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Japanese bid farewell to beloved Panda Xiang Xiang

来源:中国日报    2020-12-14 10:42

        People in Japan are bidding farewell to Xiang Xiang, the giant panda and by far the most popular attraction at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoological Gardens with celebrations and souvenirs.人们纷纷用欢送仪式和纪念品的方式,来与东京上野动物园最受欢迎的大熊猫香香说再见。
        In preparation for her upcoming departure, a department store near Ueno is holding a “thank you” celebration for Xiang Xiang, where people can buy panda-themed merchandise and food items.为即将到来的离别做准备,上野一家百货公司为香香举行了“感谢”的欢送仪式,人们可以买到熊猫主题的货物和食品。
        A commemorative medallion with an image of Xiang Xiang is priced at 650,000 yen ($6,234) as it is made of pure gold.印有“香香”形象的纪念章定价65万日元(约4.07万人民币),因为是纯金制成的。
        Photo exhibitions and giant panda balloon featuring Xiang Xiang’s face will also take place near Ueno from Dec 23 to 25, according to Tokyo’s Matsuzakaya department store.据东京松阪屋百货消息,照片展和“香香”脸形状的巨型熊猫气球也将于12月23日至25日在上野附近展出。
        Being the major attraction of the Tokyo zoo, Xiang Xiang enjoyed popularity in Japan since she was born in June 2017. The zoo had to introduce a ticketing system to reserve slots to watch her gambol around her enclosure. There is a daily limit of 6,500 people for Xiang Xiang alone, with slots typically reserved weeks in advance.作为东京动物园的头号明星,“香香”在2017年6月出生时就倍受欢迎。动物园不得不采取抽签方式让观众们一睹其“萌态”。每天的参观上限是6500人,而且需要提前几周抽签。
        The Tokyo zoo has three pandas, Xiang Xiang and her parents Ri Ri and Shin Shin. However, as Xiang Xiang is coming back to China in December and her parents’ 10 year loan will run out in February, the zoo is potentially under pressure over losing its favorite attraction.东京的动物园共租借了三只熊猫,“香香”和它的父母“力力”(中方称比力)和“真真”(中方称仙女)。不过,香香这个月底就要回中国了,而它父母的十年租期2月也将到期了,动物园正面临着失去它最受欢迎的熊猫的压力。

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