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Biden and Harris named Time's Person of the Year

来源:中国日报    2020-12-11 15:30

        At some point during their time in the White House, every elected US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been named Time magazine’s Person of the Year.        自从富兰克林·D·罗斯福以来,美国当选的每一任总统在入主白宫期间的某一个时刻都曾被选为《时代》杂志的年度人物。
        On Thursday evening, the publication announced that President-elect Joe Biden continues the trend — with a twist: He is the first to receive the title alongside his running-mate, Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris.        当地时间12月10日晚,《时代》周刊宣布,当选总统乔·拜登延续了这一趋势,不过有一点变化:他是第一个和竞选伙伴(当选副总统卡玛拉·D·哈里斯)一同被选为《时代》年度人物的美国总统。
        It is another “first” for Harris, who will become the first woman, first Black person and first Asian American to serve in the nation’s second-highest office.        对于哈里斯而言这是又一个“第一”,她即将成为登上美国政坛第二把交椅的第一位女性、第一位黑人和第一位亚裔美国人。
        Ultra-popular K-pop band BTS has a global influence, and that star power is now being recognized by Time magazine. BTS was named Time's Entertainer of the Year for 2020, with their own cover shot by Mok Jung Wook.        人气火爆的韩流组合防弹少年团粉丝遍及全球,而这一明星影响力如今获得了《时代》周刊的肯定。防弹少年团被评选为《时代》2020年度艺人,封面照片由摄影师睦桢煜拍摄。
        The band is so influential that South Korean lawmakers passed the so-called "BTS Bill" earlier this month, which will likely give major pop stars the ability to postpone their mandatory national military service. Under the law, deferment waivers for military service would be granted to pop musicians who have won awards.        这一乐团的巨大影响力迫使韩国立法者本月早些时候通过了“防弹少年团法案”,该法案将让大牌明星获得推迟服兵役的资格。根据这一法规,获得过大奖的流行歌手可以延期入伍。
        BTS has won their fair share of awards. They have been nominated for seven American Music Awards, all of which they've won; four Billboard Music awards, which they also won; and they are nominated for a Grammy Award.        防弹少年团斩获的奖项数不胜数。他们曾7次获得全美音乐奖的提名并全部获奖;4次获得公告牌音乐奖的提名,也全部获奖;此外他们还获得过格莱美奖的提名。
        In addition to Entertainer of the Year, Time also announced its Athlete of the Year: LeBron James.        除了年度艺人,《时代》周刊还宣布了年度运动员:勒布朗·詹姆斯。
        James is not only recognized for his accomplishments on the court but for his social justice activism. James has rallied fellow athletes to demonstrate against racial justice and police brutality, himself wearing an "I can't breathe" shirt on the court in memory of George Floyd.        詹姆斯不只是因为在球场上的成就而受到肯定,还因为他为社会正义运动做出的努力。詹姆斯曾召集自己的同行一起示威反对种族歧视和警察暴力,为了纪念乔治·弗洛伊德他曾在球场上穿过一件“我不能呼吸”的T恤。
        He has also publicly spoken out about the Breonna Taylor case and launched a nonprofit, More Than a Vote, which focuses on "combating systemic, racist voter suppression by educating, energizing, and protecting our community in 2020."        他还曾对布伦娜·泰勒案件公开发声,并创立了一个非盈利机构“不仅仅是投票”,该组织致力于“通过教育和激励来对抗种族主义投票者的系统性的压迫,并在2020年保护我们的社区”。

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