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China Charges Hong Kong Activists Caught Fleeing to Taiwan

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-17 09:51

        HONG KONG — Ten Hong Kong activists who were captured at sea while trying to flee to Taiwan in August were charged in mainland China on Wednesday with illegal boundary-crossing offenses that could put some of them behind bars for years.        香港——周三,10名今年8月试图逃往台湾时在海上被捕的香港活动人士在中国大陆被控犯有偷越边境罪,其中一些人可能因此入狱数年。
        The case has become a focal point for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy opposition, which, after months of intense protests last year, has been checked by a wide-ranging crackdown and the imposition of a tough national security law on the semiautonomous Chinese territory. The effects of the law were on display in Hong Kong on Wednesday, as a group of high-ranking officials swore an oath of loyalty to the local government and constitution as part of a new requirement.        此案已成为香港亲民主反对派关注的问题。经历了去年长达数月的激烈抗议活动后,中央政府对这个半自治的特别行政区实施了大范围镇压,颁布了严厉的国安法,导致亲民主派的活动受到抑制。该法的效力周三在香港得到了展现:按照新规定,一群高级别官员对当地政府和《基本法》宣誓效忠。
         Eight of the activist group being held in mainland China face charges of illegally crossing a boundary, which carries a sentence of up to one year in prison, prosecutors in the Yantian district of the mainland city of Shenzhen said in a statement. Two others, Tang Kai-yin and Quinn Moon, were charged with the more serious offense of organizing the escape attempt, punishable by up to seven years.        深圳盐田区检察院在一份案件通报中说在这些被拘留在中国大陆的活动人士中,八人涉嫌偷越边境罪,另外两人——邓棨然和乔映瑜——涉嫌组织他人偷越边境罪。偷越边境罪最高可判处一年徒刑,组织偷越是更严重的罪行,最高可判处七年有期徒刑。
        Another two, who are juveniles, are due to have a separate, closed hearing into their cases, but no charges were announced. The group ranges in age from 17 to 33.        通报称,将对另外两名未成年人的案子单独举行非公开听证,但目前没有宣布对他们的指控。被捕港人的年龄从17岁到33岁不等。
        As many as 200 protesters are believed to have fled to Taiwan, a self-governing island democracy that is claimed by China, but the route is increasingly monitored by the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese authorities. In attempting to flee prosecution in Hong Kong, the group captured at sea face likely prison sentences in mainland China, where the Communist Party controls courts and convictions in political cases are almost certain.        据信有多达200名香港抗议者已逃到台湾,台湾是一个自治的民主岛屿,中国宣称对其拥有主权。但这条路已越来越多地受到香港和中国大陆当局的监控。这群人试图避免在香港被起诉而在海上被大陆当局逮捕,这让他们可能在大陆面临牢狱之灾。大陆的的法院由共产党控制,政治案件的定罪几乎确定无疑。
        “Many activists have been forced to leave Hong Kong, but these are the most serious cases that demand the most of our concern,” said Eddie Chu, a former lawmaker who has helped the families of the group. “At the same time, I think people are trying to continue the movement through activities concerning the 12.”        “许多活动人士被迫离开香港,但这些是最严重的案件,需要得到我们最大的关注,”已为这群人的家属提供帮助的前立法会议员朱凯迪说。“与此同时,我觉得,人们正试图通过有关这12人的活动来继续这项运动。”
        The 12 have had little contact with their families and have been denied access to lawyers hired by their relatives. Instead, they have been required to accept lawyers assigned by the mainland Chinese government, family members and supporters in Hong Kong say.        这12人与家人几乎没有联系,也被拒绝与家人聘请的律师见面。他们的家人和在香港的支持者说,大陆当局要求他们接受政府指派的律师。
        Last month family members received letters from their detained relatives, but they said the texts appeared to have been scripted to tell them not to worry. One detainee, Wong Wai-yin, sent a letter asking family members to enter a guilty plea on his behalf to a charge in Hong Kong, Mr. Chu said.        上个月,家人收到了被拘留亲人的来信,但他们的家人说,信的内容似乎抄自已为他们写好、叫家人不要担心的文字。朱凯迪说,其中一名叫黄伟然的被拘者在给家人的信中,要求家人替他对他在香港面临一项指控正式表示认罪。
        Members of the group were under investigation or facing charges in Hong Kong in connection with the mass antigovernment protests last year, including rioting, manufacturing explosives and assaulting police officers. One person on the boat, Andy Li, had been under investigation on suspicion of violating the national security law imposed on Hong Kong by Beijing at the end of June.        这群人中有些在香港正接受与去年的大规模反政府抗议活动有关的调查,或面临包括暴乱、制造炸药和袭警的指控。同船出逃的李宇轩因涉嫌违反中央政府今年6月底对香港实施的《港版国安法》已受到香港当局调查。
        The group left a small harbor in northeastern Hong Kong on Aug. 23 and was stopped by the Chinese Coast Guard about 45 miles southeast of Hong Kong Island. Because of increased surveillance, no smuggler was willing to take the group, and instead they piloted the speedboat themselves, according to people familiar with their plans.        这群人于8月23日从香港东北部的一个小港口乘船出发后,在港岛东南约45英里处被中国海警拦下。据了解出逃计划的人透露,由于官方加强了管控,没有走私者愿意为这群人开船,他们不得不自己驾驶快艇。
        In October, the Hong Kong police arrested nine people suspected of assisting the escape attempt.        今年10月,香港警方逮捕了九名涉嫌协助他们出逃的人。
        Activists have accused the Hong Kong police of monitoring the escape attempt but not acting to stop the group, citing an article in Apple Daily, a Hong Kong newspaper, that examined flight records. Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, has denied any role by the Hong Kong police in the arrests.        活动人士援引香港报纸《苹果日报》的一篇报道(该报道分析了航行记录),指责香港警方对出逃企图进行了监视,但没有采取行动阻止他们。香港特区行政长官林郑月娥否认香港警方与这些人被逮捕有任何关系。
        Separately, Mrs. Lam watched on Wednesday as two dozen high-ranking officials swore an oath to Hong Kong and its local constitution. The oath-taking effort is part of a broader drive to ensure the loyalty of the city’s 180,000 civil servants. Newly hired civil servants began taking the oath after July 1, and the rest will begin taking it in the coming days.        另外,林郑月娥周三出席了二十几名高级官员对香港政府和《基本法》宣誓效忠的仪式。这个宣誓仪式是确保香港18万公务员忠诚的一项更广泛行动的一部分。新受雇的公务员要在7月1日以后开始宣誓,其他人将在未来几天开始这一仪式。
        Last year, some civil servants joined in the antigovernment protests that swept the city, unnerving both Beijing and the Hong Kong authorities.        去年,一些公务员参加了席卷香港的反政府抗议活动,使北京和香港当局紧张不安。

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