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【健康】香港大学新研究:接种两剂科兴疫苗无法抵御奥密克戎  Hong Kong researchers find that two doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine are inade   2021-12-16 10:13
【新闻】报告称朝鲜十年内处决数名观看或传播K-pop视频者  North Korea Executes People for Watching K-Pop, Rights Group Says   2021-12-16 04:46
【新闻】美国新冠死亡人数突破80万 多数死亡“本来可以避免”  'A terrible tragedy’: US passes 800,000 Covid deaths – highest in the wo   2021-12-15 15:21
【新闻】布林肯访问东南亚,强调软实力制衡中国  Blinken, in Indonesia, Stresses Soft Power to Counter China   2021-12-15 11:28
【新闻】盘点:2021年发生的暖心好事  Illustration of the best news from 2021   2021-12-15 09:08
【文化】《纽约时报》2021年度最佳电影  Best Movies of 2021   2021-12-15 04:56
【新闻】美国这一波龙卷风有多厉害?一张老照片被刮到200公里外  Photo from tornado-damaged home lands almost 130 miles away   2021-12-14 16:08
【新闻】黎智英因参与“六四”纪念活动获刑13个月  Hong Kong Court Sentences Jimmy Lai to Prison Over Tiananmen Vigil   2021-12-14 11:48
【新闻】“地球黑匣子”:记录人类文明崩溃之日  Earth Is Getting a ‘Black Box’ to Hold Humans Accountable for Climate Change   2021-12-14 04:55
【新闻】日本研发出新型口罩 遇新冠病毒能在紫外线下发光  Japanese scientists are developing face masks that glow under UV light if the we   2021-12-13 14:38
【商业】阿里性侵事件当事女员工遭解雇  Alibaba Dismisses Employee Who Accused Her Boss of Rape   2021-12-13 10:32
【科技】研究预测:全球人口将在2064年达到顶峰  World population set to decline for the first time in centuries says study   2021-12-13 08:00
【商业】美国等国协调控制技术出口,打击中俄“数字威权主义”  U.S. and Others Pledge Export Controls Tied to Human Rights   2021-12-13 02:31
【体育】除了外交抵制北京冬奥会,赞助商也不该沉默  A Diplomatic Boycott Is a Start. Sponsors Should Act Next.   2021-12-13 02:26
【新闻】学习外语的7个错误观念     2021-12-12 08:00
【科技】关灯玩手机,对眼睛危害有多大?网友:吓得我马上开灯!  Staring at your mobile phone in the dark could harm your eyes   2021-12-11 09:00
【新闻】疫情期间美国离职潮引发“劝留”面谈  Employers roll out 'stay' interviews as record number of Americans walk    2021-12-10 14:41
【新闻】尼加拉瓜宣布与台湾断交,转向中国  Taiwan Loses Nicaragua as Ally as Tensions With China Rise   2021-12-10 12:27
【新闻】关于外交抵制奥运会,你需要了解的的几个关键问题  The Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Explained   2021-12-10 10:06
【新闻】拜登“民主峰会”开幕:“艰难时期”的美国如何捍卫民主  Biden Rallies Global Democracies as U.S. Hits a ‘Rough Patch’   2021-12-10 04:24

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