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【新闻】从“爱国教育”到政治灌输:普京带领俄罗斯社会走向军事化  How the Kremlin Is Militarizing Russian Society   2021-12-23 05:19
  MOSCOW — Stepping onto a podium in heavy boots and military fatigues at a ceremony outside Moscow, six teenagers accepted awards for an increasingly important discipline in Russia: patriotism.

【新闻】哈佛知名教授隐瞒参与中国“千人计划”被定罪  In a Boston Court, a Harsh Spotlight Falls on a Heavyweight of Science   2021-12-23 04:21
  BOSTON — Charles Lieber, one of the country’s top research chemists, sat miserably in a chair at the Harvard Police Department, trying to explain to two F.B.I. agents why he had agreed to partner with a lesser-known Chinese university in a relationship that had soured and landed him in trouble with the U.S. government.

【新闻】太吸睛!越南造型师把头发做成盛放的花朵形状  Talented hairstylist creates spectacular flower-shaped designs   2021-12-22 14:26
  Nguyen Phat Tri, a young hairstylist from Vietnam, has been getting a lot of attention for his eye-catching floral hair designs.

【体育】NHL球员将缺席北京冬奥会冰球比赛  N.H.L. Players Will Skip Beijing Olympics   2021-12-22 12:30
  National Hockey League players will not participate in the 2022 Beijing Olympics, a reversal of plans announced in September and a signal of the fears rippling through sports about how the worsening coronavirus pandemic could derail seasons and competitions worldwide.
  国家冰球联盟(National Hockey League,简称NHL)球员将不参加2022年北京奥运会,这推翻了9月宣布的计划,同时也是一个信号,表明体育界担心不断恶化的新冠病毒大流行可能会破坏世界各地的赛季和比赛。

【新闻】2021献礼建党百年影视剧盘点,这10部佳作你都看了吗?  Year-ender: Major revolutionary films and TV dramas from 2021   2021-12-22 09:35

【新闻】关于冬至的趣味小知识  4 facts about the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year   2021-12-21 14:49

【新闻】秘密文件揭美军空袭行动六大问题:平民死亡人数被低估  What to Know About the Civilian Casualty Files   2021-12-21 10:33
  In the years since American boots on the ground gave way to a war of airstrikes in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, the U.S. military has made a central promise: that precision bombs and drones would kill enemies while minimizing the risks to civilians.

【文化】2021年最受关注的名人  The Year in Stars   2021-12-21 05:54
  For centuries, the stars have been used as a guide, their shimmering specks in the sky leading the way through darkness. They have been imbued with subjective meaning and held up as a mirror for the human condition.

【科技】“鸟不是真的”:美国Z世代用荒诞戏仿对抗阴谋论  Birds Aren’t Real, or Are They? Inside a Gen Z Conspiracy Theory.   2021-12-21 04:37
  In Pittsburgh, Memphis and Los Angeles, massive billboards recently popped up declaring, “Birds Aren’t Real.”
  最近,匹兹堡、孟菲斯和洛杉矶出现了巨大的广告牌,上面写着“鸟不是真的”(Birds Aren’t Real)。

【文化】文革后的“北京之春”:艺术能真正改变世界吗?  ‘Beijing Spring’ Review: The Politics of Aesthetics   2021-12-21 01:24
  Can art effect real change in the world? To this ever-urgent question, “Beijing Spring” — a new documentary about the titular movement for democratic expression that exploded in the wake of the Cultural Revolution in China — responds with a resounding yes.
  艺术能够给世界带来真正的改变吗?对于这个越来越迫切的问题,《北京之春》(Beijing Spring)给出了掷地有声的明确回答。这部新纪录片讲述了在中国文化大革命结束后,为争取民主表达而爆发的同名运动。

【新闻】为何美国亚裔和黑人难以实现团结?  In Fight Against Violence, Asian and Black Activists Struggle to Agree   2021-12-21 01:03
  OAKLAND, Calif. — This spring, Black political leaders and civil rights activists delivered a message to Asian Americans: We stand with you.

【体育】艾玛·拉杜卡努获评BBC年度体育人物  Sports Personality of the Year 2021: Emma Raducanu crowned winner   2021-12-20 15:16
  Teenage US Open champion Emma Raducanu has been voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2021.

【新闻】香港立法会选举:新选举制度如何强化北京控制  How Hong Kong’s ‘Patriots Only’ Elections Bolster Beijing’s Grip   2021-12-20 12:20
  HONG KONG — On the surface, Hong Kong’s legislative election on Sunday is like any such poll the city has held, but its differences are stark. This time, candidates have been vetted by national security bodies. Several people have been arrested after calling for a boycott. Dozens of veteran pro-democracy figures, either in jail or in exile, are absent from the campaign trail. And partial turnout results suggested that voters were spurning the election in potentially record numbers.

【新闻】北京冬奥会将设三个冬奥村 食堂是亮点  Finishing touches made to 2022 Olympic villages   2021-12-20 09:14
  With the countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics entering the final 50 days, finishing touches are being made to the Games villages and COVID-19 safety measures have been finalized.

【健康】早期研究表明大部分疫苗基本无法预防感染奥密克戎  Most of the World’s Vaccines Likely Won’t Prevent Infection From Omicron   2021-12-20 06:00
  A growing body of preliminary research suggests the Covid vaccines used in most of the world offer almost no defense against becoming infected by the highly contagious Omicron variant.

【新闻】关于人生的名人名言     2021-12-19 08:00
  1. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

【健康】扛不住了!韩国叫停与病毒共存模式,禁止5人及以上社交聚会  South Korea bans gatherings of 5 or more people amid virus surge   2021-12-17 15:05
  South Korea will prohibit private social gatherings of five or more people nationwide and force restaurants to close at 9 pm, rolling out the country's toughest coronavirus restrictions.韩国将实施该国迄今为止最严厉的新冠防疫措施,在全国范围内禁止5人及以上的私人社交聚会,并强制餐馆在晚上9点关门。
  Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said Thursday that the new measures will be enforced for at least 16 days after taking effect on Saturday.韩国总理金富谦12月16日表示,新的措施将在18日生效,之后至少实施16天。

【商业】美国将数十家中国企业和机构列入受限实体名单  U.S. Cracks Down on Firms Said to Aid China’s Repression of Minorities   2021-12-17 11:34
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration said on Thursday that it would put limits on doing business with a group of Chinese companies and institutions it says are involved in misusing biotechnology to surveil and repress Muslim minorities in China and advancing Beijing’s military programs.

【新闻】担忧台海冲突,日本在近台湾岛屿部署导弹发射器  The Island Paradise Near the Front Line of Tensions Over Taiwan   2021-12-17 05:44
  ISHIGAKI, Japan — For decades, Testuhiro Kinjo’s biggest worry was defending his mango trees against typhoons and marauding insects.

【健康】研究:奥密克戎病毒在支气管的繁殖速度比德尔塔快70倍  Omicron found to grow 70 times faster than Delta in bronchial tissue   2021-12-16 14:21
  The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of coronavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus, the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission.

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