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【健康】香港大学新研究:接种两剂科兴疫苗无法抵御奥密克戎  Hong Kong researchers find that two doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine are inade   2021-12-16 10:13
  A new study from researchers at the University of Hong Kong found that people who received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine made by the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac were unable to neutralize the new, highly infectious Omicron variant.

【新闻】报告称朝鲜十年内处决数名观看或传播K-pop视频者  North Korea Executes People for Watching K-Pop, Rights Group Says   2021-12-16 04:46
  SEOUL — North Korea has publicly executed at least seven people in the past decade for watching or distributing K-pop videos from South Korea, as it cracks down on what its leader, Kim Jong-un, calls a “vicious cancer,” according to a human rights report released on Wednesday.

【新闻】美国新冠死亡人数突破80万 多数死亡“本来可以避免”  'A terrible tragedy’: US passes 800,000 Covid deaths – highest in the wo   2021-12-15 15:21
  The US death toll from Covid-19 has passed 800,000, a once-unimaginable figure seen as doubly tragic given that more than 200,000 of those lives were lost after vaccines became available last spring.

【新闻】布林肯访问东南亚,强调软实力制衡中国  Blinken, in Indonesia, Stresses Soft Power to Counter China   2021-12-15 11:28
  JAKARTA, Indonesia — Downplaying direct confrontation between the United States and China, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken on Tuesday pledged to strengthen relations with Indo-Pacific nations through billions of dollars in American investment and aid and, in doing so, counter Beijing’s regional pull.

【新闻】盘点:2021年发生的暖心好事  Illustration of the best news from 2021   2021-12-15 09:08

【文化】《纽约时报》2021年度最佳电影  Best Movies of 2021   2021-12-15 04:56
  A.O. Scott


【新闻】美国这一波龙卷风有多厉害?一张老照片被刮到200公里外  Photo from tornado-damaged home lands almost 130 miles away   2021-12-14 16:08
  When Katie Posten walked outside Saturday morning to her car parked in her driveway, she saw something that looked like a note or receipt stuck to the windshield.12月11日早上,凯蒂·波斯顿走到她停在车道上的汽车旁时,看到挡风玻璃上贴着一张像是纸条或收据的东西。
  She grabbed it and saw it was a black and white photo of a woman in a striped sundress and headscarf holding a little boy in her lap. On the back, written in cursive, it said, “Gertie Swatzell & J.D. Swatzell 1942.” A few hours later, Posten would discover that the photo had made quite a journey - almost 130 miles (209 kilometers) on the back of monstrous winds.她拿起来才发现是一张黑白照,照片上一个女人穿着条纹背心裙,戴着头巾,腿上抱着一个小男孩。背面用连体字写着:“格蒂·斯瓦泽尔和J.D.斯瓦泽尔1942”。几个小时后,波斯顿发现这张照片经历了一段相当长的旅程,被龙卷风从大约209公里之外的地方刮过来的。

【新闻】黎智英因参与“六四”纪念活动获刑13个月  Hong Kong Court Sentences Jimmy Lai to Prison Over Tiananmen Vigil   2021-12-14 11:48
  HONG KONG — A Hong Kong court on Monday sentenced the former media mogul Jimmy Lai and seven other prominent pro-democracy activists to prison for their roles last year in trying to commemorate Beijing’s June 4, 1989, crackdown on peaceful protesters in Tiananmen Square.

【新闻】“地球黑匣子”:记录人类文明崩溃之日  Earth Is Getting a ‘Black Box’ to Hold Humans Accountable for Climate Change   2021-12-14 04:55
  In a remote part of Australia, a steel vault about the size of a school bus will record the Earth’s warming weather patterns. It will listen to what we say and do. It will create an archive that could be critical to piecing together the missteps, its creators say, should humanity be destroyed by climate change.

【新闻】日本研发出新型口罩 遇新冠病毒能在紫外线下发光  Japanese scientists are developing face masks that glow under UV light if the we   2021-12-13 14:38
  A team of Japanese scientists has created a prototype for a mask filter that glows under ultraviolet light and reveals traces of the COVID-19 virus if the wearer is infected.

【商业】阿里性侵事件当事女员工遭解雇  Alibaba Dismisses Employee Who Accused Her Boss of Rape   2021-12-13 10:32
  Alibaba, China’s e-commerce giant, has dismissed a woman who accused a superior of raping her during a business trip in July, a case that has highlighted the toxic workplace culture of the country’s tech industry and the hurdles Chinese women face when they experience sexual harassment or assault.

【科技】研究预测:全球人口将在2064年达到顶峰  World population set to decline for the first time in centuries says study   2021-12-13 08:00

【商业】美国等国协调控制技术出口,打击中俄“数字威权主义”  U.S. and Others Pledge Export Controls Tied to Human Rights   2021-12-13 02:31
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration announced a partnership on Friday with Australia, Denmark, Norway, Canada, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom to try to stem the flow of sensitive technologies to authoritarian governments.

【体育】除了外交抵制北京冬奥会,赞助商也不该沉默  A Diplomatic Boycott Is a Start. Sponsors Should Act Next.   2021-12-13 02:26
  The decision by President Biden to have his administration steer clear of the Beijing Winter Olympics is not enough.

【新闻】学习外语的7个错误观念     2021-12-12 08:00
  There are over 6,000 languages in the world. Some are more important than others, not better or more advanced, just more important. Why? Because they are spoken by more people, in more countries. That does not mean that Finnish is not important to the Finns, and Maori is not important to the Maoris. It is just that these languages are not so important to the rest of us.

【科技】关灯玩手机,对眼睛危害有多大?网友:吓得我马上开灯!  Staring at your mobile phone in the dark could harm your eyes   2021-12-11 09:00
  Researchers have found high levels of looking at a phone or tablet is linked with around a 30 percent higher risk of short-sightedness, also known as myopia. But when it is combined with excessive computer use, that risk rose to around 80 percent.研究人员发现,长时间盯着手机或平板电脑会使患近视的风险增加约30%。但如果再加上过度使用电脑,这种风险将上升到80%左右。

【新闻】疫情期间美国离职潮引发“劝留”面谈  Employers roll out 'stay' interviews as record number of Americans walk    2021-12-10 14:41
  Americans are walking away from their jobs in record numbers as remote work has uncoupled jobs from geography, and droves of employees are re-evaluating the relationships they have with their employers.

【新闻】尼加拉瓜宣布与台湾断交,转向中国  Taiwan Loses Nicaragua as Ally as Tensions With China Rise   2021-12-10 12:27
  Nicaragua has broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan in favor of China, further reducing the number of countries that still recognize the self-governing island as a sovereign nation.

【新闻】关于外交抵制奥运会,你需要了解的的几个关键问题  The Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Explained   2021-12-10 10:06
  The United States this week announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics in February, a move that was quickly followed by Australia, Britain and Canada.

【新闻】拜登“民主峰会”开幕:“艰难时期”的美国如何捍卫民主  Biden Rallies Global Democracies as U.S. Hits a ‘Rough Patch’   2021-12-10 04:24
  WASHINGTON — A few days before President Biden’s Summit for Democracy, a virtual meeting of more than 100 countries that opened Thursday morning, the Chinese foreign ministry released a stinging report about the American democratic system.

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