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Biden Picks Katherine Tai as Trade Representative

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-10 04:55

        WASHINGTON — President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is expected to select Katherine Tai, the chief trade lawyer for the House Ways and Means Committee, as the United States trade representative, a key post that will bear responsibility for enforcing America’s trade rules and negotiating new trading terms with China and other countries, according to people familiar with the plans.        华盛顿——据了解其计划的知情人士透露,候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)预计将任命众议院筹款委员会(House Ways and Means Committee)的首席贸易律师戴琦(Katherine Tai)为美国贸易代表,这是一个关键职位,将负责执行美国的贸易规则,并与中国及其他国家协商新的贸易条款。
        Ms. Tai has garnered strong support from colleagues in Congress, who credit her with helping to wrangle an unruly collection of politicians and interest groups in negotiations to pass the revised North American Free Trade Agreement. From 2007 to 2014, Ms. Tai worked for the Office of the United States Trade Representative, where she successfully prosecuted several cases on Chinese trade practices at the World Trade Organization.        戴琦得到了其国会同僚的大力支持,他们称赞她在谈判中帮忙对付了难以驾驭的政客和利益集团,才让修订后的《北美自由贸易协定》(North American Free Trade Agreement,简称NAFTA)得以通过。2007年至2014年,戴琦在美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the United States Trade Representative)工作期间,在世界贸易组织就中国的贸易行为成功提起了几起诉讼。
        If confirmed, Ms. Tai, who is Asian-American, would be the first woman of color to serve as the U.S. trade representative, a cabinet-level official who carries the rank of ambassador.        如果任命获得批准,身为亚裔的戴琦将成为首位担任美国贸易代表的有色人种女性,贸易代表是内阁级别的官员,拥有大使头衔。
        Ms. Tai’s selection was earlier reported by Politico.        Politico网站于早前报道了戴琦的候选。
        Although Mr. Biden has said he does not intend to begin negotiating new free-trade agreements until he has made “major investments here at home and in our workers,” his trade representative will still have plenty to do. Those tasks are likely to include ensuring that American trade rules are adequately enforced and that they promote rather than impede other parts of Mr. Biden’s agenda, including fighting climate change and encouraging domestic investment, for example through augmenting Buy American programs.        尽管拜登曾表示,在“对国内和对我们的工人做出重大投入”之前,他不打算开始商讨新的贸易协定,但他的贸易代表仍有大量工作要做。这些任务可能包括确保美国的贸易规则得到充分执行,以及确保这些规则促进而不是阻碍拜登议程的其他部分,包括应对气候变化,和通过诸如扩大“购买美国产品”项目来鼓励国内投资。
        Congressional Democrats have fought for Ms. Tai to be appointed in part because they believe she would play a vital role in making sure that the terms of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which replaced NAFTA this year, are enforced. That includes bringing new trade cases against Mexican factories that violate labor rules, and ensuring that Mexico will follow through with ambitious reforms to its labor system.        国会民主党人一直在争取戴琦的任命,部分原因是他们相信她将在确保《美国-墨西哥-加拿大协议》(United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement)的条款执行上发挥关键作用,该协议将在今年取代NAFTA。协议中包括对违反劳动法规的墨西哥工厂提起新的贸易诉讼,并确保墨西哥将完成对其劳工制度的大规模改革。
        As chief counsel for the Ways and Means Committee, Ms. Tai played a key role in crafting the Democratic demands for final changes to U.S.M.C.A., which was negotiated by the Trump administration. In that capacity, she balanced the competing demands of labor unions, environmental groups, corporate lobbyists and the administration, and helped to hammer out a deal that passed both houses of Congress by a wide margin.        作为筹款委员会的首席顾问,戴琦在拟定民主党对美墨加协议最终修改的要求上发挥了关键作用,该协议是由特朗普政府谈判达成的。在这一职位上,她平衡了工会、环保组织、集团说客与本届政府之间的竞争性需求,并帮助敲定了一项在国会两院以较大优势获得通过的协议。
        In a November letter to Mr. Biden, 10 female House Democrats wrote that Ms. Tai’s central role in that negotiation “makes her uniquely qualified to lead implementation and enforcement efforts” as the next trade representative.        11月,在给拜登的一封信中,十位众议院女民主党人写道,戴琦在那次谈判中扮演的核心角色,使她具有了作为下一任贸易代表“去领导实施和执行工作的独特资质”。
        “Ms. Tai knows every tool available to hold Mexico and Canada accountable,” the lawmakers wrote.        “戴琦清楚每一种让墨西哥和加拿大负起责任的办法,”这些议员写道。
        Though sometimes a lower-profile position, the post of trade representative has taken on greater importance under President Trump, who has used the office to impose substantial tariffs against foreign countries and negotiate a series of trade deals, both small and large.        虽然这个职位有时没那么引人注目,但在特朗普总统任内,贸易代表的地位变得更加重要,特朗普曾通过这一职位对外国征收高额关税,并就一系列大大小小的贸易协定进行谈判。
        Mr. Biden’s top trade negotiator will be responsible for dealing with much of that legacy, including helping to decide whether to continue levying tariffs on Chinese goods, and whether to continue granting certain companies exclusions from those tariffs. Many of those exclusions are set to expire on Dec. 31, and it remains unclear whether Mr. Trump plans to extend them.        拜登的首席贸易谈判代表将负责处理大部分遗留问题,包括帮助他决定是否继续对中国商品加征关税,以及是否继续将某些企业排除在这些关税之外。许多排除条款将于12月31日到期,目前尚不清楚特朗普是否准备将其延长。
        The new trade representative will also be responsible for reshaping the office to fit Democratic priorities, like increasing protections for workers, mitigating climate change and raising standards for consumer protections. Mr. Biden’s pick will also be responsible for rebuilding trading relations that have been strained by Mr. Trump’s aggressive approach, including with Europe, Canada, Japan and Mexico.        新任贸易代表还将负责重组其办公室,以适应民主党的优先事项,如增加劳工保护、缓解气候变化、提高保护消费者的标准。拜登的人选还将负责重塑因特朗普咄咄逼人的外交政策而紧张的贸易关系,包括对欧洲、加拿大、日本和墨西哥。
        Supporters say Ms. Tai is also uniquely positioned to address economic challenges from China, regarded as America’s biggest source of competition in the trade sphere.        支持者称,戴琦在应对来自中国的经济挑战的问题上也处于独特位置,中国被视为美国在贸易领域的最大竞争源头。
        In addition to litigating trade disputes against China at the World Trade Organization over issues including subsidies and export restraints, Ms. Tai worked on China-related issues during her time in the House, including strategies to reshore American supply chains and legislation to bar imports made with forced labor from Uighurs and other minorities in China.        除了就补贴和出口限制等问题向世界贸易组织提起对中国的贸易争端诉讼外,戴琦在众议院任职期间还负责中国相关事务,包括制定美国供应链的回流战略,和立法禁止进口由中国维吾尔族和其他少数民族的强迫劳力生产的产品。
        Ms. Tai has a background in China, having served as a teaching fellow there in the late 1990s and speaking fluent Mandarin Chinese.        戴琦有中国背景,她曾在上世纪90年代末在中国担任教师,能说一口流利的普通话。
        In the House, she also led an effort to look at the legacy of racial injustice in U.S. trade policy, and how gains from trade could be made more inclusive.        在众议院,她还牵头研究了美国贸易政策中种族不公的遗留问题,以及如何使贸易收益更具包容性。

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