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Cat-Thieves That Were Caught Red-Pawed

来源:中国日报    2020-12-15 09:29

        There's a saying that goes “honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach”- those adorable furballs might purr and beg for a scratch behind the ears, but as soon as you turn your back, they're back to their scheming ways. Here's a list of cats that have been caught red-pawed in the act of stealing a tasty morsel .
        In truth, owners should be mindful when their cats try to get their paws on human food. Their digestion works differently from ours, and many foods, even ones they love, like milk, can give them upset stomachs or worse. Chocolate and onions are especially dangerous, and should be kept tucked away far out of reach.
        1 Cookie Thief
        Awesome !
        2 I Regret Nothing!
        I'd do the same too. Anything for a yummy pancake!
        3 Stealing The Leftover Pizza
        I yawned, and then "accidentally" ate your pizza.
        4 Stealing From A Child
        Love this!So cute and funny!
        5 Smoked Fish Thief
        And he didn't choose the smallest one !
        6 Disguised Thief
        The cat’s like "Nobody can see me!”
        7. Determined Milk Thief
        My cat does this!! Only when she can't get her head in the glass, she'll put her paw in the milk!
        8 Trying To Get To That Fish
        Keep trying little guy.
        9 Balloon Thief
        I awoke in the night thinking an alien was crossing my room. It was Bamboo kitty with a helium balloon on a ribbon.
        10 Nose thief
        That's a dedicated cat
        11 Kitty Has Big Dreams
        He really has bitten off more than he can chew!
        12 Thief Caught In Action
        YOU left the door open.....just sayin'
        13 Determined Kitty
        Look at those eyes, you can't even punish him, he is too cute.
        14 Tasting Starbucks
        Gracious pose!
        15 Trying To Get To That Cheese
        I see you cheese! You cannot hide from me
        16 Chicken Thief
        Kitty's Owner: You gotta share it with your siblings. Kitty: NOPE! HUMH!
        17 Milk Thief
        A nostalgic view, I love it.

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