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‘76 Days’ Review: Fortitude on China’s Frontlines

来源:纽约时报    2020-12-08 10:14

        You hear variations on the phrase “Stay strong!” throughout “76 Days,” a humane chronicle of four hospitals in Wuhan, China early in the coronavirus pandemic. That’s because the medical staff, patients, and concerned relatives all grasp the vital importance of keeping up one’s spirits during the fight. When fear and uncertainty compounded the menace of the coronavirus, a few encouraging words or a (gloved) hand squeeze could mean a lot.        你会听到不同形式的“武汉加油!”贯穿于影片《76天》之中,本片人道地记录了新型冠状病毒大流行初期中国武汉四家医院的情况。这句话不断出现是因为,医护人员、病人和忧心忡忡的家属都明白,在抗击疫情的战斗中保持良好精神状态至关重要。在恐惧和不确定性加剧了新冠病毒威胁的时候,几句鼓励的话或(戴着手套的)捏一下手可能意义重大。
        For New Yorkers especially, the prospect of recalling the pandemic’s initial onslaught might sound less than inviting. But the filmmakers — Hao Wu, Weixi Chen, and a journalist credited as “Anonymous” — don’t simply replay horrors that were on endless loop in the spring. “76 Days,” which gets its title from the Wuhan lockdown imposed from January 23 to April 8, is defined more by the human capacity for resilience and compassion than by a relentless sense of doom (or by a focus on China’s policy decisions). Though the movie reckons with suffering, it’s also a workplace documentary about doctors and nurses doing their utmost to help, clad in full-body suits playfully decorated with doodles and writing.        让人回忆大流行初来乍到时候的情景,听起来也许并不那么诱人,尤其是对纽约人来说。但这部记录片的制作者——吴皓、陈玮曦和一名选择匿名的记者——并不是简单地把春天的恐怖场景无休止地重复展现给观众。片名《76天》来自武汉从1月23日到4月8日实施封城的天数,影片更多地呈现的是人类恢复的能力和同情心,而不是残酷的末日感(或聚焦中国的政策决定)。虽然影片中记录了痛苦,但也讲述了尽最大努力帮助患者的医生和护士的职场故事,他们从头到脚穿着防护服,有些防护服上还有打趣的文字和涂鸦。
        Their patients tend to be wearing street clothes, a familiar image which still has the effect of expressing how Covid-19 can catch victims unawares. The roving camera keeps returning to a few people (though names are largely avoided). A middle-aged couple, sick in separate rooms, pass messages to each other; a pregnant woman who tested positive goes through delivery and then anxiously quarantines with her husband; an older fellow, formerly a fisherman, roams the halls looking for an exit.        患者则通常穿着他们出门时穿的衣服,这个常见的场景仍有表达新冠病毒在不知不觉中感染人的效果。流动的镜头不断地回到几个人身上(尽管隐去了大多数人的名字)。一对中年夫妻住进了不同的病房,他们靠互递字条交流;一名病毒检测呈阳性的孕妇把孩子生下来后,焦虑地与丈夫一起隔离;一名曾是渔夫的老者,在大厅里转来转去寻找出口。
        Touch is at a premium in these circumstances, and Wu — who freely assembled the film in the United States from what his co-directors shot — brings out the attempts to connect. The progress of one patient who can’t speak is measured by her grip, as we see her holding onto a caring medical attendant, then later unresponsive. The film opens at a frantic run with a nurse racing to say goodbye to her deceased father, though she cannot hug him.        在这种环境中,触摸是弥足珍贵的事情,吴皓将进行这种联系的尝试表现出来——他在美国自由地将他的联合导演拍摄的东西编辑成影片。一名不能说话的患者的进展是通过她的握力来衡量的,我们在影片中看到她先是紧紧地抓住一名医护人员,但后来她不再有反应。人们在影片开场时看到一名疯狂奔跑的护士,她要向死去的父亲说再见,尽管她不能接触父亲的遗体。
        Outdoors, the sparse streets take time to recover. Wu (who directed “People’s Republic of Desire”) signals a turning of the corner through the young couple’s healthy baby daughter, and concludes with a recognition of grief. As the virus resurges across the world, “76 Days” suggests a way to face the future, with tears but perhaps also hope.        医院外人烟稀少的街道需要更长的时间恢复。(曾经执导《欲望共和国》的)吴浩用那对年轻夫妇生下的健康女儿来表达疫情进入了转折点,影片以承认悲痛结束。随着新冠病毒感染病例在全球再次激增,《76天》让人们看到了一种面对未来的方式,带着泪水,但可能也带着希望。
        76 Days Not rated. In Mandarin with subtitles. Running time: 1 hour 33 minutes. Watch through virtual cinemas.        《76天》未分级。语言:中文,配有英文字幕。片长:1小时33分钟。在网上影院观看。

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