses.        许多维吾尔人周二说,他们对国际刑事法院不调查的决定感到失望。他们称,将继续游说国际领导人惩罚中国的虐待行为。
        “The I.C.C. was formed for one and only one reason: to confront the most horrific international crimes,” said Fatimah Abdulghafur, a Uighur poet and activist who lives in Australia. “The atrocities of the Chinese regime toward Uighurs are countless.”        “成立国际刑事法庭的目的只有一个,那就是处理最令人震惊的国际犯罪,”现居澳大利亚的活动人士、维吾尔诗人法蒂玛·阿卜杜勒加富(Fatimah Abdulghafur)说。“中国政权对维吾尔人犯下的暴行数不胜数。”
        The complaint against China was filed by two Uighur exile groups, the East Turkistan Government in Exile and the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement.        针对中国的诉讼是两个维吾尔流亡团体——东突厥斯坦流亡政府(East Turkistan Government in Exile)和东突厥斯坦民族觉醒运动(East Turkistan National Awakening Movement)——提起的。
        In addition to abuses against Muslims inside China’s borders, the groups had also lobbied the court to investigate Beijing for pursuing the repatriation of thousands of Uighurs through unlawful arrests in or deportation from other countries, including Cambodia and Tajikistan.        除了要求法院调查中国境内的虐待穆斯林行为外,这两个组织还游说法院调查中国在柬埔寨和塔吉克斯坦等其他国家,用非法逮捕或遣返等手法,迫使数千名维吾尔人回国的做法。
        In its report on Monday, the court said there was “no basis to proceed at this time” because there did not appear to be enough evidence to show that Chinese officials had committed a crime.        国际刑事法院在周一的报告中说,“目前没有起诉的基础”,因为似乎没有足够的证据表明中国官员犯了罪。
        “Not all conduct which involves the forcible removal of persons from a location necessarily constitutes the crime of forcible transfer or deportation,” the court said.        “并不是所有涉及强行将人从某地迁走的行为都必然构成强行转移或递解出境罪。”
        Rights activists said they would continue to fight to hold China account for its actions in Xinjiang. Sophie Richardson, China director for Human Rights Watch, said the decision was not a judgment on whether abuses were taking place.        人权活动人士说,他们将继续争取让中国为其在新疆的做法承担责任。人权观察(Human Rights Watch)中国部主任索菲·理查森(Sophie Richardson)说,法院的这个决定并不是对是否存在侵权行为的判决。
        “The facts remain: The Chinese government is committing grave violations on a massive scale in Xinjiang, and those responsible should be held to account,” she said.        “事实仍然是:中国政府在新疆犯下了大规模的严重侵权行为,相关责任人应该被追究责任,”理查森说。

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