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【新闻】非洲多国收到西方国家濒临过期疫苗  Providing nearly expired vaccines seen as violation of human rights   2021-12-31 08:00
【新闻】新的一年人们怎么吃?2022年美食潮流预测  How Will Americans Eat in 2022? The Food Forecasters Speak.   2021-12-31 05:09
【经济】葡萄酒开盖后能保存多久?  How long does a bottle of wine generally last once it's opened?   2021-12-30 15:13
【商业】2021年社会趋势背后的“经济课”  What Social Trends Told Us About the American Economy in 2021   2021-12-30 02:01
【新闻】6个迹象表明你的工作环境“有毒”  6 signs you have a toxic workplace   2021-12-29 14:46
【科技】2021年优秀科技大赏  The 2021 Good Tech Awards   2021-12-29 10:15
【教育】期末考试,你看我还有机会吗?  5 Essential Steps to Cram for a Test Without Losing Your Mind   2021-12-29 08:00
【健康】严防死守还是放松限制?奥密克戎给防疫政策带来新课题  Fears of Omicron’s Rapid Spread Are Tempered by Signs of Milder Illness   2021-12-29 03:15
【新闻】德国兴起香肠自动售货机 生鲜肉食触手可及  Sausage vending machines are a thing in Germany   2021-12-27 14:20
【新闻】欧洲再次陷入感染潮,与病毒共存政策渐成主流  Europeans Ponder Living With, Not Defeating, Covid   2021-12-27 10:30
【商业】世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元  World's first SMS sold as NFT for $150,000 at Paris auction house   2021-12-27 08:00
【新闻】日本企业为何不愿给员工加薪?  Why Even a 40% Tax Break Won’t Move Japan’s Employers to Raise Pay   2021-12-27 05:11
【新闻】韦伯太空望远镜升空:史上最大最昂贵,将探索宇宙起源  James Webb Space Telescope Launches on Journey to See the Dawn of Starlight   2021-12-27 01:30
【新闻】“煤气灯效应”上热搜,这几种有毒的“情感关系”也要注意了……  Gaslighting is the modern dating trend could leave you damaged   2021-12-25 08:00
【新闻】关于圣诞树 你不知道的6件事  6 facts you might not know about Christmas trees   2021-12-24 13:40
【商业】英特尔为涉疆言论道歉,曾要求避免使用新疆产品和劳动力  Intel apologizes over statement on forced labor in Xinjiang.   2021-12-24 10:29
【体育】冬奥会临近,北京制定迄今为止最严格的防疫规定  As Olympics Near, China Tightens Rules and Athletes Invent Their Own   2021-12-24 03:41
【新闻】美国药监局批准首款新冠口服治疗药物  FDA authorizes 1st antiviral pill for COVID   2021-12-23 14:50
【新闻】研究称亲中国虚假信息传播网络仍在积极活动  Pro-China misinformation group continues spreading messages, researchers say.   2021-12-23 12:05
【新闻】感染奥密克戎会出现哪些症状?  What Are the Symptoms of Omicron?   2021-12-23 11:27

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