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【新闻】非洲多国收到西方国家濒临过期疫苗  Providing nearly expired vaccines seen as violation of human rights   2021-12-31 08:00

【新闻】新的一年人们怎么吃?2022年美食潮流预测  How Will Americans Eat in 2022? The Food Forecasters Speak.   2021-12-31 05:09
  Last year at this time, optimistic trend forecasters predicted that the cork would burst from the bottle by summer. With vaccines in arms, food culture would vibrate in a robust economy. American menus would be full of innovation driven by waves of international travel, and a new generation of digital-native cooks would rewrite the rules.

【经济】葡萄酒开盖后能保存多久?  How long does a bottle of wine generally last once it's opened?   2021-12-30 15:13
  There are many stuffy rules about wine, from the type of container it should come in to how expensive it should be. One common myth is that a bottle of wine should be fully consumed the same day it's opened. While it's true that vino does start to oxidize the moment the cork comes out, that's no reason to guzzle a liter of it all by yourself, or pour your leftover liquid down the drain. According to Bon Appétit, an open bottle of wine is still good for several days—as long as you know how to store it properly.

【商业】2021年社会趋势背后的“经济课”  What Social Trends Told Us About the American Economy in 2021   2021-12-30 02:01
  If 2020 was the year that made Zoom a verb and imbued the phrase “online dating” with new meaning, 2021 was its annoying younger sibling. Things were not quite as novel and scary as the darkest early days of the pandemic and initial state and local lockdowns, but the year found new and creative ways to be bad.

【新闻】6个迹象表明你的工作环境“有毒”  6 signs you have a toxic workplace   2021-12-29 14:46
  1. There’s an abject lack of communication

【科技】2021年优秀科技大赏  The 2021 Good Tech Awards   2021-12-29 10:15
  In the tech industry, 2021 was a year of profits and pivots.

【教育】期末考试,你看我还有机会吗?  5 Essential Steps to Cram for a Test Without Losing Your Mind   2021-12-29 08:00

【健康】严防死守还是放松限制?奥密克戎给防疫政策带来新课题  Fears of Omicron’s Rapid Spread Are Tempered by Signs of Milder Illness   2021-12-29 03:15
  The Omicron variant is blazing around the world with such speed that even the leader of Israel, one of the most highly vaccinated countries, warned on Tuesday that it cannot be stopped.

【新闻】德国兴起香肠自动售货机 生鲜肉食触手可及  Sausage vending machines are a thing in Germany   2021-12-27 14:20
  Food cravings don't operate on a set schedule. They can strike at any time, like during the late-night hours when most businesses are closed for the day. As the Independent reports, Germany has come up with an ingenious solution to this common inconvenience: 24-hour sausage vending machines that are accessible when the butcher is away.

【新闻】欧洲再次陷入感染潮,与病毒共存政策渐成主流  Europeans Ponder Living With, Not Defeating, Covid   2021-12-27 10:30
  MADRID — Covid-19 infections were rising all across Spain, but the message from the country’s leader was clear: The government was not entering 2022 with the restrictions of 2020.

【商业】世界上第一条短信售出 成交价近15万美元  World's first SMS sold as NFT for $150,000 at Paris auction house   2021-12-27 08:00
  The world's first SMS has been sold as a non-fungible token (NFT) for $149,729 (€132,680) at auction in Paris, according to the auctioneer Aguttes.据法国奥古特拍卖行称,世界上第一条短信在巴黎的拍卖会以149729美元(约合人民币95.4万元)的价格作为非同质化代币(NFT)售出。
  Reading "Merry Christmas," the message was sent by British programmer Neil Papworth from his computer on December 3, 1992 to Richard Jarvis, then director of UK telecommunications company Vodafone.1992年12月3日,英国程序员尼尔·帕普沃思在电脑上向时任英国电信公司沃达丰总监的理查德·贾维斯发送了一条“圣诞快乐”的短信。

【新闻】日本企业为何不愿给员工加薪?  Why Even a 40% Tax Break Won’t Move Japan’s Employers to Raise Pay   2021-12-27 05:11
  TOKYO — Over the last two years, Masataka Yoshimura has poured money into the custom-suit business his family founded more than a century ago. He has upgraded his factory, installed automated inventory management systems and retrained workers who have been replaced by software and robots.

【新闻】韦伯太空望远镜升空:史上最大最昂贵,将探索宇宙起源  James Webb Space Telescope Launches on Journey to See the Dawn of Starlight   2021-12-27 01:30
  The dreams and work of a generation of astronomers headed for an orbit around the sun on Saturday in the form of the biggest and most expensive space-based observatory ever built. The James Webb Space Telescope, a joint effort of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency, lifted off from a spaceport near the Equator in Kourou, French Guiana, a teetering pillar of fire and smoke embarking on a million-mile trip to the morning of time.

【新闻】“煤气灯效应”上热搜,这几种有毒的“情感关系”也要注意了……  Gaslighting is the modern dating trend could leave you damaged   2021-12-25 08:00
  US-based author of The Gaslight Effect, Dr Robin Stern, outlined the insidious nature of gaslighting, writing: "It's a form of emotional abuse and manipulation that is difficult to recognize and even harder to break free from."《煤气灯效应》的美国作者Robin Stern博士指出了“煤气灯”的阴险本质:“这是一种难以识别的情感虐待和操纵,甚至更难以摆脱。”

【新闻】关于圣诞树 你不知道的6件事  6 facts you might not know about Christmas trees   2021-12-24 13:40

【商业】英特尔为涉疆言论道歉,曾要求避免使用新疆产品和劳动力  Intel apologizes over statement on forced labor in Xinjiang.   2021-12-24 10:29
  Intel apologized on Thursday after a letter in which the chip maker said it would avoid products and labor from Xinjiang set off an outcry on Chinese social media, making it the latest American company caught between the world’s two largest economies.

【体育】冬奥会临近,北京制定迄今为止最严格的防疫规定  As Olympics Near, China Tightens Rules and Athletes Invent Their Own   2021-12-24 03:41
  Athletes and sports officials around the world have for months been viewing the approaching Winter Olympics in Beijing, set to take place in February amid a still-raging pandemic, with a mixture of apprehension and weariness. Now, a global surge of cases tied to the highly contagious Omicron variant has given them all the more reason to be on edge.

【新闻】美国药监局批准首款新冠口服治疗药物  FDA authorizes 1st antiviral pill for COVID   2021-12-23 14:50
  In a highly anticipated decision, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the first antiviral pill to treat COVID-19 at home.

【新闻】研究称亲中国虚假信息传播网络仍在积极活动  Pro-China misinformation group continues spreading messages, researchers say.   2021-12-23 12:05
  Two years ago, researchers uncovered details about a disinformation network that made a coordinated effort to push Chinese government messaging outside the country. Now, a separate research group says the network is still at it, despite efforts by social media companies to stop it.

【新闻】感染奥密克戎会出现哪些症状?  What Are the Symptoms of Omicron?   2021-12-23 11:27
  With cases of Omicron rising throughout the United States, Americans are scrambling to distinguish the symptoms of this new variant from those of other coronavirus variants, including Delta.

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