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Jimmy Lai, Media Mogul, Is Charged Under Hong Kong’s National Security Law

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-11 02:36

        HONG KONG — Jimmy Lai, a publishing tycoon and a prominent critic of the Chinese Communist Party, was charged with colluding with foreign forces under Hong Kong’s national security law, the police said on Friday, as Beijing intensified its efforts to smother the city’s faltering pro-democracy movement.        香港——警方周五表示,根据香港国安法,出版大亨、中国共产党的知名批评者黎智英被控勾结外国势力。北京正在加紧遏制这座城市步履维艰的民主运动。
        Mr. Lai is the most high-profile person to be formally charged under the security law. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison.        黎智英是在国安法下被正式起诉的最知名的人物。如果罪名成立,他可能面临终身监禁。
        Mr. Lai, 73, was arrested in August on suspicion of violating the sweeping security law, which Beijing imposed on Hong Kong in June. The police also raided the headquarters of Mr. Lai’s newspaper, Apple Daily, one of the last remaining anti-Beijing publications in the city.        现年73岁的黎智英因涉嫌违反北京今年6月对香港实施的一项全面的安全法于8月被捕。警方还突击搜查了黎智英旗下报纸《苹果日报》的总部,该报是香港仅存的最后几家反北京出版物之一。
        Mr. Lai has pushed other countries to punish China for its erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong. He traveled to the United States last year to meet officials including Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And he has called for sanctions on Chinese officials.        黎智英曾敦促其他国家惩罚中国对香港自由的侵蚀。他去年访问美国,会见了包括副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)和国务卿迈克·庞皮欧(Mike Pompeo)在内的官员。他还呼吁对中国官员进行制裁。
        It is not clear what the police say he did specifically to violate the security law. As written, the law is not supposed to be retroactive. Since it was imposed, Mr. Lai has said that he would be more careful about his words.        目前尚不清楚警方称他的什么具体行为违反了安全法。按照法律文本,该法不应具有追溯效力。黎智英曾表示,在该法案实施后,他会对措辞更加谨慎。
        More than two dozen others have been arrested under the measure. Tony Chung, 19, an activist who was also charged under the law, was convicted on Friday of desecrating the Chinese national flag and participating in an unlawful assembly last year. A separate trial on charges under the national security law trial is pending.        目前已有已有20多人在国安法下被捕。同样受到国安法指控的活动人士、19岁的钟翰林上周五被判犯有亵渎中国国旗和在去年非法参加集会罪。另一项针对国安法指控的审判正在等待进行。
        Mr. Lai was already in jail after being denied bail on unrelated fraud charges, a decision he is appealing. But because of the charge under the national security law, which grants the authorities sweeping powers to hold defendants without bail, it is unlikely that he will win release.        黎智英此前已因涉嫌欺诈被拒绝保释而入狱,目前他正针对这一决定提起上诉。但是由于国安法的指控,他不太可能获释。国安法使当局拥有不予保释关押被告的广泛权力。
        The law also shifts the legal landscape for Mr. Lai. Defendants can be tried in mainland China, where the legal system is significantly more opaque than in Hong Kong.        这项法律还改变了黎智英面临的法律前景。被告可能在中国内地受审,那里的法律体系比香港不透明得多。
        Even if Mr. Lai is tried in Hong Kong, the security law empowers the city’s chief executive, who is selected by Beijing, to appoint special judges, and the trial can be held behind closed doors.        即使黎智英在香港受审,国安法也授权由北京挑选的香港特首任命特别法官,审判可以不公开进行。
        Mr. Lai is scheduled to appear in court on Saturday, the police said.        警方表示,黎智英将于周六出庭。

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