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Cat-Thieves That Were Caught Red-Pawed

来源:中国日报    2020-12-15 09:29

        There's a saying that goes “honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach”- those adorable furballs might purr and beg for a scratch behind the ears, but as soon as you turn your back, they're back to their scheming ways. Here's a list of cats that have been caught red-pawed in the act of stealing a tasty morsel .        有句谚语叫做“像够不着肉的猫一样诚实”——当着你的面,这些可爱的小毛球会边咕噜咕噜叫边让你给它抓抓耳朵背后的位置,一旦你背转身去,他们就会露出邪恶的本来面目。下面这组图中的猫咪都是偷吃被抓的小偷。

        In truth, owners should be mindful when their cats try to get their paws on human food. Their digestion works differently from ours, and many foods, even ones they love, like milk, can give them upset stomachs or worse. Chocolate and onions are especially dangerous, and should be kept tucked away far out of reach.        事实上,当猫咪把爪子伸向人类的食物的时候,猫主人应该多加小心。它们的消化系统与人类不同,许多食物——甚至包括牛奶这样的它们喜爱的食物——可能会让它们胃部不适,甚至出现更严重的健康问题。巧克力和洋葱尤其危险,应该妥善保存在猫咪触碰不到的地方。

        1 Cookie Thief        曲奇小偷
        Awesome !        精彩!
        2 I Regret Nothing!        我毫不后悔!
        I'd do the same too. Anything for a yummy pancake!        我也会这么做的!为了一张美味的薄饼,什么都值得!
        3 Stealing The Leftover Pizza        偷吃剩下的披萨
        I yawned, and then "accidentally" ate your pizza.        我只不过打了个哈欠,“一不小心”吃了你的披萨
        4 Stealing From A Child        偷小孩的东西
        Love this!So cute and funny!        喜欢这张照片!好可爱,好有趣!
        5 Smoked Fish Thief        熏鱼小偷
        And he didn't choose the smallest one !        作为一个小偷他还要挑大小
        6 Disguised Thief        做好了伪装的小偷
        The cat’s like "Nobody can see me!”        猫咪:“你们都看不见我哟!”
        7. Determined Milk Thief        意志坚定的牛奶大盗
        My cat does this!! Only when she can't get her head in the glass, she'll put her paw in the milk!        我的猫会这样!只有当她的头不能塞进瓶子的时候,她会把爪子伸进牛奶里。
        8 Trying To Get To That Fish        很努力的想抓住那条鱼
        Keep trying little guy.        坚持下去,小东西!
        9 Balloon Thief        气球大盗
        I awoke in the night thinking an alien was crossing my room. It was Bamboo kitty with a helium balloon on a ribbon.        半夜时分我醒来,还以为一个外星人正飞跃我的房间。原来是猫咪小竹叼着一只氦气球,气球上还扎着一根缎带。
        10 Nose thief        偷鼻子的贼
        That's a dedicated cat        多专注的猫小偷!
        11 Kitty Has Big Dreams        小小的猫咪有大大的梦想
        He really has bitten off more than he can chew!        它真是贪得无厌
        12 Thief Caught In Action        作案中的小偷被捕
        YOU left the door open.....just sayin'        顺便说一句,明明是你忘了关门……
        13 Determined Kitty        意志坚定的猫咪
        Look at those eyes, you can't even punish him, he is too cute.        看看那双眼睛,你都不忍心惩罚它,因为它太可爱了。
        14 Tasting Starbucks        尝尝星巴克是什么滋味
        Gracious pose!        优雅的姿势!
        15 Trying To Get To That Cheese        努力想要触碰那块奶酪
        I see you cheese! You cannot hide from me        我看到你了,奶酪!别以为你能躲起来!
        16 Chicken Thief        烤鸡大盗
        Kitty's Owner: You gotta share it with your siblings. Kitty: NOPE! HUMH!        猫咪主人:你要和兄弟姐妹分享这只烤鸡哟!猫咪:不要,哼!
        17 Milk Thief        牛奶大盗
        A nostalgic view, I love it.        很怀旧的风景,我喜欢!

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