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The 25 Best Children’s Books of 2020

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-09 04:05

        Picture Books        绘本
        I TALK LIKE A RIVER, by Jordan Scott, illustrated by Sydney Smith. (Neal Porter/Holiday House, $18.99.) A boy who struggles with stuttering (as does the author, a Canadian poet) finds relief in a trip with his father to a nearby river, where he sees that turbulence and eddying are part of the natural flow. Smith’s immersive illustrations richly convey the boy’s sensory experience as he swims toward self-acceptance.        《我说话像河流》(I Talk Like a River),乔丹·斯科特(Jordan Scott)著,西德尼·史密斯(Sydney Smith)绘。(Neal Porter/Holiday House,18.99美元。)一个患有口吃的男孩(本书作者也是如此,他是一位加拿大诗人)和父亲一起去了附近的一条河,在那里他明白了湍流和漩涡都是自然水流的一部分,并从中得到了解脱。史密斯身临其境的插图完全传达出男孩在游向自我接纳之时的感官体验。
        IF YOU COME TO EARTH, by Sophie Blackall. (Chronicle, $18.99.) “Dear Visitor from Outer Space,” the child narrator begins, “if you come to Earth, here’s what you need to know.” Blackall delivers on the promise: Her wondrous book seems to contain multitudes — the world’s every river, flower, person, cruise ship and bottle cap.        《如果你来到地球》(If You Come to Earth),苏菲·布莱科尔(Sophie Blackall)著。(Chronicle,18.99美元。)“亲爱的外太空访客,”童声旁白一开始就说,“如果你来到地球,以下是你需要知道的事情。”布莱科尔兑现了她的承诺:这本奇妙的书似乎包罗万象——有世界上所有河流、花朵、人类、邮轮和瓶盖。
        THE LITTLE MERMAID, by Jerry Pinkney. (Little, Brown, $18.99.) In Pinkney’s vivid reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale, the mermaid befriends a human girl instead of pining over a handsome prince, and all the characters, human and mermaid, are Black.        《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid),杰里·平克尼(Jerry Pinkney)著。(Little, Brown,18.99美元。)平克尼在书中生动地重新想象了汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen)的经典童话,美人鱼和一个人类女孩成为了朋友,而不是为了英俊的王子憔悴,不管是人类还是美人鱼,所有人物都是黑人。
        OUR LITTLE KITCHEN, by Jillian Tamaki. (Abrams, $17.99.) Based on Tamaki’s experience volunteering at a small community kitchen that feeds the hungry, this color-saturated, mouthwatering whirlwind of a book bursts with energy from the moment its diverse group of characters starts chopping and slicing, whisking and whipping.        《我们的小小厨房》(Our Little Kitchen),吉莉安·玉木(Jillian Tamaki)著。(Abrams,17.99美元。)基于玉木在一个为饥民提供食物的社区小厨房作志愿者的经历,这本色彩丰富、令人垂涎的书,从各色人物开始剁、切、搅、打的一刻开始就充满了活力。
        OUTSIDE IN, by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Cindy Derby. (HMH Books for Young Readers, $17.99.) Underwood’s quietly profound text and Derby’s lush art provide a homage to nature, and a comforting reminder that Outside will be there for us when we’re ready. “I’m here, Outside says. I miss you.”        《自外而内》(Outside In),黛博拉·安德伍德(Deborah Underwood)著,辛迪·德尔比(Cindy Derby)绘。(HMH Books for Young Readers,17.99美元。)安德伍德平和又深刻的文字,与德尔比郁郁葱葱的美术风格呈现出对自然的敬意,并给人以抚慰式的提醒,那就是当我们准备好的时候,“外面”就在那里。“我在这儿呢,‘外面’说。我想你们了。”
        A STORY ABOUT AFIYA, by James Berry, illustrated by Anna Cunha. (Lantana, $17.99.) This joyous celebration of childhood, culture and place by the Jamaican poet (who died in 2017) follows a young girl named Afiya — “health” in Swahili — whose summer frock “collects” what she sees as she dances across an island in motion. Each airy spread is a fresh canvas for its Brazilian illustrator, just as Afiya’s dress is newly washed each morning.        《雅菲亚的故事》(A Story About Afiya),詹姆斯·巴里(James Berry)著,安娜·库尼亚(Anna Cunha)绘。(Lantana,17.99美元。)这部由这位牙买加诗人(已于2017年去世)创作的关于童年、文化和地方的欢乐庆典,讲述的是一个名叫“Afiya”——斯瓦希里语中的“健康”——的小女孩的故事,她的夏季连衣裙“收集了”她在岛上跳舞时看到的东西。而对本书的巴西插画家来说,每开都是一幅崭新的画布,就像每天早上雅菲亚的裙子都是新洗过的一样。
        THE STRANGE BIRDS OF FLANNERY O’CONNOR, by Amy Alznauer, illustrated by Ping Zhu. (Enchanted Lion, $18.95.) This strangely beautiful art object of a book traces O’Connor’s first forays as a writer to an outsize fascination with the chickens in her childhood backyard. Alznauer pairs a grounded, authentic vernacular with a lyricism that takes flight, while Zhu’s depiction of odd human proportions against brilliant brushstroke plumage enchants.        《弗兰纳里·奥康纳的奇异鸟》(The Strange Birds of Flannery O’Connor),艾米·阿兹瑙尔(Amy Alznauer)著,朱平(音)绘。(Enchanted Lion,18.95美元。)这本书彷如一件有着怪异之美的艺术品,追溯了奥康纳写作生涯的第一次尝试,她对童年时后院里的鸡群产生了极大兴趣。阿兹瑙尔将接地气的地道方言与飘逸的抒情文体结合在一起,而朱平对怪异人体比例的描绘与翅膀羽毛的精妙笔触也使人着迷。
        THERE MUST BE MORE THAN THAT! by Shinsuke Yoshitake. (Chronicle, $18.99.) When a little girl’s brother tells her “our future is doomed,” in this entertaining yet serious story drawn in Yoshitake’s signature cartoon style, she runs in a panic to her grandmother, who helps her to imagine many possible futures, rather than to think only in terms of good and bad scenarios.        《绝不仅限于此!》(There Must Be More Than That!),吉竹伸介著。(Chronicle,18.99美元。)这个有趣但严肃的故事带有吉竹标志性的卡通风格,当一个小女孩的哥哥告诉她“我们的未来注定要完蛋”的时候,她惊慌地跑到祖母那里,祖母帮她想象了许多可能的未来,而不仅仅以好与坏的视角思考。
        THE WANDERER, by Peter Van den Ende. (Levine Querido, $21.99.) Danger, magic, surprise and awe abound in this masterly, wordless debut about a paper boat’s nighttime sea journey into the unknown.        《漫游者》(The Wanderer),彼得·范登恩德(Peter Van den Ende)著。(Levine Querido,21.99美元。)这本精致无言的处女作充满了危险、魔法、意外和惊奇,讲述了一只纸船在夜里驶入未知世界的海上旅途。
        WHEN YOU LOOK UP, by Decur. (Enchanted Lion, $29.95.) This moody watercolor-soaked story of an introvert’s creative awakening by the self-taught Argentine artist Guillermo Decurgez (known as Decur) begins on “moving day,” as a boy who believes the world exists only inside his cellphone finds a mysterious notebook in the secret compartment of a desk in his new room.        《当你抬头看》(When You Look Up),德克尔(Decur)著。(Enchanted Lion,29.95美元。)这个由自学成才的阿根廷艺术家吉尔莫·德库尔兹(Guillermo Decurgez,笔名德克尔)创作的被水彩浸染的忧郁故事,讲述了一个内向者创造性的觉醒,故事开始于“搬家日”,一个相信世界只存在于手机里的男孩在他新房间的桌子的秘密隔层里,发现了一个神秘的笔记本。
        YOU MATTER, by Christian Robinson. (Atheneum, $17.99.) An anthem to self-worth that’s also about the history of life on Earth, and in 107 words somehow covers loneliness, death and rebirth.        《你很重要》(You Matter),克里斯蒂安·罗宾逊(Christian Robinson)著。(Atheneum,17.99美元。)这是关于自我价值的赞歌,同时也讲述了地球上生命的历史,107个词的篇幅就涵盖了孤独、死亡和重生的主题。
        Middle Grade        中年级
        BECOMING MUHAMMAD ALI, by James Patterson and Kwame Alexander, illustrated by Dawud Anyabwile. (Jimmy Patterson, $16.99.) Cassius Clay’s kinetic boyhood — depicted through prose, poetry and illustration — is the prism through which this uplifting novel casts the myth of the legendary boxer.        《成为穆罕默德·阿里》(Becoming Muhammad Ali),詹姆斯·帕特森(James Patterson)与夸梅·亚历山大(Kwame Alexander)著,达乌德·安阿布维勒(Dawud Anyabwile)绘。(Jimmy Patterson,16.99美元。)用散文、诗歌和插图所描绘的卡修斯·克莱(Cassius Clay)充满活力的少年时代就像一面棱镜,这部振奋人心的小说透过它投射出了那位拳击传奇的神话。
        CHANCE: Escape From the Holocaust, by Uri Shulevitz. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $19.99.) This touching memoir of the author’s flight with his parents, beginning at age 4, from Warsaw to Russia to Turkestan is illustrated with his own art, including astonishing childhood originals.        《机会:逃离大屠杀》(Chance: Escape From the Holocaust),尤里·舒利瓦茨(Uri Shulevitz)著。(Farrar, Straus & Giroux,19.99美元。)这本动人的回忆录讲述了作者从4岁起随父母从华沙到俄罗斯再到突厥斯坦的旅程,用了他自己的艺术插图,包括令人惊叹的童年原型。
        CLASS ACT, by Jerry Craft. (Quill Tree, $22.99.) A Black student from the Co-op City section of the Bronx attends a private middle school in wealthier Riverdale in this moving and often funny graphic novel about the convergence of an awkward age (13 to 14) with another awkward age (America’s racial reckoning).        《杰出的人》(Class Act),杰里·克拉夫特(Jerry Craft)著。(Quill Tree,22.99美元。)在这本感人又有趣的漫画小说中,一名来自布朗克斯合作城区的黑人学生就来到较富裕的里弗代尔的一所私立中学读书,讲述了在一个尴尬年纪(13岁到14岁)遇上了另一个尴尬时代(美国的种族清算)的故事。
        LORETTA LITTLE LOOKS BACK: Three Voices Go Tell It, by Andrea David Pinkney, illustrated by Brian Pinkney. (Little, Brown, $17.99.) Sparkling with Southern diction and rhythms, and peppered with poems and songs, this novel composed of read-aloud monologues follows three generations of children in one fictional Mississippi family as they survive hardships from sharecropping to voter suppression.        《洛蕾塔·利特尔回头看:三个呐喊的声音》(Loretta Little Looks Back: Three Voices Go Tell It),安德烈·大卫·平克尼(Andrea David Pinkney)著,布莱恩·平克尼(Brian Pinkney)绘。(Little, Brown,17.99美元。)这部小说以南方口音和韵律为基调,穿插着诗歌和歌曲,由朗读式独白写成,讲述了密西西比州一个虚构家庭的三代孩子如何经历了从佃农到选民压制的种种艰难困苦。
        MAÑANALAND, by Pam Muñoz Ryan. (Scholastic, $18.99.) In this magical realist novel set in a “land of a hundred bridges” that lies “somewhere in the Américas,” an 11-year-old boy whose mother disappeared when he was a baby explores haunted ruins that once hid refugees from a neighboring dictatorship.        《明日世界》(Mañanaland),帕姆·穆诺兹·莱安(Pam Muñoz Ryan)著。(Scholastic,18.99美元。)在这部魔幻现实主义小说中,故事发生在“美洲某个”拥有“上百座桥梁的地方”,一位11岁男孩在还是婴儿的时候,母亲就失踪了,他探索了那些闹鬼的废墟,难民曾在这里躲避邻国的独裁统治。
        THE SILVER ARROW, by Lev Grossman. (Little, Brown, $16.99.) This eco-fable by the author of the adult novel “The Magicians” tackles climate change with poignant whimsy, via a magic steam train and talking animals.        《银箭号》(The Silver Arrow),列弗·格劳斯曼(Lev Grossman)著。(Little, Brown,16.99美元。)这是由成人小说《魔法师》(The Magicians)的作者所写的生态寓言,通过一辆魔法蒸汽车和会说话的动物,用深刻的奇思妙想探讨了气候变化问题。
        WAYS TO MAKE SUNSHINE, by Renée Watson. (Bloomsbury, $16.99.) Like Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Quimby, who inspired this heart-wrenching yet delightful new series, the Black fourth grader Ryan Hart is a bright, imaginative girl who specializes in “making a way out of no way.”        《创造阳光的方法》(Ways to Make Sunshine),蕾妮·沃森(Renée Watson)著。(Bloomsbury,16.99美元。)贝佛莉·克利林(Beverly Cleary)笔下的雷蒙娜·奎因(Ramona Quimby)是这套动人心弦又赏心悦目的新丛书的灵感,就像奎因一样,四年级的黑人学生莱安·哈特(Ryan Hart)是个聪明、富有想象力的女孩,擅长“在无路可走时找到出路”。
        WE DREAM OF SPACE, by Erin Entrada Kelly. (Greenwillow, $16.99.) Kelly moves gracefully between small-scale middle school dilemmas and galaxy-size existential questions in this lively, tender novel of three siblings adrift in a dysfunctional family as they await the shuttle Challenger’s launch.        《星空梦想》(We Dream of Space),伊尔琳·安特达·凯利(Erin Entrada Kelly)著。(Greenwillow,16.99美元。)在这部生动温柔的小说中,凯利在小小的中学生困境和庞大的存在主义问题之间优雅游走,讲述了等待挑战者号航天飞机发射的过程中,三兄弟在一个不正常的家庭里茫然无措的故事。
        WHEN STARS ARE SCATTERED, by Victoria Jamieson and Omar Mohamed. (Dial Books for Young Readers, $20.99.) This riveting graphic novel chronicles the young Omar’s real-life experiences during the 15 years he and his little brother spent as Somali refugees in the U.N.-run Dadaab camp in Kenya.        《当星星散落时》(When Stars Are Scattered),维多利亚·詹米森(Victoria Jamieson)和奥马尔·穆罕默德(Omar Mohamed)著。(Dial Books for Young Readers,20.99美元。)这本引人入胜的漫画小说讲述了年轻的奥马尔和弟弟在联合国设在肯尼亚的达达阿布难民营当了15年索马里难民的真实经历。
        Young Adult        青少年
        BEFORE THE EVER AFTER, by Jacqueline Woodson. (Nancy Paulsen, $17.99.) A boy struggles to move forward with his life as his pro football star father’s memory fades in this elegiac meditation on loss and longing, told mostly in verse.        《在此之前》(Before the Ever After),杰奎琳·伍德森(Jacqueline Woodson)著。(Nancy Paulsen,17.99美元。)这本书是关于失去和渴望的哀伤沉思,多以诗歌的形式讲述了随着对职业足球明星的父亲的记忆逐渐淡去,一个小男孩艰难地向前看的故事。
        DRAGON HOOPS, by Gene Luen Yang. (First Second, $24.99.) Full of insight about race and ethnicity, this graphic novel intercuts the thrilling wins and crushing defeats of one high school team with basketball’s own turbulent history.        《龙圈》(Dragon Hoops),杨谨伦(Gene Luen Yang)。(First Second,24.99美元。)这本漫画小说充满对种族与民族的深刻见解,把一支高中篮球队激情的胜利和惨烈的失败与篮球自身的动荡历史交织到一起。
        EVERYTHING SAD IS UNTRUE (A True Story), by Daniel Nayeri. (Levine Querido, $17.99.) A modern-day Scheherazade uses storytelling to survive the fifth grade in Nayeri’s autobiographical novel about his family’s journey from Iran to America.        《一切悲伤都不真实(一个真实故事)》(Everything Sad Is Untrue [A True Story]),丹尼尔·纳耶里(Daniel Nayeri)著。(Levine Querido,17.99美元。)纳耶里这部自传体小说讲述了他的家庭从伊朗来到美国的旅程,一个现代“舍赫拉查德”用讲故事的方式熬过了五年级的生活。
        THE TALK: Conversations About Race, Love & Truth, edited by Wade Hudson and Cheryl Willis Hudson. (Crown, $16.99.) These essays, stories, poems, letters and illustrations work to prepare children for a world that can be bewildering and hostile, while also making plain that the hard conversations we all need to have about race are part of a broader national reckoning.        《谈话:关于种族、爱和真理的对话》(THE TALK: Conversations About Race, Love & Truth),韦德·哈德森(Wade Hudson)和谢丽尔·威利斯·哈德森(Cheryl Willis Hudson)编。(Crown,16.99美元。)书中那些议论文、故事、诗歌、信件和插图,是为了让孩子们为一个可能令人困惑和充满敌意的世界做好准备,同时也让他们明白,我们需要就种族问题进行艰难对话,这是更广泛的国家反思的一部分。
        THEY WENT LEFT, by Monica Hesse. (Little, Brown, $17.99.) At the end of World War II, this searing novel’s Polish heroine, who spent her adolescence in concentration camps, sets out to find her younger brother, the only other member of her family who was not sent to the gas chambers.        《他们向左走》(They Went Left),莫妮卡·赫斯(Monica Hesse),(Little, Brown,17.99美元。)这部小说描写了第二次世界大战末期,在集中营度过青春期的波兰籍女主人公出发去寻找弟弟的故事,他是她唯一一个没有被送进毒气室的家人。

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