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【体育】14年后,外国记者背08年奥运会媒体包参与北京冬奥:质量非常好  Foreign media workers carry backpacks received at Beijing 2008 all the way to Be   2022-01-12 08:00
  Foreign reporters have been seen carrying around bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work inside the media center for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.有人发现,一些外国记者在北京2022年冬奥会媒体中心工作时,随身携带着2008年北京夏季奥运会的背包。

【健康】为什么中年女性容易有小肚子?  Why Do Women Gain Belly Fat in Midlife?   2022-01-12 04:27
   Q: I’m a woman in my late 40s and for the first time I’ve developed belly fat. Is there any way to target it through diet or exercise?

【新闻】巴士还是火车?日本推出世界第一辆“双模车”  Introducing the bus-train, the world’s first dual-mode vehicle   2022-01-11 14:21
  Japan recently unveiled the world’s first Dual-Mode Vehicle (DMV), a contraption that runs both on roads, like a bus, and on rails, like a train.

【旅游】不一样的“52个地方”:为一个巨变的世界挑选旅行目的地  The World Has Changed, So Has ‘52 Places’   2022-01-11 11:39
  This year, the second in a row, the Times Travel desk faced the challenge of creating one of our signature pieces of journalism, the annual “52 Places” list, in a world turned upside down.

【健康】过去的一年,你“萎靡”了吗?  There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing   2022-01-11 10:52
  At first, I didn’t recognize the symptoms that we all had in common. Friends mentioned that they were having trouble concentrating. Colleagues reported that even with vaccines on the horizon, they weren’t excited about 2021. A family member was staying up late to watch “National Treasure again even though she knows the movie by heart. And instead of bouncing out of bed at 6 a.m., I was lying there until 7, playing Words with Friends.
  一开始,我没有意识到这个我们共有的症状。朋友们说自己很难集中注意力。同事们说即使疫苗即将问世,他们对2021年也没多少期待。有一位家人虽然对《国家宝藏》(National Treasure)了如指掌,但还是再次熬夜观看这部电影。我早上6点醒来,不是马上起床,而是躺在床上玩填字游戏直到7点。

【新闻】人类首次成功接受猪心脏移植,患者术后状况良好  In a First, Man Receives a Heart From a Genetically Altered Pig   2022-01-11 03:04
  A 57-year-old man with life-threatening heart disease has received a heart from a genetically modified pig, a groundbreaking procedure that offers hope to hundreds of thousands of patients with failing organs.

【旅游】2022年最值得去的52个地方  52 Places for a Changed World   2022-01-11 02:30
  Chioggia, Italy

【新闻】2022年佳片前瞻(下)  10 films to watch in 2022 (partⅡ)   2022-01-10 17:32
  The Worst Person in the World 《世界上最糟糕的人》
  If you're lucky, you can get through your 20s with none of the restrictions you had as a child, and none of the responsibilities which come later. But what should you do with all that freedom? It's a question that puzzles Julie (Renate Reinsve) in Joachim Trier's bittersweet romantic comedy drama, The Worst Person in the World. Divided into 12 chapters, this film follows Julie through her early adulthood in Oslo as she tries to decide which job and which man are right for her. According to viewers who have seen it at festivals and preview screenings, The Worst Person in the World is one of the Best Films in the World. It currently has a score of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, Barack Obama included it on his list of favourite movies of 2021, and the luminous Reinsve won the best actress prize at Cannes.

【新闻】韩总统候选人拉票新招:医保管脱发,脱发成大选前热门话题  South Korea should fund hair loss treatment, says election hopeful in bald bid f   2022-01-10 08:00
  South Korea’s ruling party presidential candidate has ignited a fierce debate after proposing that the country’s public healthcare insurance should cover hair loss treatment.韩国执政党总统候选人提出该国的公共医疗保险应涵盖脱发治疗,该言论引发激烈讨论。
  Lee Jae-myung, the flagbearer of the Democratic party, said almost 10 million people suffer from hair loss but many of them order medicines from overseas or resort to prostate drugs as an alternative due to high treatment costs.民主党总统候选人李在明表示,近1000万人有脱发困扰,但由于治疗费用高昂,许多人只能从海外订购药物或使用前列腺疾病药物作为替代药。

【新闻】“为什么冬季容易情绪低落”上热搜,原来冬天也需要预防抑郁……  Tips for Dealing With Seasonal Affective Disorder   2022-01-08 08:00

【新闻】2022年佳片前瞻(上)  10 films to watch in 2022 (partⅠ)   2022-01-07 17:00
  This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last May's Cannes Film Festival – and it's easy to see why. Mamoru Hosoda's dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-school soap opera, a superhero action movie and a science-fiction mystery all rolled into one. More than that, the film is a technical marvel in which every frame sparkles with a seemingly infinite array of tiny details. Its heroine is a Japanese schoolgirl who is too shy to sing in real life, but becomes a world-famous pop star in a virtual-reality community. Everyone is desperate to uncover the true identity of her pink-haired, blue-eyed alter ego – and when Belle meets the mysterious, monstrous Beast online, she is desperate to work out who he is, too.

【体育】关于北京冬奥会的重要疑问以及回答  2022 Beijing Winter Olympics: Answers to Some Big Questions   2022-01-06 12:40
  The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing are right around the corner, with all kinds of questions — about international politics, public health and, yes, even sports — hanging over them.

【新闻】德约科维奇不打疫苗参加澳网引发众怒:卫冕冠军有特权?  ‘Appalling message’: outrage over Novak Djokovic’s medical exemption to pl   2022-01-06 08:00

【科技】“女版乔布斯”的覆灭:硅谷创业神话时代终结  The Epic Rise and Fall of Elizabeth Holmes   2022-01-06 07:15
  SAN FRANCISCO — Near the end of Elizabeth Holmes’s criminal trial, her lawyers submitted into evidence her punishing self-improvement plan.

【商业】抗议者围聚恒大广州办公室外要求还钱  With Property Sales Plunging, China Evergrande Faces More Protests   2022-01-05 11:36
  Protesters gathered outside China Evergrande offices in Guangzhou on Tuesday to demand that the indebted real estate developer give them their money back, as the company’s sales across China continued to plunge.

【健康】世卫组织:人类将在2022年战胜新冠疫情  Covid-19: WHO chief optimistic disease will be beaten in 2022   2022-01-04 14:49
  The World Health Organization (WHO) chief says he is optimistic that the coronavirus pandemic will be defeated in 2022, provided countries work together to contain its spread.

【商业】红毯仪式与礼炮庆祝:恒大称将偿还债务、交付楼盘  What Default? With Confetti and Fanfare, Evergrande Says It’s Ready to Build.   2022-01-04 12:40
  To mark the completion of a residential complex called World City, the indebted property giant China Evergrande Group held an elaborate red carpet ceremony on Monday, with eight cannons firing off confetti before a cheering crowd. The company then released a series of images featuring newly completed buildings covered with bright red decorations.

【经济】2021全球十大富豪资产增长超4000亿美元,马斯克身价暴涨千亿美元  World's 10 richest people gained $400 billion in wealth in 2021   2022-01-04 08:00
  The world's 10 richest people added $402 billion to their collective net worth in 2021, making it a banner year for the ultra-wealthy.2021年是超级富豪的得意之年,这一年全球十大富豪的总净资产增加了4020亿美元(约合人民币25623亿元)。
  As the year came to an end, Tesla CEO Elon Musk was the biggest winner, adding $121 billion to his fortune, which is now the largest in the world at $277 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. 随着2021年落下帷幕,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克成为最大赢家,他的财富增加了1210亿美元(约合人民币7713亿元)。根据彭博亿万富翁指数,马斯克现在资产为2770亿美元(约合人民币17656亿元),成为全球首富。

【新闻】盘点:世界各地过新年的奇葩传统  5 creepy New Year superstitions that'll keep you up past midnight   2021-12-31 14:58
  Back in the day, residents of Ireland would bang loaves against doors and walls just before midnight to ward off any angry apparitions or problematic phantoms that might be lurking. Whacking bread against the wall is also believed to send bad luck packing and ensure that your family won't go hungry for the next 12 months.

【新闻】韦伯望远镜:在一个分裂的世界,用科学跨越政治分歧  A World Divided by Covid and Other Ills United to Explore Space   2021-12-31 10:16
  America was a nation divided, but that did not stop it from building parts of the James Webb Space Telescope in a red state and testing them in a blue one.

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