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U.K. Coronavirus Vaccine: Side Effects, Safety, and Who Gets It First

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-09 11:56

        Britain’s National Health Service began delivering shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday, opening a public health campaign with little precedent in modern medicine and making Britons the first people in the world to receive an authorized, fully tested vaccine.        周二,英国国民保健署(National Health Service)开始注射辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗,开启了一项现代医学鲜有先例的公共卫生行动,英国人因此成为世界上首批接种经过授权、进行过完整试验的新冠疫苗的人群。
        Here’s a guide to some of the basics.        这里是一份基本信息指南。
        Should I be concerned about the safety of the vaccine in Britain?        我应该担心英国疫苗的安全性吗?
        Britain’s drug regulator is seen as a bellwether agency, and its decisions often have influence abroad. In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, the agency has said that it did not cut any corners, and undertook the same laborious process of vetting the quality, efficacy and manufacturing protocols of the vaccine — except faster than usual.        英国药品监管方被视为一个风向标机构,其决策往往在海外拥有影响力。就辉瑞疫苗来说,该机构已经表示这款疫苗没有投机取巧,并且对疫苗的质量、效果和生产方案进行了与平时同样耗时费力的审查过程——只是要比平时快得多。
        Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the United States’s top infectious disease expert, said last week that the British had not reviewed the vaccine “as carefully” as the United States was. But he walked back those comments the next day, saying: “I have a great deal of confidence in what the U.K. does, both scientifically and from a regulator standpoint.”        美国顶尖传染病专家安东尼·S·福奇(Anthony S. Fauci)博士上周表示,英国人没有像美国那样“仔细”审核疫苗。但他第二天便收回了上述评论,说“我对英国做的事情很有信心,不管是科学方面还是监管方面”。
        Who in Britain will get the vaccine first?        哪些英国人会率先接种疫苗?
        Doctors and nurses, certain people over 80 and nursing home workers.        医生和护士,某些年过80岁的人和养老院工作人员。
        Some doctors and nurses have received invitations in recent days to sign up for appointments, with the first shots intended for those at the highest risk of severe illness. The government has indicated that people over 80 who already have visits with doctors scheduled for this week, or who are being discharged from certain hospitals, will also be among the first to receive shots.        近几天来,一些医护人员已经收到了报名预约接种的邀请,第一批疫苗是为那些属于最高风险的严重疾病人群准备的。政府表示,80岁以上、已经预约本周就医的人群,或是那些要从某些特定医院出院的人,也在首批接种疫苗的人群之列。
        Nursing home residents, who had been designated the top priority by a government advisory body, will be vaccinated in the coming weeks once health officials start distributing doses beyond hospitals.        住在养老院的人被一个政府咨询机构列为最优先级,一旦卫生官员开始在医院之外分配疫苗,他们将在未来几周获得接种。
        They said they were not able to do so right away because of the ultracold storage requirements of the Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine must be transported at South Pole-like temperatures, though Pfizer has said that it can be stored for five days in a normal refrigerator before being used.        他们说,由于辉瑞疫苗需要在超低温环境下储存,他们无法立刻实现这一点。疫苗必须在相当于南极的温度下进行运输,但辉瑞已经表示,疫苗在使用前可在普通冰箱里储存五天。
        How will the vaccine cards work?        疫苗接种卡怎么用?
        British health officials released images on Monday of a small, wallet-size vaccination card. It will hold a record of the date of someone’s first and second dose of the vaccine, which are supposed to be roughly a month apart.        周一,英国卫生官员公布了一张钱包尺寸的小疫苗接种卡的图片。上面列出某个人首次、第二次接种疫苗的日期,两次接种之间大约间隔一个月。
        While the images raised fears of a government-mandated vaccine passport program, with the cards functioning as proof of vaccination and a key to traveling and going to events, health officials have indicated that the card will not function that way.        接种卡除了作为接种证明,还可能作为出行、参加活动的通行证。尽管这些照片引发了政府强制接种疫苗护照项目的担忧,但卫生官员已经表示疫苗卡不会有这种用途。
        They have compared it to cards already in use by the country’s National Health Service for other two-dose vaccinations, and said it would be useful but not necessary for people to bring it to their second vaccination appointment. The card does not even have space for a vaccinated person’s name, making it impossible to use as proof of someone’s vaccination.        卫生官员将疫苗接种卡比作已经投入使用的、该国国民保健署为其他两款疫苗制定的疫苗接种卡,并表示,该卡虽然有用,但人们前往第二针接种预约的时候并非必须要带上它。疫苗接种卡上甚至没有接种者的名字,这让它不可能被用来作为某人接种的证明。
        When can I return to normal life after being vaccinated?        接种疫苗之后,多久能回归正常生活?
        Life will return to normal only when society as a whole gains enough protection against the coronavirus. Once countries authorize a vaccine, they’ll only be able to vaccinate a few percent of their citizens at most in the first couple months. The unvaccinated majority will still remain vulnerable to getting infected.        只有当整个社会获得针对新冠病毒的足够保护之后,生活才会恢复正常。当各国授权某种疫苗后,最初几个月只能为很小一部分民众进行接种。没有经过接种的大多数人群仍然很容易感染。
        A growing number of coronavirus vaccines are showing robust protection against becoming sick. But it’s also possible for people to spread the virus without even knowing they’re infected because they experience only mild symptoms or none at all. Scientists don’t yet know if the vaccines also block the transmission of the coronavirus.        有越来越多的新冠疫苗显示出对人们患病的强大保护作用。但人们也有可能在只有轻微症状或者完全无症状时,在不知道自己已被感染的情况下传播病毒。科学家们还不知道疫苗是否也能阻断新冠病毒传播。
        So for the time being, even vaccinated people will need to wear masks, avoid indoor crowds, and so on.        所以,眼下即便是经过接种的人群仍然需要戴口罩,避免室内聚集等等。
        Once enough people get vaccinated, it will become very difficult for the coronavirus to find vulnerable people to infect. Depending on how quickly we as a society achieve that goal, life might start approaching something like normal by the fall 2021.        一旦有足够的人接种疫苗,新冠病毒要感染脆弱人群就很难了。生活可能会在2021年秋季开始趋于正常——这取决于我们作为一个社会达到这一目标的速度。
        If I’ve been vaccinated, do I still need to wear a mask?        如果已经接种了疫苗,还需要戴口罩吗?
        Yes, but not forever. The two vaccines that will potentially get authorized this month clearly protect people from getting sick with Covid-19. But the clinical trials that delivered these results were not designed to determine whether vaccinated people could still spread the coronavirus without developing symptoms. That remains a possibility. We know that people who are naturally infected by the coronavirus can spread it while they’re not experiencing any cough or other symptoms.        需要,但不用永远佩戴。本月有望获批的两种疫苗显然可以防止人们因新冠患病。但得出这些结果的临床试验,其目的并非确定接种疫苗的人是否会在无症状的情况下继续传播新冠病毒。这种可能性是仍然存在的。我们知道,自然感染新冠病毒的人可能在没有任何咳嗽或其他症状的情况下传播病毒。
        Researchers will be intensely studying this question as the vaccines roll out. In the meantime, even vaccinated people will need to think of themselves as possible spreaders.        随着疫苗的推出,研究人员将对这个问题进行深入研究。与此同时,即使是接种过疫苗的人,还是得把自己当成可能的传播者。
        Will it hurt? What are the side effects?        会痛吗?有什么副作用?
        The Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine is delivered as a shot in the arm, like other typical vaccines. The injection won’t be any different from ones you’ve gotten before. Tens of thousands of people have already received the vaccines, and none of them have reported any serious side effects. But some of them have felt short-lived discomfort, including aches and flu-like symptoms that last less than a day. It’s possible that people may need to plan to take a day off work or school after the second shot.        与其他典型的疫苗一样,辉瑞和BioNTech的疫苗是在手臂上注射的。这和你以前注射的疫苗不会有什么不同。成千上万的人已经接种了疫苗,但没有人报告任何严重副作用。但其中有些人会感到短暂不适,包括持续不到一天的疼痛和类似流感的症状。在第二次注射后,人们或许得做好向公司或学校请假一天的打算。
        While these experiences aren’t pleasant, they are a good sign: they are the result of your own immune system encountering the vaccine and mounting a potent response that will provide long-lasting immunity.        虽然接种的体验并不愉快,但这是一个好迹象:这些反应是你自身免疫系统遇到疫苗后产生强力反应的结果,从而能提供持久的免疫力。
        Does the vaccine affect fertility?        疫苗会影响生育吗?
        There’s no evidence that it does, and there’s good reason to think that it does not.        没有证据表明会有影响,而且我们有充分的理由认为不会有影响。
        Some claims have been floating around the web that coronavirus vaccines can harm a woman’s fertility. Their supposed evidence rests on the fact that most coronavirus vaccines work by creating antibodies that attack the virus’s “spike” protein, and this protein has a minor resemblance to a protein crucial for the formation of the placenta.        网上流传着一些说法,称新冠病毒疫苗会损害女性的生育能力。这种假设的证据基于这样一个事实,即大多数新冠病毒疫苗通过产生抗体来攻击病毒的“棘突”蛋白,而这种蛋白与一种对胎盘形成至关重要的蛋白质有些许相似。
        But that does not mean that the antibodies generated by coronavirus vaccines would attack a pregnant woman’s placenta. The region of the placental protein that’s similar to the spike is just too short to give the antibodies a grip.        但这不意味着新冠病毒疫苗产生的抗体会攻击孕妇的胎盘。胎盘蛋白中与那种棘突相似的区域太短了,抗体不可能抓得住。
        What’s more, the pandemic has brought a lot of evidence against the idea that the vaccine could threaten the placenta. When people get Covid-19, they fight off the coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2, by generating their own supply of spike antibodies. In recent months, researchers have carried out a number of studies on pregnant women to see if Covid-19 leads to miscarriages.        更重要的是,这场疫情中有许多证据可以反驳疫苗会对胎盘造成威胁的观点。当人们感染新冠时,身体会产生自己的棘突抗体来对抗被称为SARS-CoV-2的新冠病毒。近几个月来,研究人员对孕妇进行了多项研究,以确定新冠肺炎是否会导致流产。
        “And the consistent message is no, SARS-CoV-2 does not seem to induce miscarriage,” said Dr. Emily Miller, Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University. “If the placenta isn’t knocked out by antibodies generated from overt infection with SARS-COV-2, it is highly unlikely that it would get knocked out after vaccination.”        “一致的信息是不会,SARS-CoV-2似乎不能引起流产,”西北大学(Northwestern University)妇产系助理教授艾米莉·米勒(Emily Miller)说。“如果胎盘没有被显性感染SARS-CoV-2所产生的抗体破坏,那么它在接种疫苗后也不太可能遭到破坏。”

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