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Books to Read and Reread

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-11 02:02

        Americanah By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie        《美国史迹》(Americanah) ,作者奇玛曼达·戈兹·阿迪切(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
        “A story about belonging and not belonging in a world where identities are both increasingly fluid and defining, a story about how we are shaped by the places where we grew up and the places where we come to live.”        “这是一个关于归属感的故事,在这个世界,身份越来越具流动性和决定性;这也是一个关于我们如何被生长和生活的地方所塑造的故事。”
        The Handmaid’s Tale By Margaret Atwood        《使女的故事》(The Handmaid’s Tale) ,作者玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)
        “As she looks at six new bodies hanging there, Offred remembers the unnerving words of their warden Aunt Lydia: ‘Ordinary,’ she said, ‘is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary.’”        “当她看着悬在那里的六具尸体时,奥芙弗雷德想起了典狱长莉迪亚嬷嬷令人不安的话:‘习惯成自然,’她说。‘你现在可能觉得这不寻常,但假以时日,你就不会奇怪了。它会变得平平常常。’”
        Underworld By Don DeLillo        《地下世界》(Underworld) ,作者唐·德里罗(Don DeLillo)
        “A vivid fever chart of American history, describing with uncanny prescience how random violence and paranoia had insinuated themselves into the collective unconscious, and how celebrities and terrorists were seizing hold of the national imagination.”        “这是一张生动记录美国历史变化的体温表格,以不可思议的先见之明描述了肆意的暴力和偏执如何潜入了集体无意识,以及名人和恐怖分子如何攫取了这个国家的想象力。”
        Slouching Towards Bethlehem By Joan Didion        《缓缓走向伯利恒》(Slouching Towards Bethlehem) ,作者琼·狄迪昂(Joan Didion)
        “She wrote about how the California she knew growing up in Sacramento had metamorphosed overnight into a new California … the American faith in the possibility of reinventing oneself devolving into rootlessness and anomie.”        “在萨克拉门托长大的她,写到加州如何在一夜之间蜕变成一个新的加州……美国人对于自我脱胎换骨的信念,陷入了无根无依和失范的境地。”
        Invisible Man By Ralph Ellison        《隐形人》(Invisible Man) ,作者拉尔夫·埃里森(Ralph Ellison)
        “Being invisible is a metaphor for being Black in America: for being ignored, persecuted, demeaned, subjected to different standards of justice, and labeled with crude racial stereotypes. At the same time, Ellison suggests, being invisible is an existential condition we all face.”        “隐形是美国黑人的隐喻:被忽视、迫害、贬低,受制于不同的正义标准,并被贴上粗暴的种族成见标签。与此同时,埃里森认为,隐形是我们所有人都面临的一种生存条件。”
        Atonement By Ian McEwan        《赎罪》(Atonement) ,作者伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)
        “He shows how her petulance and self-dramatizing imagination lead her to ignore the truth, how her ignorance about the grown-up world results in loss and devastation that she will spend her adult life trying to rationalize and atone for.”        “他刻画了她的任性以及戏剧化表现自我的想象力,是如何令她对真相视而不见的;她对成人世界的无知又是如何导致了迷失和毁灭,而她将耗费成年生活寻求将其合理化和赎罪。”
        Beloved By Toni Morrison        《宠儿》(Beloved) ,作者托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)
        “If there’s one insistent theme in Morrison’s novels, it’s the ways in which the past inexorably shapes the present, trampling innocence, cutting off options of escape, and warping relationships between women and men, parents and children.”        “如果说莫里森的小说中存在一个始终如一的主题,那就是过去在无情地塑造现在、践踏纯真、切断逃避的可能性,以及扭曲男人和女人、父母和子女之间的关系。”
        Infinite Jest By David Foster Wallace        《无尽的玩笑》(Infinite Jest) ,作者戴维·福斯特·华莱士(David Foster Wallace)
        “Wallace imagined America’s absurd future while chronicling the inroads the absurd had already made in a country where advertisements wallpaper our lives and people are overdosing on entertainment, self-gratification and narcotizing pharmaceuticals.”        “华莱士一边设想美国的荒谬未来,一边记录下荒谬对我们的侵袭,在这个国家,广告在我们的生活中无孔不入,而人们过度娱乐、自我满足和服用麻醉药品。”

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